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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. Wow....the owner said he might have opened the gate, which might have just been an excuse. You do not know much about the situation in Thailand concerning all the street dogs, it seems. Help anyone?? They will do it again if they get the chance, damn it! Are you drunk??
  2. Under the circumstances in America at the moment, it is better Kamala Harris wins the election. Trump, with his useless VP, is just a gamble to much. The situation in the world just now requires a steady hand on the wheel, and not a more or less confused Trump that has no clue about how the world works.
  3. Wow! Trump has been yelling about meeting Biden all the time! Now there is a woman instead of sleepy Joe and he cowardly runs away like a beaten dog!! So much for the yellow Clown....😆
  4. Those dogs must be put down and the owners jailed.
  5. So, when will Thailand start to take these dog issues seriously?? Ban certain dogs and always keep the owners of dogs responsible for their dogs actions! Start to put down all the damn street dogs that is hurting and maiming people every day around the country! At times you might not get out in one piece if you by accident turn into the wrong soi!!
  6. BS! You do not know what you talk about!
  7. Strangely, after being a regular in Thailand for 35 years I have never heard of any serious accidents with passengers on these baht busses! They go slow, you give a signal and they stop. What is the problem? Anyone heard of serious accidents before?? These busses are important for the flow of people! Do not mess with it!
  8. This government is not legal as it took power by a coup! They did NOT win any election, they took power illegally! Give the power to those who won the election. Now we have a bunch of useless parrots that is turning Thailand into a damn joke!
  9. Maybe the Thai politicians could take a look at the protests in Europe over TOO much tourism!! Do not trash you country just because of GREED!! Use your damn brains a little!!
  10. Imagine a real heavy attack/bad code, taking down all internet communication! No money, no food. no gas and so on! Total chaos due to everything digital! Make sure you always have cash in reserve! Digital is NOT safe! I call it STUPID policy driven by ignorant people!
  11. 55 in Thailand seems like 65-70 in Western Europe. Alcohol consumption and smoking, plus some diabetes/heart failures, kills men of in their late 50s or early 60s. I have a close friend at 52 that just got throat cancer due to excessive drinking (Lao Khao) and smoking. Sadly not a rare thing.
  12. I need to know where to find the best British pub to get a decent English breakfast and dinner!! Anyone?
  13. Statins will kill you before anything else will. Just stop it! It is all due to many doctors lack of knowledge on the matter. Cholesterol do NOT lead to heart failure/disease! That is a lie!
  14. I watched the video and noticed that most of the people making trouble looked like middle eastern and African people! So much for the UK's open borders!! 😫
  15. LOL! Koh Samui is mafia country! Be aware! Never do business there.
  16. That is why I do not believe a word of this until confirmed from other official sources. If thus is true no embassy anywhere will be issuing tourist visas any more.
  17. I really still do not believe that tourist visas no longer be needed. I do not believe that Thailand will allow people to stay "for ever" in Thailand, only crossing a border now and then! I will follow this topic for a while before I believe it.
  18. Sadly there are no context between being inventive and being smart! I consider Musk to a genius to invent things but an IDIOT when it comes to real life! Seems to be the case with so many of these super billionaires!
  19. What is wrong with Thai parents that let kids have a motorcycle??? Irresponsible people!! Kids should NOT be on a bike!! I see them every morning driving to school with maybe up to three extra kids on the back!! 😣
  20. What can you expect when you want 10s of millions of tourists and is opening bars until early morning! Do you want "regular" tourists or drunken party hunters!!
  21. Recovery from what! A big mouth that got him in trouble in the first place?? LOL! Lets hear him very soon. I guess he is getting worse!!
  22. Cha Am is quiet!
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