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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Take a minute, sit back and think about the sickest thing you can imagine a person could do. Now amplify that image a hundred times and what you see then you will not even get you close to what "human" a.k.a. "Homo Sapiens" is capable of, regardless of his/her skin color or ethnic background. We are a pretyy f%#$ed up species!

    oops... one you too much - as I said, we're far from perfect smile.png
  2. When this story first broke I read a great number posters jumping to conclusions based on nothing that this was an insurance scam. Where are all those posters now. It is a sad statement how ridiculous and embarrassing the farangs on this forum really are.

    Don't know if it is the right time yet to say something like this. Also it is a rather unwise statement to say that (all?) foreigners in this forum are ridiculous and embarrasing... It is still possible that the jeweller and the crooks have some kind of arrangement. However - the most dazzling FACT is that two Malay women were identified as "foreign" by CCTV footage (this is absolutely impossible unless they both had western parents and thus no typical asian appearance) should get everyone into "hhhmmmm, wait a minute..." mode already.

    Looking at the preparation work (getaway cars switched, etc. - even though it was stupid to use rentals) and the timing, plus knowing exactly where to look and what to take, shows clearly that someone had "inside knowledge".

    I agree however with your post to a certain extend: No one should be branded an insurance fraudster until he/she was trialed and sentenced (if found guilty).

    In any case it is a bit over the top to brand all foreigners in this forum as ridiculous and embarrassing looneys... Please let's work together and have fun instead of pointing fingers, thanks!

  3. I believe that it is a bit early to jump to conclusions... Even though I know after living here for 20 years that not all Thais really love foreigners, I think that there is a good chance that the acid has dripped down from a construction site above the stairs. A liquid acid called "Grot Glua" is used to clean sand wash areas or tiles off concrete residue. Easily one of the workers could have used too much or a container tipped over by accident, etc. and there we have it. For the media of course it is good to blow up this story beyond proportion as it assures a huge amount of clicks and sold newspapers. At the end of the day it all boils down to money...

  4. Boozing, drugs, indulging in prostitution and a total lack of willpower, self esteem, responsibility, and discipline has brought this idi... - sorry - man to his knees. He is 57 years old and needs the police to pamper him and pay his return ticket? Come on - get real, people!!!! Rock bottom? How about his rings, etc.? He could have sold it... to get the necessary cash to make the necessary calls to friends and relatives in his home country, etc. etc...

    I went broke three times here due to being <deleted>&$ed over by fellow business partners (farangs) and once because of the Tsunami, where on top I lost both parents and almost got killed myself. Rock bottom for me there was having left one underpant and my Buddha necklace. I am 46 now, and I never was a victim and I never will be one, regardless of the circumstances and whatever obstacles life has still in store for me. There are people who can hack it and some who can't. It is that simple.

    He should do forced labour here until he has earned the cash to buy his ticket. That might teach him a bit about life. Sorry guys, but I can't feel sorry for such an a$wipe.

  5. Just amazing how Thai people - mosty officials - always manage to cut off the tree branch they are sitting on. They create more and more obstacles for foreign Thailand lovers until they boil it up to the point when the majority of foreigners will simply stay away from this country for good due to a feeling of being "not welcome" here.

    As I wrote earlier: Let's create a new niche market - flights to Thailand where tourists arrive at the airport, are allowed to make one photo of a beach and a palm tree (on the airport premises), then empty all cash, credit cards and valuables into a conveniently placed collection container (proceedings to be distributed among Thai people in need, such as government officials, taxi and tuk tuk drivers, water scooter vendors, Thai land and hotel owners, policemen, wannabe mafiosis and poor bar girls) before they are herded back into the airplane to get the hell out of here. It would save both sides a lot of time and trouble.

    While in the western world more and more books with titles like "awaken the shaman/healer/psychic/artist/etc. in you", Thais nowadays perhaps are tending more towards books titled "Awaken the Hardcore Rightwing Nationalist in you" or "This Country is ours, give us your cash and then get the f$#* out of here!" ... Land of smiles my a$$...

  6. A politician coming up with such an anti-foreigner agenda in Germany and most other parts of Europe would immediately be branded a NAZI and be out of his job after a big public outcry would rumble through the media.

    This is one of the days where I think that the Thais would like it best if all foreigners would just land at the airport, toss their cash, credit cards and valuables onto the runway, take a photo and then bugger off back home. Wouldn't such travel be a nice niche? You would not even need a VIsa since the airplane would simply make a u-turn on the runway and bring you back to where you came from.

    This all is again a grim reminder to the fact that us foreigners here in Thailand are second class people to them, not worth a toss... Why not worldwide do an eye-for-an-eye retribution and strip all Thai people off the land they have been granted to legally own by a 100% and ban >only Thai people< worldwide in all countries from owning land, threatening them to be deported and punished? Wouldn't that be just fair after all that "Farangs get out of here" bullshit Thai authorities come up with on a frequent basis?

    I'm here since 20 years now and even though it would ruin my own business, I strongly believe that Thailand would really deserve that people of all nations would suddenly realize how much most of the nicely smiling Thais dislike (or should I say hate?) foreigners and as a result never return here again, and bring their money elsewhere. A total collaps of the Thai economy as a result of their stupid ongoing anti-farang-agenda - wouldn't you just love to see that?

    What I believe is that 90% of prime Phuket land is in the hands of filthy rich Thai/Chinese families... and I'm quite certain that I am as close to the truth as one can be. What they want is the remaining 10%... Give us white people a break, would you, please?

  7. Despite the point that the government in Thailand should have better things to do right now, I believe that we are missing the point here. Have to admit, that I checked my calendar first to see whether it is April the 1st again when I read this article about the tattoo ban for foreigner. It seems like we are missing the point here... A person acting like Culture Minister Niphit Intharasombat in a western country would have to resign immediately after his words came out on newspapers since a racism lawsuit would be waiting for him. He is talking about foreigners, not Thais. I have had about enough with this permanent racism here in Thailand against us foreigners and the hypocrisy performed by officials on a daily basis believing that only Thais have the sole right to own, display, buy, sell, paint, reproduce, import, export, believe in, cherish, and now finally tattoo Lord Buddha, Ganesh, and/or any other religious replications on their body. Minister Niphit Intharasombat must have forgotten that it is EVERY persons divine right to do with his or her body whatever he or she wants. I wonder that his implications do not spark a public outcry that goes around the world. He is not interested to preserve any religious dignity, he simply is a downright racist. Otherwise the ban would include Thais as well as foreigners. Stand up for your rights people! When will he order that every foreigner entering Thailand will need to wear a yellow star stitched onto our shirts? Make this public people! Send copies of the original article to your home country's newspaper stations, show the world that racists like Minister Niphit Intharasombat are in charge of running this otherwise beautiful country.

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