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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Don't think it is a big loss if Thailand wide all Russian A-GO-GOs will be closed. It's like carrying coals to Newcastle... Never felt more hassled and harrased for money than in those places. Compared to the delicate and mostly beautiful Thai girls, these huge giants seemed like monsters to me. Permanently babbling something about "do you have present for me?" and nagging about lady drinks which in those places cost you and arm and a leg. Only good thing that can be said about those venues is that the music there is much better and the women (can't call these fully matured heavyweights girls) can dance - what was a kind of nice change to the standard "Bangkok Shuffle" performed by Thai girls. At the end of the day, I would applaude officials if they can make the Russian rip off places disappear.

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  2. Is it only me, or did these weekly "farang" scams truly start when Russians and others from the surrounding regions (like Ukrania, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, etc. started to settle in Thailand? I remember back in 1991 to approx 2004 there were sometimes (maybe two, three times per year) bigger scams/crimes involving foreigners reported, but since 2005 the frequency increases by the day. I am really trying to not skid into the racism grudge, but honesltly, these f##kers are damaging the reputation of any "farang" in Thailand who does things by the book like most expats I know. I honor and salute police and officials who are breathing down their necks and weed them out - get these people out of here, please!!!! And make sure they never return!

    And if any Thai official is reading this, I hope that he/she understands that those Ukranian crooks do not represent the majority of foreigners here in Thailand.

    F#$$, f#$$, f#$$!!!! These "Russian and surrounding areas Crooks" really start to pi$$ me off!!!!

    Also, some member here wrote that they were funnelling money off the banks... No, no! Don't be mistaken here my friend - there will be some honest and hard working persons (may it be Thai of foreign) be standing in front of their banks' ATMs wondering where their pay check or retirement money went, because those F#$$ers had no any better business idea but ripping ordinary people off. These people make me sick - may they receive justice tenfold!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No mercy!

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  3. As much as I appreciate that police is circling in on those crooks, I would like to see the same Thai investigative enthusiasm invested when it comes to local Karaokes and Thai/Chinese brothels, where minors are sold on a daily basis by THAIS to THAIS! But perhaps a bust in such places would not have as much media impact as one about those bad, bad, bad, foreigners fiddling around with underage boys.

    Oh, sorry - now remember why there are no local Thai busts; As a matter of fact local police (also in the area where I live) are the Karaokes' best customers spending their palm grease in those places, boozing the night away and taking out the 14 year old "service girls" for a "short time" on a daily basis.

    As I wrote so often, but it can never be said often enough: Thailand should be added to international dictionaries as substitute word for hypocrisy.

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  4. Found this topic a bit late, but; Wow, it needed an "expert" for the officials in charge to realize something that every "layperson" in Thailand already knows and fears for decades??? Sometimes I just sit and wonder...

    On a daily basis I see "custom built" buses racing along the H4 where not even the axles are aligned - have seen buses that were off half a meter or more, thus basically driving in a permanent curve, with the driver having to counter steer all the time. They are build to heights that would dwarf even the Eiffel Tower. Such custom buses are prone to fail in narrow curves, when it rains, or when they have to break and steer around an obstacle (do Thai bus drivers ever do that?), but latest when the tyres are down to the mesh (common practice)... Not a question if those buses crash, just when. I even made a couple of photos and videos of such buses, but can't find em now when I need them (Murphy's Law). We had a few buses just tipping over up here in Phang-Nga plenty of times on those narrow curvy passages leading up and down the mountains.

    I wonder how those buses even can get a full license and green book, where nowadays they transportation officers pi$$ down like crazy on every bike enthusuast that dares to build a custom chopper, applying for a green book... Not holding my breath hoping that the expert opinion and the burned-out bus story will change anything. People forget easy, whereas Thai officials must be taking some kind of "Forget this right now!! Booster Pills" when it comes to failures done by Thai operators or vehicle owners. That bus company owned to 49% by a foreigner with 51% owned by suspected nominees??? Be assured that all hell would break lose! They would rip that foreign director into pieces and then run one or two of their stupid crackdowns on "whoeverforeignerwebelievetodaytotakeourjobswomenandlandawayfromusuntouchableandnoblethaipeople". Well, at the end of the day it always comes down to, "This is Thailaeeeenn, if you no lie (like) you go home." Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, but still love this country (even though I sometimes wonder why smile.png ).

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  5. Don't really know what to make of this question... In some way it is a downright stupid question to ask, since in life you always will need the help of other people, men AND women, and this regardless of where you might go and regardless of what your plans for life are. In another way it is a good question, especially as it focuses on Thailand. In discussions with fellow expats and wannabe expats I always come to the conclusion that Thailand is where it is today mainly because of the Thai women. I have been living and working with Thai employees in Thailand for 22 years now, experienced a lot of hardship and had to make a lot of compromises, throw old western thinking structures in the bin, etc.

    What I have seen so far boils down to the fact that Thai women are the driving force here in Thailand - percentage-wise they have more intellect, work harder, are cleverer, more creative and versatile, and they adapt easier to unforeseen changes than their male counterparts. In regards to the topic question it would be downright wrong to simply focus on the sexual part, the prostitution and how easy it is to not be alone here in Thailand if you feel lonely. Another point is that most women in Thailand embrace their female role, whereas in the western world most women nowadays want to be hardcore businesswomen with no time for family, kids, or romance...

    I have to admit that initially a woman was the reason for me to move to Thailand back then in '91, but once the first euphoria faded out, I realised that I want to spend the rest of my life here because I learned to love the land, the food, the people, the laissez faire attitude and the relative freedom one enjoys here on a daily basis. Of course, there are some black dots, like corruption, lack of safety issues, etc. but the good outweighs the bad by far. I would never, never, trade my life here for a life in Europe, and to answer your question, I am not arrogant and ignorant enough (unlike some other forum members here) to say that I could be where I am today without the help of my several former Thai girlfriends and (in the more mature stage of my stay here) my Thai wife. It took me about 12 years to find the right one though.

    Ignore the comments in this thread where so called "experts" warn you of all the Thai women who are only out to rip you off and are in just for the money. Of course, we have a lot of rotten apples here and the girlie bar scene is probably the worst fishing ground to find a reliable life partner, but - man, just enjoy life and embrace and cherish all the good things that are waiting for you here. Follow your heart and your intuition, and welcome every setback as a lesson learned, stand up again and keep walking! Keep in mind that you will only make it here in Thailand when you have been all the way down, sitting in the deepest $3ite you can imagine, without a single Baht left in your account, just wondering "what just happened". Only the ones who manage to stand up again and again after each failure will make it here in Thailand. You will then find out that there are Thai woman out there willing to help you back onto your feet, knowing that you have absolutely nothing to give and they have nothing to gain but your love and friendship. I have seen it all - and everyone who calls me a dreamer after reading all this has not been where I have been, sitting in the grim reaper's lap and coming back to tell the story.

    Last but not least - when you really want to make it here in Thailand, stay away from your fellow country men and "best (western) friends" since they most likely are the ones who will rip you off and fail you when you need them most.

    All the best to you for your future ventures in Thailand.

    Excellent post Catweasle......................thumbsup.gif Your observations and comments hit the mark and for the most part, image my adventures in this country.

    Thank you, Chris, great to see that my post could counterbalance the usual Thai girl bashings that usually follow when topics like this one are discussed. Have a great weekend! wai.gif

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  6. Don't really know what to make of this question... In some way it is a downright stupid question to ask, since in life you always will need the help of other people, men AND women, and this regardless of where you might go and regardless of what your plans for life are. In another way it is a good question, especially as it focuses on Thailand. In discussions with fellow expats and wannabe expats I always come to the conclusion that Thailand is where it is today mainly because of the Thai women. I have been living and working with Thai employees in Thailand for 22 years now, experienced a lot of hardship and had to make a lot of compromises, throw old western thinking structures in the bin, etc.

    What I have seen so far boils down to the fact that Thai women are the driving force here in Thailand - percentage-wise they have more intellect, work harder, are cleverer, more creative and versatile, and they adapt easier to unforeseen changes than their male counterparts. In regards to the topic question it would be downright wrong to simply focus on the sexual part, the prostitution and how easy it is to not be alone here in Thailand if you feel lonely. Another point is that most women in Thailand embrace their female role, whereas in the western world most women nowadays want to be hardcore businesswomen with no time for family, kids, or romance...

    I have to admit that initially a woman was the reason for me to move to Thailand back then in '91, but once the first euphoria faded out, I realised that I want to spend the rest of my life here because I learned to love the land, the food, the people, the laissez faire attitude and the relative freedom one enjoys here on a daily basis. Of course, there are some black dots, like corruption, lack of safety issues, etc. but the good outweighs the bad by far. I would never, never, trade my life here for a life in Europe, and to answer your question, I am not arrogant and ignorant enough (unlike some other forum members here) to say that I could be where I am today without the help of my several former Thai girlfriends and (in the more mature stage of my stay here) my Thai wife. It took me about 12 years to find the right one though.

    Ignore the comments in this thread where so called "experts" warn you of all the Thai women who are only out to rip you off and are in just for the money. Of course, we have a lot of rotten apples here and the girlie bar scene is probably the worst fishing ground to find a reliable life partner, but - man, just enjoy life and embrace and cherish all the good things that are waiting for you here. Follow your heart and your intuition, and welcome every setback as a lesson learned, stand up again and keep walking! Keep in mind that you will only make it here in Thailand when you have been all the way down, sitting in the deepest $3ite you can imagine, without a single Baht left in your account, just wondering "what just happened". Only the ones who manage to stand up again and again after each failure will make it here in Thailand. You will then find out that there are Thai woman out there willing to help you back onto your feet, knowing that you have absolutely nothing to give and they have nothing to gain but your love and friendship. I have seen it all - and everyone who calls me a dreamer after reading all this has not been where I have been, sitting in the grim reaper's lap and coming back to tell the story.

    Last but not least - when you really want to make it here in Thailand, stay away from your fellow country men and "best (western) friends" since they most likely are the ones who will rip you off and fail you when you need them most.

    All the best to you for your future ventures in Thailand.

    I applaude you for the quality and human way of your comment. I do not agree a 100% with it, but it is written with a heart and knowlegde. My compliments again.

    Dear Benalibina, your comment is greatly appreciated - thank you very much and all the best to you and your family.

  7. "The croc trainer, who has performed with the animal for four months and over one hundred shows, said that this was the first mishap that had ever happened to him."

    In the army I learned that, as routine sets in, increased risk dances the Macarena on a daily basis... What was that proverb again? Play with fire, expect to get burned.

    In spite of all the pun, quick and thorough recovery to Crocodile Dundee! Hopefully he will learn from this and understand that a wild animal is best off where it belongs; The Wild! Problem though is that a Thai man is never at fault, so let's hope that he will not poison or kill that poor croc for making him lose face (literally) - sorry, can't help it smile.png

    To tell the truth - I was tempted to cut and edit that video with Elton's Crocodile Rock as soundtrack, and post it here, but I had a hard day and am tired. Any bored computer geeks out there - please do it and send me the link for breakfast biggrin.png

  8. RIP to the victims and families, full recovery to the injured. Another grim reminder instructing us to use airplanes for long distance travel in Thailand if budget allows. My family and I haven't set foot in a public coach or mini bus in Thailand for a full decade now. Whenever we have to go anywhere, we either go with our own car or take a budget flight.

    I remember that I woke up once in a so called VIP coach, travelling from Bangkok to Surat - wished I would have stayed asleep since what I saw made my blood freeze. Within a period of 30 minutes we had at least 3 close calls, one with another coach that came straight at us on our side of the highway crossing in opposite direction to cut through a u-turn to his lane. Our driver almost lost control of the bus and you could hear horns honking all over the place. It ws like in one of those "Final Destination" horror movies... We later took the train back to Bangkok - but as latest developments showed, this is not a very safe option either... In the end - when our time's up, it's up - not much we can do about it, but we don't have to invite death by using public transport, given that our budget allows.

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  9. And I thought Monty Python were on top of the food chain when it comes to excelling in the arts of dark humour. But no one beats Thai officials... Look what a nice and "special" method they hammered up to catch hitmen, well done, children! These senseless 4 categories and the stupid babble describing the "methods" would have international investigators just sitting there with jaws wide open in sheer awe and admiration...

    The only part missing to make this one even greater than Monty Python and the Holy Grail would be the following addition to the press release: "Police superintendent Cayaphol Maipenrai also mentioned that police have reason to believe that more than 60% of these hitmen are foreigners without valid work permits."

  10. Dogs wouldn't help as they can be poisoned easily or shot and this will certainly happen given your description of those thugs. The CCTV cameras will do $#it as they can - in the best case scenario - only proof to bring one of them to justice for inflicting bodily harm, property damage or murder... Then it is too late anyway.

    As far as I can see you have only three chances: 1) Walk away and start a new life and business in another area. 2) Take a big amount of money and find the biggest mafia, army or police swine you can hire for that money and let them "take care" of the problem. Then buy the building and hire bodyguards and security for a full year. 3) Pray and ask god for help and guidance - you said your business is religion-related.

    Good luck!

  11. Even though I can't possibly fathom what this poor little girl went through, I hope and pray for her to be able to live a normal and happy life after this ordeal.

    The only good I get out of this story is that it appears (at least to me) that today more and more Thai women won't buckle under the pressure of domestic violence and bring husbands to justice, whereas this would seldomly happen some 20 years ago.

    I am tempted to write here though that I can't understand how, as a mother, she was unable to "read the signs" and become suspicious much earlier within those eight years, but perhaps this is an unfair thing to say...

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  12. Targeting foreign Mafia in Phuket... hhhmmmmh... wasn't aware of the "fact" that some foreigners in Phuket were also working as tuk tuk, taxi, and mini bus drivers, government and customs officials, policemen, and for the revenue department... Wow! We learn something new every day smile.png

  13. Wow - 5 pages with only a handful of relevant or sensible replies. What a pity that the moderators of ThaiVisa don't have the power to say: "This correspondence is now terminated." If they do have that authority, please exercise it NOW.


    We are all so happy that at least you are powerful enough to bless us with your posts full of relevance and sensibility. How about changing your name to Captain Sensible instead of slimylobster thumbsup.gif

  14. Felt it this morning around 06:45h in Khao Lak. Checked internet immediately and it took a while until the quake appeared on the interactive monitor map: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/

    I was relieved to read that it was only 5.3 Richter and not close to the fault line. No reports of Tsunami warnings or evacuation up here, but I did send an SMS and made calls to alert friends living near the coast line.

    If you go to http://www.gdacs.org , you can sign up to get a Tsuanmi or earthquake alert send as SMS to your phone. Comes in handy when living close to the beach. This one however was silent this morning... no SMS.

    I am surprized though that it could be felt here (even though it was only 5.3 Richter) with a strength comparable to the two tremors before the tsunami in 2004 (woke up because of them back then and thus can tell). An "expert" told back in 2005 that it is good if you have small tremors in an area close to the fault lines on a regular basis, whereas total silence and no tremors at all for a very long period are cause for concern as tension is building up to the point where the plates snap up/downwards, and then very likely will cause a tsunami. So we should be fine - hopefully...

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  15. Hitler was a mass murderer, yes. It is sad to see young and uneducated people idolize him. Totally agree...

    BUT - I see people proudly wearing Obama shirts... Despite his empty words blabla like Change (What has changed? Definitely nothing to the better under his administration), and Yes We Can! (Can what? Bomb the $hit out of civilians and hundreds of thousands of innocent children? Can get hundreds of thousands of Americans live in tents now?). You can see how many civilians have been killed by drone strikes under this "glorious" string puppet Obama alone: http://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/category/projects/drones/ (these are the drone strike numbers only and do not include the millions of civilians american soldiers killed in action)

    Why wear Obama's T-shirt? Is he a better person because he managed to kill only 2, 4 or 8 million of civilians during his "reign"? People, especially Americans should better keep their holes shut as each one of us westernes are guilty, and this just because we don't have the guts to stand up and forever stop our governments and politicians from causing havoc and destrucion all over the world. We could, but we are just too comfy right now in our air-con mansions, sitting on our sofas with a nice, cold beer and some chips watching NFL or Oprah on our flat screens...

    I see people with CHE caps, shirts and tattoos... Was he a saint? F#ck NO! And there would be hundreds of others whose images are printed on stamps, bank notes, coins, shirts, bags, watches, even have been carved in stone - others, who (altogether) were responsible for so many millions of dead civilians that the sheer numbers would make Adolf Hitler look like a altar boy in comparison...

    Not saying that Hitler was any greater than a <deleted> cockroach, but do me and the world a favour and stop the hypocrisy. Thanks!

    Barrack Obama cannot be compared to hitler. Where do you get this figure of 8 million dead from? I seriously doubt there is anyone in history who can make hitler seem like a alter boy. No ones saying there have not been other genocidal maniacs throughout history, but their crimes against humanity do not in any way reduce those of hitler.

    Check the internet for non-mainstream and non-brainwashed media and all of your questions will be answered. My post was never written to reduce the crimes of anyone in any way. But all this has been written and been discussed over and over again in the past Hitler threads to an extend that makes me tired and bored. If you want to continue to spend your life in a state of utter ignorance and believe what mainstream media and your history professor or teacher has told you, that's fine with me, but in that case please leave me alone.

  16. How quickly a whole year can pass - it is April, 1st again. Guess they meant 2 decades? 2 months must be a typo... I'm always in total awe when they come up with this completely crazy statements... If I remember correctly, Phuket was to be a worldwide internet hub by the year 2000 and the announcement was made by some communications "official" in 1998. Look what we got...

    If one of those official announcements would say something like: Taxi and mini van drivers Thailand-wide will get licenses to kill uncooperative complainer passengers without getting proscecuted before end of July, I would believe that straight away. But announced changes to the better with a fixed time frame? Forget it. And those borrowed billions? They will simmer into the sand without a trace and Thailand's coming generations will have to pay dearly for it.

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