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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. I am 71 and on my bikes all the time! Cha Am my favorite target!
  2. You can always get the girl out of the bar, but it is hard to get the bar out of the girl!! Just mentioning it....
  3. All these people falling from the sky reminds me of the old song "Its falling men"!!
  4. Get rid of that damn polluted air!! It will kill us slowly but surely!
  5. Never leave your cards out of sight! Too easy to scan the cards and steal whatever you have. This has happened so many times I do not understand why people are not more careful!
  6. Watching all the bad oils, sugars, and MSG that the Thai food consists of, does not actualloy make your health better! Also, most vegetables I see comes from China and is so full of pesticides you should never even touch them! The same goes for the rest of the so-called healthy vegetables! Fruits are also to full of sugars. This plant based BS has gone to far! Plants are NOT food for humans! We are meat eaters. Meats and seafood (NOT farmed fish) are the way to go!
  7. Maybe letting those who won the last election take power? Having a gang of too old Senators deciding to cancel the peoples will is not actually helpful, is it!!
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