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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. RIP to the victim and family. Quick and thorough recovery to the injured.

    Where could Thailand be today without all those irresponsible, drunk and drug addicted speed boat, mini van, ten wheeler truck, bus, and tuk tuk drivers and their close "friends", these friendly and utterly helpful jet ski rastas, who feel permitted to point a gun at your face if you refuse to pay for damages to their beloved jet ski which they have caused themselves on purpose... and of course without corrupt police to support them...

  2. 2 Dutch girls almost raped by this muscled screw-driver? What kind of story is this? Dutch girls are solid made and ofter very muscled, or was it perhaps the other way around?

    Why not say it straight and write "fat" - many of the tourist girls look like fat 45 year old mamas and are only 20 or so. I always smirk when I hear people in those typical American movies say "kids" to these 16 to 19 year olds who are fully matured, weigh 80 kilos and more and look like grown ups in their 30s. I'm quite sure that this van driving, drug addicted "wannabe Rambo" wouldn't have had much of a survival chance if both girls would have gone in a$$kick fist-fight mode... What's the charges? Loafing around with female guests in the van?

    And, honestly - look at the typical FMP attending foreign girls... The way they dress AND act is easily misinterpreted as an invitation by a brainless van driver or those jet ski XXXXXXX. What else is new? coffee1.gif

  3. #126 chiangmaikelly; sorry mate , you HAVE missed the point, the father DID NOT KNOW ;and im not talking about hookers i'm talking about the other 95%+ of thai girls that are descent and not visiting a temple just for atonement /making merit crap, they would be so ashamed/embarassed and it would be a closely guarded secret to any NORMAL thai girl ,..& that says it all, i have have friends here {farang}who have confided in me after telling the gf they dont want more kids , but the girls have still gone ahead telling the family at the last possible moment., i have personal experience of this too , but im not doing my laundry here on an open forum, but let me assure you again, the thai population has not grown from 14m to 70m in less than 45 yrs cos they can afford the kids they have ,...........hence the superb education !!, ...it is frowned upon BIG time here, ask a GOOD THAI FAMILY ,......... if you know one !

    I don't really think abortion is the topic but I would imagine abortion reaches across all sectors of the Thai population from the lowest of low to the highest of high. I would imagine both normal and abnormal Thai women get abortions. Abortion may be frowned on but it is readily available.

    you can imagine what you like ,...maybe it is not the topic,...but believe me , its not as easy as you think ....reply when you have talked to a thai lady trying to get one !.......let me know about her experience ......PLEASE ! , thank u ,.....u have no idea for sure,....i know by your reply you are ignorant to the matter in thailand ..........apart from knowing SOME of them take place in a temple .... where are the rest of them done ?

    @chiangmaikelly: Osiboy is right! Btw - could you pls explain to me what an "abnormal" Thai woman is???

  4. No idea what the fuzz is all about. In Thailand, prostitution is a win-win situation for all involved. Usually the "client" gets the well orchestrated illusion of being loved or at least being liked, the girl gets F&B, a night's sleep in a good hotel and good pay, instead of sleeping in a shaggy staff room with a group of 7 friends on a stinky mattress... At times, the guy even finds the love of his life and the girl finds the easy life she's been dreaming of and (in 90% of the cases) a husband who doesn't come home every day in the morning completely hammered to beat her up, take her money so he can continue to play cards with his jobless lowlife Thai friends until she comes home from work (as in a pure Thai marriage usually only one is working: the female!) and cooks him some food (as otherwise there might be another beating, before he visits his "Mia Noi").

    Mentioned also should be, that most Thai prostitutes work on their own behalf, on free accounts and on free choice without pimps, force, etc. I think that prostitutes in Thailand have quite a good life and their "work" is generally accepted, tolerated and appreciated by most folks here in Thailand. So I don't think that there are any discriminating aspects need to be discussed, and I don't see that changing the vocabulary from Prostitutes to Sex Workers would make any difference at all. Personally I find the phrase sex worker more offending than prostitute. Why not call them "entertainment line entrepreneurs" ? This would give female Thai "entertainment line entrepreneurs" the honor they truly deserve, since I believe this country would not be where it is today without its "special forces" smile.png

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  5. "She had sustained wounds to her arms and was able to communicate with Police despite her limited English Language skills."

    Of course all tourist police cops are fluent in English.----- w00t.gif

    I advise you to read one of the latest news stories claiming that ALL in the Thai tourist police force will speak perfect English within a few months from now. That was the best joke of the month of course...

  6. "There's gotta be someone who'll catch one of these guys and either kill them or beat them to a pulp. Wonder who would go to arrested?"


    Yupp, would be nice if someone would take one of them out making an example, but I don't think it would change a thing.

    Regarding your question, a story comes to mind that was covered by leading newspapers in Thailand a few years ago. I believe it was a Dutch guy in Phuket near Chalong who was attacked (his wife in the car as well) by hitmen who shot two or three times at the car while he was driving. He decided to hunt them down and finally pinned the bike with both guys between the car and an electric pole, killing the gunmen and injuring the driver who was trapped under the wreckage.

    Instead of being hailed a hero by police and officials, the Dutch guy was charged and sentenced as far as I can remember. Tried to google the story, but to no avail.

    I personally salute that guy and would do exactly the same if I were shot at while sitting in my car.

    In any case, I believe it is not a good idea for a woman at 03:00 in the morning to try to fight off an attacker with a big knife who wants her necklace. Better lose the necklace and walk away alive and unharmed...

    Also I agree that in general it is not a good idea for a female to walk about alone in the middle of the night, even in Singapore or whatever country people might believe is "safe".

  7. "Police have also asked medical experts to verify how the use of cocaine can affect one's mental abilities..." ...assume there are more than enough drug de.... ahemm, police officers who can answer this question "by heart" smile.png

    Why does it matter how it affects the mind? It is a proscribed illegal drug, with a separate charge for its use apart from any driving offence. It may also be included as a driving offence if the Thai version of "Driving Under the Influence" law covers it.

    Of course it does not matter - we all know that! It's just senseless babble of the officers in charge to gain more time for that useless f#$&ed up HiSo kid to pump more money and/or Red Bull shares into their accounts before he finally gets aquitted or slapped on the wrist.

    Nobody would make an inquiry on the affects of Coke on the mind of an ordinary drunken and coked-up shrimp truck driver who wasted a police officer and took a run... They'd simply throw that ordinary guy in the slammer and beat him to death at the Bangkok Hilton before he could even catch a glimpse of a judge or lawyer.

    Money talks, BULLshit walks...

  8. I.e. Singapore reels in around 120m USD extra in tourism revenue per year per F1 weekend.

    If there would be no money to be made with it, F1 would most likely take place in Chernobyl...

    Ok, so you have an estimated figure about the extra tourism figure , in Singapore, which is a completely different piece of cake compared to Thailand.Singapore attracts a different kind of tourism / tourists. The price of a hotel for example is 5 fold of a similar hotel in Thailand, so are prices of food and drinks a lot higher.We're talking about revenue, not profit.

    Then, do you also have figures about the actual cost of such a race for the country, because 1200.000.000.000 is only the hosting fee?

    How much do you estimate it will cost to make the roads in Thailand " acceptable " for a F1 race? Building a controll center and paddocks for the cars?

    Organisation of the race? Publicity? Palm greasing? Pocket filling ?

    You should understand that this is not a race weekend on Bira.

    Think you have written yourself in a kind of tunnel-view frenzy here... Too tired to continue for now fighting over unlayed eggs... good night! No girlfriend, huh? Best regards to your right (or left) hand then smile.png

  9. Certainly this would be a huge and desperately needed booster for the Thai economy.

    Could you please explain in which way a F1 race boosts the economy in any country in the world.

    It is a known fact that a F1 race doesn't earn money, it only costs money. Handsfull of it.

    Would you be so kind to explain to me from where you got the idea that "it is a known fact" that hosting F1 races only costs money? Did you read this in the 10 Baht comic books you're buying for your girlfriend? Or somewhere in a public toilet perhaps?

    I.e. Singapore reels in around 120m USD extra in tourism revenue per year per F1 weekend.

    If there would be no money to be made with it, F1 would most likely take place in Chernobyl...

  10. Certainly this would be a huge and desperately needed booster for the Thai economy. I also believe they would pull it off because now we are talking serious money and then - all of a sudden - the authorities would move their a$$es in sheer anticipation of the incoming cash Tsunami...

    The only thing that worries me, respectively makes me NOT holding my breath is the introductory phrase saying: "Thai government claims to have struck deal to host..." Given this, I think it's too early to celebrate just yet...

  11. Un-<deleted> BeLievAble cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Just saw this a minute ago, after arriving back home from a biz trip... Is it 1st of April already? Seems that I missed X-Mas, New Year, and all...

    If this isn't the biggest joke since some Thai GM announced that Phuket would become THE ultimate I.T. Hub of Southeast Asia in... I believe it was 1999??? Almost a full decade later - Phuketians still were using 256k dialups and LoxInfo while the rest of the world was enjoying the www via fiber optics...

  12. I don't think there is a possibility to "secure the weapons properly" at a shooting range... As the name indicates, a shooting range is made for shooting... It's everyone's own decision to end his own life. However - if, then it should be done without causing innocent people a lot of trouble, and without endangering others. So I'd give this special (and seemingly popular) version of suicide only a three out of ten...

    RIP to the poor fella, condolences to (friends?????) and family.

    Know of a similar incident that happened at the Phuket Shooting range many years ago. It was a Japanese guy who took the easy way out, buying the bullet with his last few hundred Baht after running out of money... Wanted to write something here that certainly would have been deleted by editors, thus I leave it to the readers what I think about suicidals... Life is a gift! Don't waste it!

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  13. Very sad for the little boy, but despite the mother making a dive, grannie kicking them out of the own house and all, I must say here just this: When I arrived in Thailand, I had a mere 345.000 THB in my pocket as startup money, no chance to get more from my home country, no rich parents or other relatives to inherit from, no retirement fund or anything else to plunder... Today, 21 years later - I am still here and always have been here (legally, with all necessary visas, workpermit and all)... WHY? Because I got off my ar$e and WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is wasting 10m THB within 2 years while being perfectly fine, having two arms, hands and legs to use and work with (brain? - I doubt it) worth being felt sorry for? An abled and relatively young man managed to spend 10m THB in two years and make a couple of wrong decisions, and mingled with the wrong people - so what? This makes Thailand bad or makes Thai people (quote) scum that you should not mix with? (quote end)... Are some of the members here out of their mind????

    Get real people! Nothing's for free, not here, not elsewhere. If a man is too stupid to take care of himself, work and have a grip on his life, then of course he'll end up in the ditch - just simple physics, simple math and simply: LIFE!

    Feel sorry for the boy, but can't have any sympathy for the "father" because stupidity and being utterly useless is nothing that deserves sympathy or support. I see Thai men without arms fixing motorbikes, I see people like Nick Vuijcic without arms AND legs having a life, having a spirit to take life in their own hands. Why can't this guy, with 10m in his hands, hack it? Send him home!!!! Please!!!!!!! And find some nice foster parents with a brain who can properly take care of the boy. Quite certainly the grandpa is very happy up there in heaven to see that his grandson managed to waste his life savings in a blink of an eye while creating a total mess that now helps all Thailand bashers to support their theory that all Thai girls or even all Thai people are bad.

    Stop bashing Thailand and look at the facts!

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  14. This is no good news for Thailand's image, even though a similar incident in the western world would hardly make the news at all. Sad to read that the solution (as is closure for the girls' parents) is still hanging in mid air. I hope for the girls, their parents, anyone wrongfully accused, and our beloved Thailand that this case will be solved soon. We don't really need more of this... sad.png

  15. Feel sorry for the guy. I think such a self mutilation craze is sadder than a sucessful suicide... My guess is that perhaps he took some drugs in Korea he couldn't handle. Or he never was in a plane before and the pressure change in the cabin or working up somewhere high above sea level made a blood vessel in his brain rupture or whatever... who knows...

    Violence could also have been the cause of his sudden change of behaviour. I know of a Thai girl who chose the wrong guy to be with. She was a very nice and rather clever (except in love matters) person before she met that guy (that was about 22 or 23 years ago on Patong Beach). He however had a bad temper and was using a lot of drugs and used to beat her up on a daily basis. Friends intervened and tried to end that unfortunate relationship by giving temporary refuge to the girl and trying to teach the guy some "lessons". Didn't work since the girl would always run back to him. Then one day after another "stormy" night, the girl was nothing but an empty shell wandering about and searching for her boyfriend who was by then serving a long jail term for drug pushing... Was frightening to see her - she was like a zombie! That guy basically managed to knock her brains out sad.png

    One of the worst "real life stories" I have witnessed here so far...

    Btw - don't think this story is a very good foundation for stupid jokes, even though I must admit that I too was tempted at first... We're only humans after all...

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