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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Ms Carnegie doesn't really look malnutritioned to me... (wow, it rhymes!)

    This however is how heroin addicts look before and after



    Any questions?

    Our "poor" forced to eat maggots drug smuggler should have done the time she was supposed to (which is life) without the possibility of parole to have enough free hours to reflect on the question of "how many lifes the smuggled Heroin would have destroyed permanently". In addition it would have given her ample time to inform herself (by reading some non-mainstream books) about who the real big drug smugglers are who actually use naive people like her as patsies while the real stuff is shipped in by big containers on a daily basis...

    The funny thing is that they all believe they wouldn't get caught, just like the drug addicts believe they could easily stop tomorrow if they wanted to, but they simply aren't up to it yet...

    I don't feel sorry for her at all and can have no sympathy whatsoever for a heroin smuggler - regardless of being a first timer or pro. I also feel a bit uneasy about the series banged up abroad, etc. since it gives me the eerie feeling that any drug dealer (big or small) can become a national hero or celebrity all of a sudden. If that isn't wrong, what is?

  2. Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.

    John Lennon

    Nothing more to add to that since Lennon's words count for any country in the world. This latest article with the Pheu Thai PMs idiotic babble accompanied by the lame try for an explanatory excuse afterwards "I just wanted to show Thais how far behind their welfare state was when compared with European countries." clearly shows that insanity is borderless... and frightening that is.

    • Like 1
  3. I recently had an entire junction box literally explode in a condo unit i own here. That, despite it having been installed by an allegedly reputable cOntractor recommended bu tv posters

    Likely cause was a power surge, a snake climbing to the transformer or lightning Take your pick.

    Bottom line is it was a puss pior installation, the type that exists everywhere in the country

    Our house in Phuket could have burned down if there would have anything flammable been standing under the doorbell... Somehow, the ringer button got stuck while we were away for a couple of days and the whole bellcase, made of plastic, started smoldering with the burning plastic dropping onto the tiles below. When we came back, the whole interior was covered in black ash, the bellcase completely gone. This was just a 12 Volt device - it does not need a lightning or an exploding transformer to cause a huge disaster... And as I wrote earlier - disaster can strike anywhere, anytime!

  4. Some day, and I hope it's before the next election, the chickens are going to come back to roost. Even in Thailand you can't fool all of the people, all of the time. Shame on these politicians for claiming to help the poor while they strip the treasury.

    Helping and supporting the poor is never, nowhere on this world on any political agenda! If anything is ever done for underprivileged groups by politicians, it either comes with a catch or in the end just serves their own cause, which is: "More money in our pockets and less responsibilities on our shoulders, please!"

    Best example is "Woman's Lib"... Main motivation here was to enable governments to tax the other half of the population and send them off to work.

    Dreaming is nice, keeping your eyes and ears wide open is painful.

  5. That's impossible. Yingluck "promised" there would be no flooding this year.

    Thats right and an article came out about 5 days ago that they were preparing for a severe drought this year. I am totally confused which one can we expect. Coats on coats off, ah bugger it, I will take my chances if my right knee plays up then it will be flooding.

    There might be a drought, there might be flooding, or it might be a normal year. I'm still waiting for them to add this last comment, this way they'll have all eventualities covered.

    What is "normal" here in TH smile.png


  6. With regards to the rape & the printing of her name in the paper I have utmost sympathy..

    I'll tell you why:

    Last year in my province (not too far west of BKK) I have an Iranian friend & his Thai wife living here for 10 years now.

    On their way home from shopping at Big C they were followed along the road by two Thai men on their motorcycle

    my friend was riding his with his wife as pillion passenger behind.

    Suddenly he heard a couple of cracks/bangs & his wife screamed out in pain, she had been shot twice by these men,

    once in the back & once in the leg, almost falling off she clung to him but he had to pull over to stop her from falling off completely.

    As he did so they rode past & he was shot in the arm.

    Luckily a car was passing at this time & scared them off before being robbed or killed & took them to hospital for treatment.

    The local newspaper who covered the story published their full names, details of where they worked & if you can believe it their full home address!!!!

    After staying in hospital for emergency treatment he managed to give a description of the men & motorcycle to the police, his wife was in for over a month after receiving major surgery.

    He had to move from his home for safety reasons, lost his work & suffered many days of fearing for his life every time he visited his wife.

    When he complained to the police & newspaper about what they had done they just said they were reporting news & doing their job!!

    No remorse or apology given or even a sense of what damage they had done!!

    Now they have rebuilt their lives in a different province after 1 year of trauma, with no compensation for their financial losses.

    Needless to say the culprits were never found, even though the police said they had a strong idea who it might have been as it wasn't the first time this had happened... I was speechless & lost for words at this omission..

    But then I remembered this is Thailand!!

    No, this is MEDIA !!! They'll f#$%k you and suck you dry, get out of you whatever they can to make a good headline and a quick buck to then drop you like a hot potatoe as soon as you are not a valuable asset to them anymore. Same goes for the music industry, fashion, etc... The bottom line is: They (the industry) simply don't care!

  7. Need to stress this again. Imagine what would go through your head if your 16 year old son or daughter has been killed in summer camp execution style with a point blank shot to the head by a person who as a punishment is then been sent here for a mere 21 years: http://www.time.com/...2137368,00.html

    One really must be insane if he/she swallows this without pure hatred and anger boiling up not only against Breivik, but also the system awarding the killer or your child with a 21 year holiday in the sun sentence, funded by taxpayers including yourself...

    again you're just feeding your own hatred by concentrating on the perpetrator and not the victims, whose situation is far more complex then you seem to realise.

    "Play that broken record, white boy..."


  8. Need to stress this again. Imagine what would go through your head if your 16 year old son or daughter has been killed in summer camp execution style with a point blank shot to the head by a person who as a punishment is then been sent here for a mere 21 years: http://www.time.com/...2137368,00.html

    One really must be insane if he/she swallows this without pure hatred and anger boiling up not only against Breivik, but also the system awarding the killer of your child with a 21 year holiday in the sun sentence, funded by taxpayers including yourself...

  9. "and seriously AND PERMANENTLY twisted in the head" - suddenly everyone's a psychiatrist?

    Don't need to be a pychiatrist to say that, everyone with a modicum of life experience can get it.

    Personally i am not advocating torture, but IMHO breivik cannot be rehabilitated, not even in a 1000 years of luxury prison,

    Should he gain some kind of human consciousness, he would kill himself soon after realizing what he had done.

    Thank god for the sane members in this forum!!!!

  10. Cowslip, I am assuming that the victim's families will not receive closure after seeing the killer of their children walk away to live another day in complete safety and security along with 3 meals a day and free medical care paid for by their own tax dollars. How would you feel if this happened to your loved ones? It is easy to judge when a tragedy happens to another person's family but when it hits home then the pain and anger deepens.

    No - you're implying that if the man was either tortured or executed the families would find closure - I think you are making wild assumptions based on absolutely no knowledge of how to counsel people in this situation.

    and I doubt if you really know how YOU"D feel let alone the victims or myself or anybody else - why don't you just keep your rash assumptions to yourself until you've given the matter some thought?

    Ok, we will send the families of the 77 victims to your home for counselling and after we will see what you write then...

  11. I'm really surprised at the level of hatred here.

    There is no such a thing as justice in case of murders and the illusion of it (eye for an eye) only leads to even more human suffering. Don't tell me the "US Justice System" is about justice, it's just about revenge and inflicting hurt on people who have hurt others.

    And yes - the Norwegian prison system (which is fantastically successful both at results and costs) are just about two things:

    • Protecting society from offenders if they're dangerous
    • Rehabilitating the offenders and making sure they become safe and productive members of society, facilitating release after the mandatory part of the sentence is finished

    We don't punish people here because the primal sense of revenge humans have. When we punish people by taking away basic human rights, we do it because we have to and would like to do so for a short a period of time as possible instead of gleefully legally torturing them for the enjoyment of the masses.

    Norway has some problems like every country, but our criminal care system isn't one of them. Instead of advocating/teaching violence through the prison system, we prevent and treat it through it. Our system is one of the main reasons for the very low violence rate in Norway.

    Brevik did terrible evil things and will likely spend the majority of his life in prison for it, but please don't act as we're the bad guys for having a extremely successfull system that gives you a second chance to make things right for society while you're advocating running over him with asphalt steam rollers.

    All very self righteous and a maybe a touch holier than thou but putting the victims and their families firstnstead of playing computer games, watching TV and writing his version of Mein Kampf in a luxury prison.

    Well said - I'd sign that and have a very lucid vision right now seeing Breivik in the market square smile.png

    how terribly medieval, I suppose you are completely unaware of the vast body of research and evidence that has established that death and torture have absolutely no effect as a deterrent - but on the contrary have the effect of "

    Hanged for a sheep as a lamb"

    No - it has the effect of closure and justice being done on the victims' parents, families and friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My sentence would have been to release Breivik, dressed in shorts and t-shirt (just like his victims) in the center of the island, give him 60 seconds before the signal sounds, and have the victim's parents waiting along the beach armed with rifles to hunt him down like a dog or do whatever they think they want to do with him. "Eye for an eye" would work out so beautifully in this case and definitely would be the only "cure" for Breivik and the victims' families.

  12. I'm really surprised at the level of hatred here.

    There is no such a thing as justice in case of murders and the illusion of it (eye for an eye) only leads to even more human suffering. Don't tell me the "US Justice System" is about justice, it's just about revenge and inflicting hurt on people who have hurt others.

    And yes - the Norwegian prison system (which is fantastically successful both at results and costs) are just about two things:

    • Protecting society from offenders if they're dangerous
    • Rehabilitating the offenders and making sure they become safe and productive members of society, facilitating release after the mandatory part of the sentence is finished

    We don't punish people here because the primal sense of revenge humans have. When we punish people by taking away basic human rights, we do it because we have to and would like to do so for a short a period of time as possible instead of gleefully legally torturing them for the enjoyment of the masses.

    Norway has some problems like every country, but our criminal care system isn't one of them. Instead of advocating/teaching violence through the prison system, we prevent and treat it through it. Our system is one of the main reasons for the very low violence rate in Norway.

    Brevik did terrible evil things and will likely spend the majority of his life in prison for it, but please don't act as we're the bad guys for having a extremely successfull system that gives you a second chance to make things right for society while you're advocating running over him with asphalt steam rollers.

    All very self righteous and a maybe a touch holier than thou but putting the victims and their families first I wonder if Breveik would have done what he did if he knew he'd end up hanging upside down by his balls in the market square instead of playing computer games, watching TV and writing his version of Mein Kampf in a luxury prison.

    Well said - I'd sign that and have a very lucid vision right now seeing Breivik in the market square smile.png

  13. When do people like you realize that there must be a red line also in the DO-GOODER handbook or whatever you are reading to become so weakend and soft that most likely you would even hug and kiss the killer of your own children and invite him for dinner. This do-gooder philosophy bull$#!t sickens me death!!!

    ... sickens me to death I wanted to say, of course...

  14. I'm really surprised at the level of hatred here.

    There is no such a thing as justice in case of murders and the illusion of it (eye for an eye) only leads to even more human suffering. Don't tell me the "US Justice System" is about justice, it's just about revenge and inflicting hurt on people who have hurt others.

    And yes - the Norwegian prison system (which is fantastically successful both at results and costs) are just about two things:

    • Protecting society from offenders if they're dangerous
    • Rehabilitating the offenders and making sure they become safe and productive members of society, facilitating release after the mandatory part of the sentence is finished

    We don't punish people here because the primal sense of revenge humans have. When we punish people by taking away basic human rights, we do it because we have to and would like to do so for a short a period of time as possible instead of gleefully legally torturing them for the enjoyment of the masses.

    Norway has some problems like every country, but our criminal care system isn't one of them. Instead of advocating/teaching violence through the prison system, we prevent and treat it through it. Our system is one of the main reasons for the very low violence rate in Norway.

    Brevik did terrible evil things and will likely spend the majority of his life in prison for it, but please don't act as we're the bad guys for having a extremely successfull system that gives you a second chance to make things right for society while you're advocating running over him with asphalt steam rollers.

    If YOUR daughter has her brains spread over the scenery then come back here with the same post. sad.png

    @V8 - nothing more to add to that, well said!

    The personal grief is undoubtedly unmeasurable. And how does a lot of personal grief justify steam roller torture exactly? An "Eye for an eye" is appealing emotionally, but it's an incredibly stupid way to deal with tough issues like this.

    That wasn't a rhetorical question, please answer how the unhumane treatment of offenders will make the Norwegian society (or any other society for that matter) more safe and less violent.

    Since all the statistics are against you, I don't think you can.

    <deleted>!!!! I believe you haven't been following up closely on the story, Breiviks sick thoughts and ideology - this guy is a mad person and seriously AND PERMANENTLY twisted in the head, just like an Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, you name it, and he has a genocidal agenda on his slate...

    You don't really believe that learning to play guitar or playing basketball in this super luxurious hotel, sorry, "prison" will erase such sick plans and agendas from his mind and let him come out as a brand new and "healed" Breivik who suddenly loves and embraces a multi-cultural society?

    When do people like you realize that there must be a red line also in the DO-GOODER handbook or whatever you are reading to become so weakend and soft that most likely you would even hug and kiss the killer of your own children and invite him for dinner. This do-gooder philosophy bull$#!t sickens me death!!!

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