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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. One member posted a red flag went off for him reading "trusted Thai friend". For me, the red flag goes off when I read between the lines with what kind of twisted mindset you plan to emigrate to, retire at, or party here in Thailand.

    If you don't want a Thai bank account or can't get one (for whatever reason), then you probably are not the right person to stay here or own a condo or anything at all in the first place.

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  2. What's his crime? Peeping? If a girl wears a dress that is basically not more than a shirt ending at crotch level, one must not wonder if young men in immediate distance get kinda overexcited and take a look. Urging the police to hunt for him? Think there are a million other Thai men out there who have committed >real< crimes and even them the police does not catch... &lt;deleted&gt;?

    Has the jiggy with it girlfriend murderer been gunned down yet? Guess no, but urging Bkk police to hunt for a peeper, yeah, so important right now, because he committed such a hideous crime... Un-&lt;deleted&gt;##ing-believable! Mickey-Mouse Land at its best again...coffee1.gif

  3. Even though I am not sure if your question is genuine due to the rather erratic talk about carrots and huge boobs, I'll give you my two cents: I'm living in LOS permanently and happily for 22 years now and my answer is that you create your own monsters in the closet and the ghosts that follow you around by your own actions and your very own perspective on life, regardless of where you live.

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  4. Has anyone noticed that the worldwide crede now has been changed from "Global Warming" ( check out Al Gore's mega villa in Montecito with 40 or so air-conditioners but not one single solar panel on the roof: http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2010/05/exclusive-estimate-carbon-footprint-of.html ) to "Climate Change", simply because none of these "experts" has a clue what's going on? Climate change, yeah - isn't that something going on since this planet exists and most likely will continue until this rock will eventually dry out and die? Isn't climate change something that Thai people managed to cope with (better than westerners) for centuries in the past? Isn't it a fact that this climate change is a natural occurence but the increasing amount of floods in Thailand are a result of not natural occurences but human's destructive interaction i.e. deforestation, mono cultures, changing of the flow of rivers, overfishing, building dams where they not belong, uncontrolled construction and uncontrolled changes to landscapes ( i.e. whole mountains taken away to sell the soil to construction sites ). Why not build centers that would grind all of the above listed man-made mayhem to a halt and fight this problem at the root instead of teaching people to cope with catastrophic events that are a mere result of our own stupidity?

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  5. I hate this, why do everyone think the same !! Come on really, someone nearly runs you over and as the martial arts instructor says bow!!!!! Or the other reply from rai something or other if he not come Thailand it wouldn't happen? I say be yourself as Bruce lee says to master ones self is perfection, so lets not back down because of the o so scary thai temper, have a go back there only human and Thais know most wont say a thing because of the thai thing!!!! Be yourself if they hit you, hit them harder!!!!! Have some balls people

    If your Bruce Lee moves are as fluid and smooth as your writing, I believe you will find a job as bouncer at one of the local pre-schools. Just have to believe in your ball..ahemm, yourself and hit a little harder...

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  6. ....I recently met a cab driver in BKK that told me he has 3 cars...3 houses......and usually made 6 figures....A DAY..

    ...with tourists, westerners....no meter....and commissions from shops he takes them to.....

    Perhaps your ears weren't ok that day and all your taxi driver was saying is that he was an artist and that he sculpts about 6 figurines a day smile.png

    It is kinda heart-warming to see that there are still forum members out there who believe in good old Santa - don't stop believing...

  7. Those two honorable Thai bikers should have sued the German "Farang" intruder (most likely posing as a tourist but working without work permit for a Russian tour operator) for

    A ) Obstructing their way while undoubtedly being on a very important business mission (hence the increased speed what is totally understandable)

    B ) For insulting them utilizing and executing a very, very, very rude gesture

    C ) For causing them bodily harm by violently throwing his head and body against their hands which were clenched into a fist-alike appearance just to minimize the German gentleman's impact on their knuckles

    D ) For the unnecessary delay they had to endure due to the incident while being on a business mission.

    And finally

    E ) File for compensation of their paycheck for a full month, as these unfortunate two Thai business biker gentlemen are not able to hold a and write with a pen, what even might cost them their well paid office job which these two certainly well-educated Thai gentlemen have.

    Shame on the ones in this forum who believe a Thai could ever be wrong...

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  8. Honestly, at times I am at awe, wondering how I made it to live and survive in this country for 22 years, given all the odds (and these odds include the so-called "Thainess" commented above). I lived through the Black May in 1992, the devaluation and financial crisis in 1997, survived the 2004 Tsunami, saw the coup in 2006, the 2008 yellow shirt airport seizure, 2010 red shirt clashes, the chicken flu scare, unrest in the south, and survived countless other crisis moments, including being shipwrecked near Trang, floating at sea for seven hours along with 13 other fellow cast-aways, survived death threads by drunk dive boat captains, and managed to keep my dick still attached to my body despite encounters with some psycho Thai girlfriends from hell...

    Yet, I never had the slightest doubt that this is the right country for me (perhaps I am crazy) to live, work and eventually retire in. Even though Thailand seems to be in permanent turmoil politically, the country manages to steer around major cliffs despite all odds. Perhaps this is a result of Thainess, but most likely due to the fact that so many problems here are simply smiled away in hope they will just dissolve by time... Never wanted or will get sucked into politics, because it is a dangerous mine field for any foreigner in Thailand to walk into, but I always listen to my heart and trust my intuition when topics like this one come up.

    This said, I am not worried at all, especially not about this "Goodbye Thailand, hello Myanmar" b#ll$hit, because a campaign like this can only be ignited by blind, deaf and ignorant persons who have not the slightest idea about Myanmar, the people, the political background there and for example the destruction done by dynamite fishing to the reefs on each and every dive spot Myanmar HAD to offer. I have worked with Burmese employers for almost 8 years now and can say that - despite them being hard working and nice people - they are very "different" from Thai people. It simply does not "click", they seldomly smile and when you give them presents or surprise them in any way, most of them just receive the offering with a nod or a smirk at best... The food (at least in my opinion) is terrible, body odors are "strange", their live philosophy, etc. are largely out of tune with anything a foreigner would expect to find in southeast Asia.

    This all said - I will stay in this country that I love and I believe in it and would never even think about moving to or investing in Burma. The worrying foreign investors should clean up their own doorsteps and remember what clusterf###$ western companies, institutions or banks like Goldmann Sachs have ignited in their own country right in front of the eyes of and with the support of their "souvereign" and democratic government before being "concerned" about a bit of political tension in Thailand.

    And - let's be honest, what is a typical "investor" nowadays? Most are stock market gamblers anyway, and I give a F### about the opinion of a gambler.

    Good luck to you sir. I felt the same only a few years ago, but something changed. Kids got a little older, but I have a feeling things might get rocky here so I will depart surely to return.

    I am not sure exactly what, changed but this feels similar to what happened in Ireland. Money being created from froth. And from a personal view, despite my love if the place, finally realising, that most see me just as a farang. Not a nice feeling.

    Sounds like you have to change your username in this forum then smile.png Just pulling your leg... Sad to see you go. I hope that you will make all the right decisions and won't mess it up since you have family, and family comes first.

    And... where will you go? Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, South America, Europe, The US of A? Good luck to you too. The whole world is up for a rollercoaster ride. Thus the location is not as important as your mental stability, guts, survival instinct and your own mind set. People often think problems can be erased by moving to another location, but in most cases this does not work out.

    I have good friends in Ireland. They stayed and had a hard ride, but in the end prevailed. They simply switched into low gear and ducked, reduced staff and overheads to the absolute minimum, etc. and today are stronger and happier than ever before after managing to fight their way through the crisis.

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  9. Farangs don't understand thainess.

    Yeah... us "Farangs" might not understand "Thainess", BUT we are clever enough to define it:

    erratic |iˈratik|


    not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable: her breathing was erratic.

    noun(also erratic block or boulder )Geology

    a rock or boulder that differs from the surrounding rock and is believed to have been brought from a distance by glacial action.


    erratically |-(ə)lē|adverb,

    erraticism |iˈratiˌsizəm|noun

    ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French erratique, from Latin erraticus, from errare ‘to stray, err.’

  10. Oh my GOD! He does it so casually. This guy is a sociopath. RIP to the family. Was that her sister and brother in the room with her? It could have been much worse. He easily could have shot 4 people not including the workers outside. What a tragedy!

    stop right there. he didnt do it casually and we also dont know what the two ladies were telling him and what they were, presumably, arguing abour.

    Please tell me you are a Troll, as otherwise I might lose all hope in humanity as a whole. Have you been lobotomized?

    Are you aware of the cranial precondition for someone to be lobotomized?

    Not really, wanted to google it but opted to listen to "Teenage Lobotomy" by the Ramones on youtube instead biggrin.png

  11. its odd that they allow another German fake policeman to operate, I have reported him a number of times to the Tourist police in Walking Street and they laugh at me. they know who he is because he used to be one of them. Im just grateful that my landlord didnt let him into my room to steal my things when he waved his fake ID in his face, and also grateful that he was fired for breaking into my room the first time, but I still dont see why they think its funny that he is still operating with fake ID

    Think it might be a good idea to go to the police now again so they can file yet another case (yours) against him. Great would also be if your story gets out in the open as it might make the (back then) laughing, ignorant idiot cops more alert if any future reports and complaints (whomever or whatever the subjects of those complaints might be) come in.

    I'm happy for you that they have im in custody now and hope that it gives you some kind of closure. As for the culprit - may he receive a sentence that fits the crime. I'm quite certain that he will have a hard time (literally) at Bangkok Hilton. People like him are bottom of the food chain in any prison. Thus his future will not be bright, but very painful smile.png

  12. And whenever you think you've seen it all... What worries me more than that single psycho shooter is the amount of other brainless male Thai lowlifes out there who might become copycats because of this. I'm quite sure he will not do that jggy dance thing when he's standing in front of the creator after police has killed him...

    My sincerest condolences to the family and RIP to the victims.

    I wanted to write something about why that guy to the left did not go for the gun, but who are we to judge - let's face it: 99.9% of men simply aren't like Superman, Captain America or Bruce Lee, and most probaby 99.9% of us would be Pussies like that guy in a similar situation... sad, but true...

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