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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. There is no GOD! Only superstitious people afraid of death.
  2. Lol! I guess Trump's child-like brain cannot cope with Harris! He is only able to insult people! He is of course a RACIST as well! Imagine if lose for a woman of color!! He will never recover after that!!
  3. Gold price pr Aug 27th is 40350 pr baht
  4. Donald Duck Trump is an overgrown child that has nothing to do in politics!!! He is dumb as a rock! So are his supporters!
  5. They are building houses on soil that is NOT suited for buildings at all! Big rain washes out the ground and the houses collapses! All is just about MONEY!! They don't care!
  6. The problem with renting is that the owners sometimes just give you a short time to get out because they "have sold the place"!! Still, I rent, but I do not have many things to move just in case this happens again. Yes, It has happened with me...
  7. Some "kids" are just to dumb for their own good. Greta T. is a mentally screwed up school drop-out! What can you expect!!
  8. Maybe Samui should concentrate on its water problem first?? That Island is now so crowded and full of cars it is a nightmare to be there. I have already stopped to go there after two decades of visits.
  9. Thaksin should be banned from politics!! Thailand is rotten to the core!😫
  10. So now we have the REALLY stupid people in one place. Trump, Vance and RFK jr. ......this will not end well!!
  11. Once upon a time we did of course know there where stupid people, but they were few and far apart. Then came internet with its social media and all those stupid people found each other on line! Now they pose a threat to our existence!🙄
  12. ??? Even worse.....Trump and co. .....
  13. We are not allowed to have batteries in the suitcase when checking it in on a plane. The what about checking in an electric suitcase??? It just has to have a battery, right??What have I missed here I wonder.....
  14. I do not like the Dems, but Trump is dangerous for the whole world, not only the US!!
  15. There is no God! This is an invention for some to have power over others. It can, how ever, be useful for those scared of death! 😆
  16. Been driving around in Thailand on motorcycle for some years now and I cannot actually say I know how nice or not nice it is along the way! Why? Take your eyes of the way you drive and you might not survive the trip! Thats why!!🤣🤣
  17. Lol! The Chinese tourists have NEVER brought any money to Thailand. At least not of any usable amount! The madness of letting millions of these people into Thailand freely is mindboggling. It really show how little the new "not elected" government did know what they were doing😆.
  18. Oh my God! MUSK?? He is good at creating things but a totally ignorant and rather foolish person! He is like Trump....don¨'t know much about how this world works....remember, wealth does not equal IQ!😆
  19. Be aware if you eat prepared Thai food! It is loaded with sugar and MSG plus often old and very bad oils! Drop the rice too!
  20. As I recall, Trump is taking STATINS which can give many negative effects. Destroying cholesterol that brings nutrients to the brain is one!!
  21. Many Thais need an "Anger management treatment"... They seem to have "no inner brakes"!
  22. Paying taxes without benefits is THEFT!! Also, the reason I probably never will take residency in Thailand is all the uncertainty and flip flopping by the people in charge! Thailand cannot be trusted, that's it!
  23. The Digital Wallet......The first step on the road to total surveillance, the Chinese CCP way...
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