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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 1 hour ago, Monomial said:
    3 hours ago, Xbeemer said:

    Really? They are going to get rich off of selling reusable bags? I've got reusable bags that are almost 10 years old. Tell me how greedy corporations are getting rich off bags that last that long.


    They are getting rich by eliminating the cost of providing bags to customers. That is their only motivation for doing this.

    Rich, Huh? You have not considered the advertising that they have printed on the bags that will certainly be lost unless it is somehow replaced. How much is that worth?


    Can you provide us with detailed cost info for the bags they provide now that is going to make them rich by their elimination or a change to another type of bag?

  2. 34 minutes ago, crazygreg44 said:

    i put a knot into the 7/11 plastic bag yesterday evening. Today at 3 in the afternoon the air that was trapped inside, and makes the bag a bit balloon shaped, is still inside!


    I will donate it to Pattaya's "RIPLEY SHOW Believe it or not"  for everybody to end up in "seeing and believing" ????????

    The entire content of the comment you are replying to (which you so kindly edited):


    Gee! An air-tight seal with a hand loop bag! Never heard of that. Don't put one over your or someone else's head by accident!


    Gee (again)! Using two nested bags - never heard of that either. So I guess you're the TVF plastic bag expert, then? What do you do about the bags under your eyes from lack of sleep you got dreaming up this absolutely priceless info? Oh! You say you WERE asleep at the time?:stoner:


    Wow! Thanks Mr. Science! Why don't you fill them with H2 (He is too expensive), add a string and sell them on the street for 100 baht then we could really get the plastic bag pollution escalated? I advise you to get a work visa, if you don't have one, before attempting this in Thailand.






  3. 2 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

    the  7/11 bags and others from the supermarkets can be sealed perfectly .  . . when used in a small bin in the kitchen, and the bag is full, you just have to knot the two handle ends together and it is airtight sealed.


    If you got trash that is a bit heavy . . I use TWO bags together.


    Never done?  Try it at home !

    Gee! An air-tight seal with a hand loop bag! Never heard of that. Don't put one over your or someone else's head by accident!


    Gee (again)! Using two nested bags - never heard of that either. So I guess you're the TVF plastic bag expert, then? What do you do about the bags under your eyes from lack of sleep you got dreaming up this absolutely priceless info? Oh! You say you WERE asleep at the time?:stoner:




    • Haha 1
  4. 18 hours ago, HHTel said:

    Not the same.  Bin bags are thicker and can be biodegradable.  They are far less likely to fly around as do the lightweight single use bags.  That's why bans usually stipulate a thickness, usually around 30 - 50 microns.

    Yes, Thanks. And there are other differences between the single-use bags that stores give out for taking purchases home. People such as user gamesgplayemail and probably others don't understand that those common "take home, hand-loop" bags are not as useful for bin trash as those bags specifically designed for containing trash that have to be purchased. For one thing, they cannot be sealed as tightly unless a twisted seal-wire is used. If it is, their available volume is probably reduced (although the hand loops are useful for carrying them).


    I have two flip-lid trash containers that are too large for the typical medium-sized "take home, hand-loop" bag. The 18 x 20 inch trash bags fit these flip-lid containers perfectly. I used "take home, hand-loop" bags for years in a few smaller trash bins, but have essentially stopped using them for my volume trash - so I don't have a big need nowadays for the "take home, hand-loop" bags. I have to say though that my purchased, 18 x 20 inch bags seem to me to be quite thin, even thinner than the "take home, hand-loop" bash, but maybe it's me. I have special needs for even larger, and noticeably thicker bags as well (but that's another story)


    Plus, I shop using a bicycle with two panniers (saddle bags) on it and can simply carry a shopping basket (or simply hand-carry or use my on-person take home, hand-loop bags) to take purchased items to the bicycle.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 11/25/2019 at 8:18 AM, anakot said:

    Meanwhile the Immigration Police are rounding up the real danger to society those begpackers... A real clear & present danger (to their brown envelopes)


    "We're public guardians, bold but wary,
    And of ourselves, we take good care,
    To risk our precious lives, we're chary,


    When danger looms, we're never there
    But when we meet some helpless woman,
    Or little boys that do no harm

    We run them in, We run them in,
    We run them in, We run them in,..."


    etc. blah blah blah 

    Offenbach's great ditty which sums up the situation to a 't' or is it a 'tor'. Get it on You Tube... 

    The Gendarms Duet



  6. On 11/22/2019 at 6:30 PM, fforest1 said:

    How many people PLAN ahead of time their 7-11 shopping....


    I bet virtually every last person reading this does not PLAN all their 7-11 shopping....


    So we carry bags around we us 24/7 now?

    Carrying bags around 24/7 is too much trouble is it or what?


    I carry at least four plastic bags all the times and get some respect from the clerks when I pull one out so they can load it/them. They are typical FoodLand bags and used probably hundreds of times. And get this - I even have repaired one or two of them with Scotch cellophane packing tape when they had split with heavy use.


    I also often refuse bags when an item or items are already packaged (often in plastic).

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    I'll probably catch hell for this, but in a way I tend to agree with the sentiments of the note. I learned very quickly that to truly get by in Thailand I had to learn the language. If you are living in a country whose language is different than your own, it pays to learn it. 

    This does not apply to everyone. I decided early to not invest the time to learn Thai, but rather to improve my English skills (as with several other similar decisions of what NOT TO DO while I was a resident in Thailand). If I were living in a Spanish-dominated country I would be a lot more comfortable and willing to improve my Spanish. I always felt that if the Thai individual did not know English well enough to communicate in English than we probably didn't have much to discuss anyway.


    I was asked one time by the developer of a computer-based Thai language application what I was doing in Thailand if I didn't want to learn Thai. I couldn't answer the question because it struck me that I couldn't even answer the "what are you doing in Thailand" part of the question. The answer has been that "it beats the alternatives". These days I'm not so sure of that. BTW, I'm not trying to give you "hell" simply believe that it's an individual's decision to learn the Thai language or not. In Bangkok, at least, there are several obviously several bi-lingual venues and characteristics.


  8. 7 minutes ago, Jason Green said:

    HOLY CHIRSTMAS! 90 pages here...


    Can anyone fill me in: WHY IS IT SO SMOKEY? 


    Has anything been figured out? Burning in Indonesia? China pollution?

    Bangkok has its own base level of pollution plus there  are many fires to the north. This is much worse than Nov 2018 and was somehow predicted on the RTQA site here: http://aqicn.org/city/bangkok/  It's the best I can offer and their ability to predict the pollution days in advance is a little disconcerting to me (what is it they know that we don't? and why can't they use this to prevent it?).


    Here are the current fires to the north according to the FIRMS system linked HERE :






    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Asquith Production said:
    4 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    It's a long overdue time to get draconian about road safety.

    No Government will get heavy handed they dont want to lose votes. Remember when they tried to stop Thais riding in the back of pickups. Their was a big backlash from the public so the Government relented.

    I don't think that particular, so-called "Government" was actually not "voted-in" and was not at risk of being "voted-out". The so-called PM at the time declared the ban on pickup bed riding to be enforced after Songkran, 2017. Read about it in a ThaiVisa forum article HERE.


    Of course the so-called PM relented because the realities of Thailand actually got through his (or the - for want of a better word - the establishment's) megalomania. I believe that the ruling class/elites and others of the upper echelons have made an implicit deal with the Thai people. What do you suppose that "deal" might be?

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, wasabi said:

    What is the least polluted city in Thailand that has amenities like shopping malls and good hospitals? Seems like it may be Phuket but I found it hard to get around without a car and it is more expensive than other cities.

    Have you eliminated Delhi, India as a potential place to move to? Not too expensive there I hear. :stoner:




    • Confused 1
  11. Holy <deleted>! Where were you the morning of 11/11/19? I hope cuddled up next to an air purifier.


    The RTAQ folks are forecasting more of the same all day next Friday and Saturday. How can they forecast this level of pollution? This is far worse than November 2018 according to the RTAQ historic data.




    FIRMS: 11/11/19 @ 0425, Bangkok area:



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