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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. Keep away from 7-11 that is feeding us with absolute crappy stuff!
  2. I bought myself a haircutter years ago and like the super short hairstyle as I am on a motorbike wearing a helmet nearly every day. Also it is to hot with much hair on your head! 😄
  3. A smile when greeting you is just as it is done all over the globe! Just a way to be polite. It does not mean anything special and will go away after "greeting" finished.
  4. Biden must go! He is NOT in any way fit enough for any debate at all. He just has to retire now, they need a sharper brain to meet the damn lying SOB Trump!
  5. On Qatar Airways I get 30 kilo on my way to Thailand and only 25 when going back! WHY?? Normally we carry MORE when returning due to shopping than when we travel to Thailand!! I find it quite dumb and it should be changed!! By the way, a few (2-3) kilo extra wont create any problems.
  6. I eat eggs every day in Thailand and I honestly say I cannot feel much difference. A little, yes, due to insects and feed NOT the same as in Europe.
  7. Strange. After 35 years of being a regular in Thailand, I cannot say I feel any difference at all. I smile, the Thais smile. Always polite where ever I go. I stay 5+ months every year, even lived 5 years in Pattaya -85 to -92, and Koh Samui 2000 to 2005. I will continue to come to Thailand as I really feel relaxed there!🤗
  8. When it comes to Gates, "Good Intentions" gives me a foul taste in my mouth....
  9. Tucker is a damn imbecile and narcissist!
  10. Is Thailand the only country in the world that does not protect its own industry from the cheap imports from China?? Are they so afraid of China that they allow those subsidized products to ruin their businesses?? Grow some balls and put a 100 % tariffs on them!
  11. Lol! I find that fruit the worst and most disgusting thing I have ever tried! 🤮
  12. Lol.....that one also! 😆
  13. When will Thailand wake up and do something about all these poor stray dogs that is found everywhere!! They do actually have a hard life and I do many times feel sorry for them. They do create a rather hazardous time for motorbikes and an unlucky stranger passing. They also hurt and kill people sometimes. Just get rid of them in a way that does not make them suffer. In any case, private dogs should be the responsibility of the owner. Dogs that attack people should be taken down immediately!
  14. Cricket must be the most boring and dumb game ever invented!
  15. Why worry about fat?? Thaifood is "poisoned" with sugar, msg, and bad oils! Any animal fat is GOOD FOR YOU!
  16. He is just to dangerous for the corrupt politicians!!
  17. Why mention these things here?? This is NOT a medical advice place! See a doctor/hospital so they can take a sample. That will give you the answere.
  18. Hmmmm....often a result of diet and too much alcohol. The reason for almost all diseases is traced to diet. Garbage in...garbage out!
  19. Lol! Sounds like Thai alright!😂
  20. As see it, the Thai authorities do not know the difference between someone from Malawi or Great Britain! To them all is money! Russian are often bullies and drunks and are making other tourists flee from them! Thailand should of course understand that due to the situation in Russia, anything that can walk or crawl, criminals and others, will flock to Thailand and hide. They will do whatever to stay, including crime! The open arm policies sometimes seems like desperation!
  21. Due to the situation in Russia you can be sure there are a lot of "unwanted" individuals that has arrived in Thailand and will do whatever to avoid being sent back! This will not exactly get better with the "open arm" policies against Russians! Thai visa policies many times looks like desperation to me....
  22. No matter the reason, he did NOT deserve this!
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