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Everything posted by Headgame

  1. Yes you can marry twice. The second marriage would be a legal nullity. However, the best way is to get married here in TH and just like having two passports, use the marriage certificate that is most appropriate. Highly unlikely that you will have any issues either in TH or the US.
  2. Expressing opinion on an online forum is not protesting in the streets. I can’t remember the govt ever threatening members of Thvisa for posting anti govt opinions. But out in the streets? Well anybody here with a freaking brain should know that’s just plain stupid. BTW, tell me any country that provides foreigners with the same rights and privileges as citizens. If you’re choosing to live in a foreign country BE ADAPTABLE.
  3. DHL is really no different than FedEx and other major shippers. Neither charge VAT or duty but collect those charges as assessed by TH Customs. I never make an international purchase without using the Import Duty Calculator online to calculate both duty and VAT. It is almost always spot on. The only variable will be the DHL processing fee. With many international sellers you have no choice regarding shipping services. Purchases from Lazada and Shopee from CN sellers always are imported duty VAT free. AliExpress is not. Most often CN sellers will purposely value under 1,200 THB which will enter TH duty / VAT free.
  4. Love is for teenagers. All these dudes hung up on love, finding love, loving love, etc. forget the most important aspect of a relationship - shared interests. Do I love my lady? I’d say yes although if it ended today I’d move on. The great thing about TH is if you’re patient you will eventually find a partner that makes your life enriched, rewarding and satisfied. Stop being kind of pathetic.
  5. My partner is 30 years younger than me. I'm 77 and in very good health - today. If my health suffers somewhat then I know my lady will take good care of me. If my health deteriorates severely - stroke / massive heart attach or Alzheimers then she knows I have an "escape hatch" stashed away and she knows what to do. This info is also known and supported by my children and my bestie. No way, am I going to be incapacitated, drooling and wearing big boy pampers. That's my plan and I'm sticking with it. No desire to hang around unless I'm "in the game". I have taken control of my exit while I can.
  6. Obviously a very common situation and many may disagree with my advice. 1. Do not bother going to the police. Rule - have as little to do with the TH police as possible. 2. Do not go to her village. Rule - that NEVER works out well. 3. It's only money and stuff. Rule - the cost of living in TH. 4. Consider yourself very fortunate that this matter can be closed and you can move on. Rule - you only have one life to live, so live it.
  7. These postings seem to always get me irritated, well for me, irritated. If the OP's friend is suffering from depression or other emotional / mental issues, then OP you need to urge him to get some help. That's what friends do. However, in the absence of the above, tell your friend to stop drinking and get back to living. Nobody loves the current situation here and around the world. I've always been highly adaptable and for that I'm thankful. Your friend needs to make some modifications to his daily life. Are you lonely and want some female company? Guess what, you need to be a little more creative but that's not a problem w/o a solution. Local theater closed, watch Netflix, etc. etc. The truth is for me that the grass is just fine here and now and I can wait out the pandemic. Just have to be adaptable.
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