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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. I found it interesting when the police said the fake gun made it a joke.

    Why wasn't it a joke a few weeks ago when that idiot teacher gave a bank teller a written note saying he had a gun and knife. They refused bail because it was a violent crime because the teller really thought he might had a gun and knife.

    Must be that Thainess thing again. Thai has fake gun, so it is a joke.

    Farang has a piece of paper so it is a violent crime. Go figure.

    I salute to that! Wise words typed by a wise A Guy!!!

    Worldwide, the bank always wins.

    In Thailand, the Thai always wins.

    I would wish that it would be similar in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Scandinavia... Because there we have a sick twist in how law is served: Three turkish immigrant youngsters beat up and kill a 70 year olf German in a subway station in an unprovoked attack - they get sentenced to a few hours of social service. A mid-aged German fends off two immigrants who attacked him and his girlfriend unprovoked after watching the movies, breaking one attacker's jaw and sending the other one away with a broken rib, it was "defending with excessive force" and the attacked German is sentenced to two years on probation... We (Germans) are aliens in our own country. The Thais are more clever in dealing with unwanted immigrants = can't get a visa? Off you go! That however does NOT mean that the anti foreigner sentiment should be perverted to such an extend that a Thai threatening a foreigner with a replica is regarded to as a joke that does not need to be punished by law, while a foreigner writing a note in a bank gets paid by the bank staff and walks away without harming anyone is treated and sentenced like a mass murderer... Thailand...

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  2. its real IMO

    also i thought the thai knew he lost face himself... the reaction from the russian was class... and the thai knew it, hence there was a couple pauses coz he didn't know what to do

    the thai guy was using the gun as the power and since the russian took it like a man, the thai was a bit out of his depth. another clue to this was when the thai guy came back again to try and get a reaction, but the russian was cool as ice and that thai fool knew it

    at last an educated person who understands people and situations

    He was not "cool as ice: - he was in shock and was wimping out by being completely inactive, not even able to make a sound. I have seen the same kind of behaviour in similar situations when I was a kid. The assaulted person simply freezes and can't even make a sound. In most cases it makes the attacker even more angry because he does not get the reaction he expects (tears, whimping and begging for mercy)... Think the Russian was in a similar state of shock. Still can't believe it, looking at the huge difference in body size between the Russian and the Gangnam Style Leprechaun with his plastic gun.

    We however are missing the best part here, who will shag Chaka Karn now as the Russian is back home and Shorty is in jail???

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  3. Even though something smells fishy here (especially with the Russian not locking the door after the little F#^k left for the second time), I think that the video is real because of the slapping. The little tw@t gave him quite a good beating... I don't really get it how someone can remain that calm on his knees while a miniature cartoon version of that Gangnam style guy is having a fit right in front of him, permanently flipping the toy gun from right to left and back for the slapping sequences.

    With adrenalin pumping through my veins and anger building up like crazy, even by simply watching that recording, I am quite sure that I would have taken that little prick out for good and broken his neck in the very moment he starts to flip the gun again and I would have given a toss whether it is a real one or not. I mean, look at the Russian - he's in good shape and almost twice the size of the Gangnam dwarf - there are times in life where you have to fight and defend yourself and one of those is when someone points a gun at you.

    In any case, this is not good advertising for Thailand in general and I think it is about time for Thai authorities to brush up Thailand's reputation by making an example in letting "Thai Mini-Me" do a few years of hard time in the "Phuket Sheraton". But wishing for this is like hoping that "Shrinky" will ever improve his English beyond... you know?

    It's a jungle out there, we all know it and this is why we love this place :)

  4. Wow, what a disgraceful way to die... I very much doubt that Mr. Muller's family will appreciate the explicit details given in the article...

    Despite the awful wording and grammar (I really wonder at times who is writing all this $#ite - is it so difficult to get editors who are in command of the language?), I'd like to quote this: "and it was believed that he died from auto erotic. It is the imagination of having sex, but it’s making the person not conscious of their actions."

    Here I'd like to ask why anyone >>>IN THAILAND<<< would go through all the trouble of almost suffocating himself just to "imagine having sex" ??? Why not get a nice "escort" and really have sex??? I never get my head around these self-stranglers. The David Carradine thing really got me back then, since I as a young boy was all "Kung &lt;deleted&gt;" when his first TV series came out ages ago. For me it was shocking to read that he went to the other side by doing that sex imagination strangle thing... It's pathetic...

    In my opinion, the media should not have the right to give out such details and simply announce that person X was found dead and that circumstances surrounding the death are yet to be determined. As long as family and heirs not give an ok, these details need to stay private - full stop!

    RIP Mr. Muller - hope you are in a better place now.

  5. I know what I would do with Mr. Tracey, if I would have some time with him alone in my garage without his parents knowing... What I can't understand is how a low life like him can get bail in the first place. If I ever meet him (thanks to Thai Visa for the nice photo), I'll have a chat with Mr. Tracey and would even be prepared to do hard time for having had the privilige...

    I strongly hope that in this thread no dogooder will appear and write b##$hite about Mr. Tracey perhaps having had to endure a "difficult Childhood". In my opinion, those dogooders and the expensive and tax-payer financed "psychiatrists", who are responsible for Tracey-alike people being released on bail or receiving reduced sentences, should join their "patients" in their jail cell for the whole sentenced time if their patients are having a relapse and continue to abuse children. Same should go for the judges, but I guess we would run out of active judges pretty quick by then...

  6. Looking at all this and having had my very own personal problems and fights with these thugs, I wonder if Thailand's government will ever have the guts (and uncorrupted manpower) to root out the Tuk Tuk, Mini Bus and Taxi Mafia in Thailand for good, implementing mandatory meters in all taxis, tuk tuks, etc. along with the requirement to have a "Your driver won't use the taxi meter? Call free of charge to report offenders - 24h hotline: 081XXXXXXX" and revoke any license >for life< if three offense calls came in for any particular driver - full stop.

    Buuuuut... we are in Thailand, so this will be just a nice dream and nothing is gonna change. My prognosis: The local "authorties" will give in and let the Tuk Tuk Mafia have it their way as always. Guess there will be some cheap 2nd hand buses for sale in Phuket soon. "Thailaeeen..."

    Maybe the government should reposess some of the unused rice paddies in the northeast and give them to the "poor" Tuk Tuk thugs and let's see if they are willing to work for a change instead of ripping off and putting off tourists with their arrogant, aggressive and violent behaviour. Would be kinda cool as there would be some free parking spots along the beaches of Phuket... Sorry forgot - of course they are already "booked" by those nice, friendly and reliable water scooter and speed boat guys. They need to make a living too, of course, since there is no fish left in the water... They all were respected and honest fishermen in the past, you know, but what should they do? Work? Naaaa... better to point a gun into a tourists face, and force him to hand over all of his cash to repair the 3 year old damage on their water scooter. Call the police? Naaaa.... they're best friends of all those lovely tuk tuk, scooter and speed boat guys... Need some Metamphetamine? Call the hotline! It's a jungle out there - chop down a tree and ten others will grow...

  7. Yeah sure... even though this idea might have been hammered up with best of intentions, the banks will be the winners in the end. "Credits to those who need help" and later are unable to pay back, so the bank can claim the mom and pop store and turn it into a 7Eleven with ATM and ADM machines...

    ... and foreign-owned businesses being their biggest competitors, my A$$ - what a load of horseshite! Also thought that foreigners can't own buinesses in Thailand, respectively 49% max. Always great to see when they take the "bash the foreigners bat" out of the closet whenever it comes to the government "helping" the poor local people.

    In addition - if I (and I believe 90% of the readers are with me on this) have the choice of either buying the supplies for my family in a dusty, hot and dirty "mom and pop store" that stinks of rat pee, and where I find Mama soup or fish cans that are 2 years or more over their expiry dates on the dirty floor, looking at the cheap made in China toys for 20 Baht that break the very instant you take them out of the package and on check out having to look at "pop" standing there without a shirt on picking his nose and "mom" sitting in a corner doing her "Papaya Pok Pok" while watching a Thai soap on TV with the volume turned up to 100%, I have to admit that I would prefer the air-conditioned, clean and organized "foreign or whoever owned competitor".

    I don't think that "mom and pop" would listen to any advise of how to make a shop look nice, because they haven't got a clue and they are not interested. In Thailand, people stick to "it was ok back then and will still be ok today AND tomorrow". A general understanding that they and their customers would feel much better in a clean and well lit shop that smells of roses instead of a buffalo shed, is absent and it always will be. Despite the government's effort to save them, the "mom and pop" stores in urban areas will disappear for good within the coming 5 to 10 years. For "modern" Thais these shags won't work anymore - and why should they?

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  8. One of the funniest ideas yet from these idiots. Not least because of the financial impact on local car sales. No one in their right mind will want to buy a car until this is resolved.

    "As of 1 January 2014 all cars sold in Thailand will need to have the

    steering wheel on the left side. Old normal cars can keep their steering

    wheel on the right, but owners cannot sell these cars."

    So all those people who have been encouraged to go into debt to buy cars are now going to find they have a worthless investment that they cannot sell without an expensive modification.

    I wonder how the manufacturers feel about this, they will have huge stocks to sell, what happens to those cars?

    Reality, this will not happen anytime soon, it is simply not feasible by Jan 2014. Change every single signpost in the country? All the traffic lights that need to be re sequenced? Seriously, Jan 1st overnight change when so many are already drunk! Accident rates will go up dramatically to start with, I certainly wouldn't want to be on the roads for the next few days, it would be total chaos.

    Another outstanding and totally laughable plan from the man in Dubai.

    So who is the fool then? laugh.png

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  9. Did not read all of the replies, thus sorry if anyone already jumped on the same conclusion, but - looking at the guy - I am quite certain that there is more to the story. My version is: That poor victim guy, Dijk, must have in some way offended one of the 6 teenagers some time earlier and that teen just went and collected some friends as reinforcement to get his revenge.

    Also possible that Dijk trains in one of those "so hot right now" (Zoolander) Thai boxing gyms and showed one of those six guys what a much heavier and taller Farang guy could do to him, making him "lose face" causing the "necessity for revenge".

    Whatever the story is, I am absolute certain that there is more to the story and Dijk has performed his part in it. It takes two to Tango...

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  10. Yeah, sure! We know what happens to "funds" and donations made in Thailand, no? There simply will be a few extra orders rolling in at Porsche and Mercedes, done by some officials, the money will magically disappear, an investigation team will be appointed and order a few new Toyotas and Honda Clicks. And after that it all will be business as usual...

  11. Good to see a variety of opinions on here as usual - I didn't really want to respond to the screaming headline which arrived in my inbox but this is a really interesting and important topic. Catweazle and others may be onto something. I recently watched the nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier (the guy who "jointly" discovered HIV - apparently) saying that HIV can be gotten rid of by a healthy immune system - and that we can be exposed to it many times. He recommends a healthy diet, cleanliness etc. Just watch it on Youtube.

    So, there you go, straight from the horses mouth and a directly opposing viewpoint to the "irreversible death sentence" ideas most of us have had foisted upon us about HIV.

    Then there's the "presumptive" testing, which hands out the "death sentence diagnosis" without a blood test. Unbelievable but true, a recommended protocol even!

    The definition of AIDS itself is a ludicrous politicised litany of many other diseases.

    You can be HIV positive in one country, then cross over the border and be HIV negative. Unbelievable but true.

    The whole HIV/AIDS topic deserves your attention, as it is starting to show up all the signs of a major clusterf***.

    I have not reached definitive conclusions on the matter, so would welcome other opinion, especially as I have two good friends currently "diagnosed" as positive. Would appreciate it if you could remain polite however, haha wai2.gif

    Thank you, Adam!!! Thanks!!!!

  12. catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

    WOW!!! Life proof - thank you so much. I had so many endless discussions about this and know that I for A) should be dead myself by now and B ) "hell yeah!" would absolutely positively reject any medication offered by those <Snip> white coats and simply do more sports and drop alcohol and fast food. Hopefully the full extend of the AIDS scam is exposed on a worldwide basis soon. Btw. I also don't know any of the hookers I ever have known dying of AIDS, but dying other ways like getting electricuted in the shower, run over by a truck, bike accident, one got shot, etc. but none died of AIDS. One girlfriend of a girl I knew was said to be dying of aids some 12 years ago. When I asked for the medication, it was AZT. She died of a lung infection, because the AZT <snip> up her metabolism and her immune system, not AIDS!

    Music recommendation: White Coats - from New Model Army - let the lyrics open your eyes!

    You need to do a bit more research. Contracting HIV that then transmutes to AIDS, eats away at the body's immune system and sufferers die due to lower resistance to infections, virus cancer etc not from AIDS itself. This is what happened to a very good gay friend of mine in the early 1990s. He had a very unpleasant and slow death.

    Yepp and back then in 1990 he to 100% sure was on AZT what kills the immune system and eventually killed your friend. AIDS is nothing more than a collection of all symptoms and disease patterns that people show who either are weakened by drug use, malnutrition, extreme poisoning due to alcohol abuse and abuse of other substances, etc. - then they wrapped it up and called it AIDS after they found out that these patterns are reflected by a specific blood count. If you are already a junkie, living a bad lifestyle, sleep deprevation, extended sexual intercourse with changing partners and subsequently catching other sexually transmitted diseases, etc. already weakening your immune system to point blank, and then - on top of it all - catching a simple flu or something can destroy the blood count to the required numbers for the AIDS test to kick in. Then: Refuse the treatment with deadly medicine, change life style and habits for the better and live - or: Take the whitecoat medicine and die!

    Talking about wrapping up the disease patterns and giving it a name... Does this remind any reader here about what Goldmann Sucks did with all those bad credits they sold to any beggar of whom they knew he could never pay it back? They took them all (and more from other banks) wrapped the whole $hite and named it ABACUS (even starts with the same letter), put it into the stock market, sold that crap to their own clients and watched as it spontaneously combusted and killed the livelihood and savings of millions, while Goldmann Sucks got rich betting against their own evil construct?

    Wake up for Pete's sake!!!!!!!!!! This is the age of information and the internet - the truth is out there! Read and understand that you are fooled by governments and media. AIDS, ABACUS and similar constructs are just the tip of the iceberg. If you'd know what really is going on and take in the truth, we would not need AIDS or wars as half of the population would kill itself anyway because they could not take it, realizing that everything they have been told, taught at school and read in newspapers and history books was nothing but a big pack of lies. This is why the Elite keeps people down - because most of us are too ignorant and stupid to see and understand the greather picture!

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  13. catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

    WOW!!! Life proof - thank you so much. I had so many endless discussions about this and know that I for A) should be dead myself by now and B ) "hell yeah!" would absolutely positively reject any medication offered by those <Snip> white coats and simply do more sports and drop alcohol and fast food. Hopefully the full extend of the AIDS scam is exposed on a worldwide basis soon. Btw. I also don't know any of the hookers I ever have known dying of AIDS, but dying other ways like getting electricuted in the shower, run over by a truck, bike accident, one got shot, etc. but none died of AIDS. One girlfriend of a girl I knew was said to be dying of aids some 12 years ago. When I asked for the medication, it was AZT. She died of a lung infection, because the AZT <snip> up her metabolism and her immune system, not AIDS!

    Music recommendation: White Coats - from New Model Army - let the lyrics open your eyes!

  14. Love hurts...

    RIP to the victim... Anger management therapy to the Canadian... Thought Canadians were supposed to be "gentle people", leaving their front doors unlocked and all?

    Wonder if the story wouldn't have had more "life teaches us lessons" potential, if the Canadian would better have stabbed the cheating girlfriend and then ask that lawyer guy to defend his case, like a male bonding kinda thing... whistling.gif

  15. As a father of four kids (2 grown ups and with the youngest boys being 2 and 7) I can just state here that I personally would kill the person who touches my boys causing them any harm mentally and/or physically before they can get it in front of a jury.

    Hopefully the Aussie will receive proper treatment in jail, thus experiening first hand how it feels to get raped...

    Over and out!

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  16. I am not American [thank god], but I have been subject to the rhetorics of this bl____y election for weeks.

    Why do we not get this when the Canadians, Mexicans, French, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spanish, Etc., vote for their national leaders and governments?

    We're ok with you not wanting to be an American @Basil B. And there are millions of people in the world that would love to be Americans and they most humbly thank you for freeing up that spot in the line.


    Totally agree! Yepp - helps you to sleep better at night knowing to be a citizen of the world police as it assures that any but your own country gets bombed back to stone age and is wasted with depleted Uranium.

    I always wonder what Americans are so proud of - is it living on land that was stolen from the aboriginal people by murdering them in the world's biggest genocide ever? Is it living on land that then later was made fertile and accessible by stolen slaves shipped over from Africa, with quite a big percentage of them getting raped and killed in the process? Is it living in a country that managed to drop two nuclear bombs on civilians and on a country that already was on its way to surrender, and in the end managed to be hailed as a "humanitarian" hero? Is it living in a country that succeeded in marketing the world's biggest pile of scrap metal as "the world's greatest motorcycle"? If these are the reasons, then such a rare spot in the line does not have that much appeal anymore, does it?

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  17. Who knows? I am not expecting it, but maybe there is even a chance he can actually EARN that Nobel Peace Prize he won ...

    So you would agree that be now, Obama hasn't done much that he really would deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

    And further you don't even expect him doing something in the future in that direction.

    Am i reading your comment right?

    Wouldn't that have been a strong reason not to vote for Obama? At least if you a peace loving guy and hate wars like me.

    Yeah, and the Nobel Price will be gold plated after he managed to get the Israelis starting the war with Iran for the US of A to intervene and play HERO and world police again, bombing the $hite out of Iran until all concessions for the oil wells are under US control. "Uuuuh, I love the smell of Napalm in the morning!" F##### all that and wake up, people, pleeeeaaaaase!!!!!!!!!!!! There will be no peace, no backing up and no prisoners taken until the US of A owns all of the world's oil. Obama is just the perfect puppet to make all following invasions of mid east and asian countries look legit.

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  18. get in there, fantastic news for america and for the rest of the world*.

    * now please stop bombing the shit out of poor countries with drones.

    Obama will not stop the drones. Shame on those who support him to continue.

    No president wil stop the drones as the guys who build them own the f####g country. Any president wandering astray of the NWO crusade agenda is as good as dead (or will be found by CNN reporters drugged up and unconscious in some motel room lying next to a naked 13 year old school girl who hands them a sperm sample)... Wake up, people!!!!!

    And... why is it fantastic news for The US of A and the rest of the world if a notorious liar string puppet wins a manipulated election????

  19. Does anyone here seriously believe it would change anything if anyone else would have won the elections? Don't you people realize that the only choice given to the public (us, whom they call bottom feeders, the masses,and/ or expendable "material") is to chose between dark grey or light grey? Puppeteers are and always will be the same, just the design of the the puppet changes... not more, not less! If an honest, uncorruptible charismatic person with his own agenda would ever be elected, he/she would suffer the same fate as JFK and his brother.

    And btw - if I would have broken that many promises with my customers, they would tear me apart in mid-air. A lying and deceiving puppet like Obama is re-elected after lying to and betraying his own country on a daily basis year after year. Doesn't that blow your mind?

    Is the whole world in a kind of vigilant coma or what the f.... is going on here??????

    Isn't it fantastic how people can be so numb that they accept everything said by politicians, as long as it's aired or printed, it's true even if the facts what's been said or done, is the opposite of what's being said or done.

    This applies to the whole western world, not only the US, you can't take away that from us Europeans.

    We are just as stupid.

    My only wish is that someday, a politician by the name of Forrest Gump could take over the leadership.

    Than the citizens of the world would make progress as human beings following said persons lead.

    Yepp! Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies if not THE ONE!!!!

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