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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 2 hours ago, sletraveler said:

    US says too many stupid people wearing maps unnecessarily and therefore creating a shortage for those that actually need them.  Like healthcare workers.

    Going to swampy this week and I guess I should don my swimming mask, hood, and breather.  Or maybe nothing at all.

    These masks would probably work better (than nothing at all) with Bangkok pollution. I have one friend who absolutely refuses to wear a mask in Bangkok. He says: "If I were smart, I wouldn't be here.". :stoner:


    I wear the TG-50SV dust/fume mask available at HomePro for 119 baht and online at several websites. Comes with spare filter and its filter can be easily augmented. I've seen it advertised as an N95 with particulate stoppage down to .3 microns (although hard to believe - I augment with 3M N95 PM2.5 filter material obtained from a 35 baht 3M disposable mask - just in case):




    If you want to get price-gouged you can buy it from SIRA Safety for 390 baht (more than 3X HomePro's price) HERE.



  2. Current U.S. Government Congress (HR) and Unelected Bureaucrats are the worst in America's history - Iran president


    Note: This thread was not necessarily a condemnation of President Trump by it's very title. Maybe Rouhani was a little afraid of hellfire and damnation (from a Reaper RPV, for example) so he didn't name names? Or did he? If I were naming names of bad creatures of the DC Swamp, Nancy Pelosi would be at the top of the list. A sober, non-Trump-hating history will, I'm sure, bear me out.


    Or shall we blame everything bad on long-ago President Buchanan for not stopping the American Civil War and for all the bad happenings since. We'll have to ask the "consensus of American historians", I guess. Anyway, I thought "historians" dealt with history and not unfolding current events.



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  3. On 1/27/2020 at 4:07 PM, Chrysaora said:

    The recent survey here showed that only 6 percent had an air purifier.  

    I have 3.


    Foolish people.

    I have three also, but two of the three are modified or built from scratch (aka "home made") and all three are using modified Hatari (alleged) HEPA filters.


    One of them is a modified PerfectBrandz PBC-333 evaporative cooler that I slapped an older Hatari (alleged) HEPA filter on it's intake and made the unit as air-tight as possible with packing tape. The only modification to the filter was that I removed the carbon granule layer to reduce airflow restriction. The thing about the PBC-333 is that it has a relatively powerful squirrel cage fan since it was designed to be a cooler that had to pull air through a layer of circulating water dispersal material. So it serves as both a cooling fan and an (alleged) HEPA filter. I also placed a single layer of 3M Filtrete filter material over its Hatari filter as a pre-filter to lengthen its lifespan. I paid only 600 baht for the filter years ago and it will cost quite a bit more than that nowadays.


    Another is a fabricated air purifier (of sorts) that's based on a currently-available Hatari (alleged) HEPA filter that I've placed in one of my two bathroom windows and driven with a 12 inch exhaust fan in order to ventilate my bathroom with relatively clean/cool outside air while bathing or to ventilate my entire apartment (by leaving the bathroom door open and cracking one of my windows on the other end of the apartment). The fan I selected was actually intended as a room exhaust fan but I reversed it to drive into the filter with outside air. The carbon granule layer of the filter was also removed from this filter in order to reduce air flow restriction.


    My other bathroom window is entirely sealed with clear food wrap to provide daytime lighting. When running the filter fan, I crack this window to allow exhaust air to leave the room. This setup works very well. The Hatari filter also has a single layer of 3M Filtrete filter material on the input side to, ideally, lengthen its lifespan. Filtering Bangkok air directly (rather than with a relatively sealed room) leads to more frequent filter replacement. It took me forever to implement this bathroom intake fan, but when I did it was amazing how much improved the bathroom became. I highly recommend this bathroom modification.


    My third filter is a bottom of the line (and second hand) Hitachi air purifier unit with a modified Hatari filter installed and also with a protective/sacrificial, single-layer of 3M Filtrete pre-filter. Pretty straightforward setup and done this way because the Hitachi filters had to be ordered from Japan and were relatively expensive to boot (quoted by Hitachi at more than twice the price of the Hatari filters).


    I have two PM2.5 measurement devices and both of the are registering 0.0 PM2.5 and PM10 at last measure a few minutes ago in my bedroom, which is well-sealed. So I guess my Hatari (alleged) HEPA filters are doing a pretty good job, even if they may not be REAL HEPA-level or HEPA-capable filters.


    Just because I always wear an effective dust/fume mask (that is also pre-filtered) when I'm outside my 0.0 PM2.5/PM10 bedroom (aka my "clean room") doesn't mean that I'm fanatical about particulate pollution (heh, heh). No really, I'm running my modified PBC-333 right now with the A/C turned off and (home made or not) it's doing a pretty good job of both cleaning and providing cooling (skin evaporation) air flow and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg. In fact, my whole setup was more labor time than material/equipment costs.


    My electricity bill last month was only 495 baht @ 5 baht/kWh because I didn't run my A/C that much due to the cooler weather. I avoid inefficiently using both electricity and water even though I could easily afford to do so.


    I know, I know - more than anyone would ever want to know one person's approach to dealing with Bangkok pollution. I'll keep the next one short (I promise).

  4. 3 hours ago, Selatan said:

    The worse pandemic of the past 100 years was the 1918-1921 Spanish Flu, which killed an estimated 50 to 100 million people. Which country did the deadliest flu in history originated from? Not China. It was the United States. 

    The most rudimentary research indicates that there are several hypotheses about the source (Wiki) of the Spanish Flu.




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