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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. A bargirl is dangerious enough by herself with out compertiton, so now when she is trying to take a falang they are much more savage!!!

    Is it the falang fault?

    is it the bargirl fault?

    is it social fault?

    is it poverty fault?

    is it education?

    everyone will have thier own answer,,,

    be carful the falang who has a bargirl for a girlfriend, short time, long time, or married, What is the one thing that rings out???? ("behavoiur BARGIRL")

    can I ask please?

    why is it so hard for a man to find a normal lady??? or they prefure and just accept drammmma"s in your life and police with pay out money???????

    Sorry to ask, but is there a slight chance that you were on ice while writing this? It's just senseless babble - what are you trying to say????

    Strange you ask, Catweazle. I thought you knew? It's an old Angle-Saxon chant to ward off evil spirits wink.png

    Hahahaaaa, good one! cheesy.gif

  2. A bargirl is dangerious enough by herself with out compertiton, so now when she is trying to take a falang they are much more savage!!!

    Is it the falang fault?

    is it the bargirl fault?

    is it social fault?

    is it poverty fault?

    is it education?

    everyone will have thier own answer,,,

    be carful the falang who has a bargirl for a girlfriend, short time, long time, or married, What is the one thing that rings out???? ("behavoiur BARGIRL")

    can I ask please?

    why is it so hard for a man to find a normal lady??? or they prefure and just accept drammmma"s in your life and police with pay out money???????

    Sorry to ask, but is there a slight chance that you were on ice while writing this? It's just senseless babble - what are you trying to say????

    • Like 2
  3. The picture is excellent, begging a caption competition.

    "Don't worry, happens everyday. Look, we got you a nice interpreter."

    Here you go:


    Brilliant! I think to first price in the caption competition goes to you, catweazle.

    Hi Morakot,

    thanks - I truly appreciate that. Just couldn't hold it since the photo and facial expressions were just too tempting smile.png

  4. Dear Forum members,

    not sure if I have chosen the right forum for this topic, but since it is about family and children, I figured here would be the most true Expats to be found who really live a proper life here, work, have a work permit, family, kids, responsibilities and both feet on the ground, and not the ones who are just boozing and partying all day and night while hunting down anything that wears a skirt...

    It's a question that really haunts me for a long time... since there is a lot of 2012 scare out there, books, movies, videos, websites, etc. all dealing with this 2012 Maya calender, end of the world stuff, etc. prophecies about WW3, pole shift, Planet X impact, etc... I just wonder what Expats here in Thailand think about our future and Thailand's future in general. While I am not believeing in a set date for total global destruction, I am somewhat worried about the whole global situation.

    There are too many soups cooking all over the world right now and I wonder not if, but when all of this will finally boil over... Do you think that a future Europe on the brink of civil war, a failed Euro, an insolvent USA, war between Israel and Iran, the whole middle east fighting with whomever they think it's worth fighting, and the resulting impact on the global economy and the planet itself will have a major impact on Thailand and our lives here? What do you think the future will bring and isn't it most likely true that we are far better off here than back home if the s#!& hits the fan?

    What are your preparations? I personally believe in being self sufficient, perhaps on a farm and in developing and nurturing personal skills. But of course there will be many out there who don't have the cash to just buy a farm or even an own small place with a garden to grow food... What will those people do if a global catastrophe happens?

    Having barely survived the Tsunami back in 2004 I know that all we are taking for granted can be gone in an instant. I am not in paranoia, but would like to hear if there are Expats out there who are tackling similar thoughts.

    Hope I am not laughed at, flamed, or branded an idiot to ask all this. I really would like to know how most of you see the future of us expats here in Thailand in these difficult times and in the (perhaps) even more difficult times that might follow.

    Thanks a lot in advance for your input.

  5. R.I.P. to Ms. Somying and Mr. Lundsvoll, whatever the story behind might be.

    The majority of members in this forum obvioulsy haven't read the part of the bible that says, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"...

    Most of you should simply be ashamed of your stupid and hypocritical comments and that useless babble. Two lifes have been destroyed and most likely there are family members who read all this and hurt even more having to read all this rubbish. Keep it down, folks - please!

    • Like 1
  6. Very sad story. Saddest though is that - due to the well-spotted spelling and grammar mistakes on Larry's website - doubts are bubbling up in regards to possible foul play... The answer to this we most likely will never learn.

    The part about the Thai landlord however is so "real life in Thailand" and making me so dam_n angry, that today again is one of those days where I wonder if I really have found the right country to eventually retire...

    RIP, Larry! Hope you are happy and healthy and in your prime, surrounded by magical colors, music and landscapes, unconditional love, and family. And I hope that you get dealt a better hand of cards for your next life on earth, since all is eternal and nothing is lost.

  7. Realy sorry to burst your bubble but u aint got enough mate.The 60k should be for the future and 30k a month is no wheere near enough unless your missus can get a job earning 15k + a month,then u have half a chamnce.Huan Hn isnt that cheap,i live in Pattaya for nearly 9 years and i couldnt live on your money

    Good advice.

    What would happen if the UK renting business has bad months of no tenants or you require expensive medical care?

    The OP would be moving to Thailand on a hope and a pray that all will work out.

    Listen to our, somtampet, he knows what he`s talking about with experience.

    Yeah, right - someone who lives in PATTAYA for a mere 9 years has of course much more experience than anyone else in this forum and eaten wisdom with silver spoons - alone the choice of SomTamPet's "home town" clearly shows that he must be superior to all of us... <deleted>!

    Mr. TingTong - listen to your heart and give it a go if you think you can do it! From being small kids onwards, we are told "You're too small!", "You're too clumsy!", "You will never make it!", "Don't touch that, don't eat that, don't do this, don't be friends with...", etc. pp. - you need to trust and listen to yourself only and nobody else!

    I fear that all the answers (bad and good) will just confuse you even more than they might help you. The answer lies within you and only you!



    • Like 2
  8. Mr. Jonis Mamood, 18, from Sweden. He was sitting in the room with his girlfriend, Ms. Jeeranan Tathong, age 18.

    The Swede and his girlfriend


    Khaosod newspaper (article in Thai)


    He could survive very well in prison. Just paint on a moustache and he could entertain the inmates with Groucho Marx impersonations.

    Looks more like Harry Potter suffering from a Pinocciho curse.

    Ha, ha, ha! Gooooooood One!!! cheesy.gif

    And I believe it is Pinocchio on Viagra... crazy.gif

  9. Mr. Jonis Mamood, 18, from Sweden. He was sitting in the room with his girlfriend, Ms. Jeeranan Tathong, age 18.

    The Swede and his girlfriend


    Khaosod newspaper (article in Thai)


    Two "equally good looking" kids; makes me very curious to see what the "3rd-part-f-the-love-triangle" looks like . . . . . .

    Maybe they thought they were acting in "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STAB . . . ." ? ? ? ? ? ?

    402.gif R.I.P. Mr. Wasan Naseub

    Why were they fighting over her, why fight over any Thai woman when there are so many out there trying to bag a farang. A thai woman is not worth dying for or spending the rest of your life in a rat, coakroach and desease ridden thai prison for. He could of walked away and spent the night with a new girlfriend.

    Yeah, but he is 18, young, naive and testosterone driven as any other 18 year old would be, and he perhaps doesn't know what you know, i.e. how easy it is to pick someone new here...

  10. I bet she has a great personality.

    Just by the looks, certainly YES! smile.png Who wouldn't fall for her?

    We know nothing about her do we. Maybe she was a kind and thoughtful person? Or maybe it was two lonely hearts that made each other complete. Who are we to judge? Because someone has physical features we do not appreciate, does not mean the person cannot be loved or to love.

    If she would have loved any of them, she would not have them brought together in a hotel room in the first place.

  11. We still don't know if the fact that all three parties involved have/had a moustache is the right angle for figuring out what went wrong here...

    The whole story sounds somewhat fishy to say the least. Why for Christ's sake would the "girl?" ug.. sorry ahemm... woman bring the two guys together in the first place?

    In any case, looking at the story AND the photos - all three involved must have (had in one instance) a major screw loose...

    Feel some sympathy for the Swedish fella though, since he looks completely lost... Perhaps it was just another "black op" to enforce anti knife laws in Thailand and the guy was drugged and don't even know what really happened? :)

    Or perhaps they were fighting about who HAS to take her back... That would make more sense to me... Comments?

  12. Sweden is in the process of "Mass importing" people from MENA-countries at the time being. He is "Swedish" as much as I am Thai living here for 25 years.

    You are jumping to conclusions of things you know absolutely nothing about.

    The only reason you have in posting this is to spread your racist propaganda narrative.

    The irony is that the western culture you seem to care about is based on exactly the values you oppose.

    Freedom and democracy are completely depending on the presence of cultural pluralism.

    No pluralism - no choice. Alas no freedom. It's really simple indeed.

    The very existence of cultures and individuals with values that you don't agree with existing side by side with yourself and people like you - in the same country - is due to the presence of healthy, secular, strong western democratic values.

    In scandinavia, these values are a heritage from ancient germanic tribal traditons - elected kings, every man having one vote, freedom of speech etc. - since more than 2000 years ago.

    So, as a full blooded native Swede I would like to ask you to shove your fascist narrow-minded exaggerations about "mass-immigration" and stop whining like a spoiled brat. Shame on you for doing that in the name of my culture.


    If you want to make the world a better place and fight religous dogmatism you should make yourself an example of the values you promote.

    Your current showing is not very appealing. You are de facto only promoting exactly the same dogmatic intolerance and ignorance to facts as the people you detest.

    A lot of aggressive drivel to defend an extremist country which is famous for its misandrist (gender-racist) laws, where a man can get arrested for "rape" because a woman feels "the sex was not good" or the condom broke. (Julian Assange being the most prominent victim)

    Or where a woman has the freedom to be a prostitute, but her male customer gets arrested.

    The time when Sweden was an example of tolerance and freedom has long gone. Now it is the "Saudi Arabia of Europe".

    Well said!!! Most likely there will be behedings in public soon for Swedes who were caught masturbating in front of the computer...

    If a Swedish, married man is caught with a prostitute, the government sends a letter to the empoyer and the guy's wife to inform them about his "felony". What the f^$# is that???

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