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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. What a <deleted> masterpiece of shoddy journalism... Yeah, a Russian is always drunk of course, Germans wear only Lederhos'n, eat Weisskraut and drink Beer all day, Italians are stingy, French can't sing, Japanese can't dance, English wear bowler hats and umbrellas, Americans ride horses and shout "Hey yippie Yankee!" all day...

    Obviously he had several problems and the Tourist Police Officer in charge simply gave a toss. Thus we better blame everything on Vodka...

    Whatever his story is, I feel sorry for the poor guy and hope that he'll fully recover.

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  2. Look, there are a number of things going on here. Lack of parental supervision/caring/discipline... lack of a consistent justice system... poor role models, etc. etc. But at the bottom of it is human nature. It is human nature for people--especially males--to seek high status. More than 'human nature', in fact, ... 'primate nature'. We likely evolved to compete for status because that's how you get the chicks (and, for course, we can achieve status through physical prowess, career success, political power, etc.). So you've got these students at the bottom rung of society where, in the scheme of things, they have little status. And do they do? They have to invent their own pecking order ... they both tribalise ('my school is better than your school') and they set up their own internal hierarchy ('I'm the toughest MF at my school'). The more stratified/rigid a society, the more likely this will happen (especially when you throw in the other factors mentioned by others). It's the same reason we see gangs among the poor of LA and NYC and London, and why ivy leaguers join fraternities. The only difference is that frat boys have other options to establish status than raw violence....

    If you think I'm talking crap, read up on the Robbers Cave Experiment (http://en.wikipedia....bers_Cave_Study). Or simply read Lord of the Flies....

    Lord of the Flies is an excellent reference suggestion!!!! Well said!

  3. And Déjà vu all over again... violin.gif

    Could we just sum up most of the main topics and move on?

    1) Rich Thai kids always get away with murder, no matter how many people they kill driving, shooting, stabbing...

    2) Some Thai cocktails contain DEET insect repellant, which is poisonous and can be deadly...

    3) Flood prevention does not work...

    4) Taxi Complaint Hotline will soon be closed, because due to the massive feedback it causes "puat hua" (headache) for the officials in charge...

    5) Thai traffic is mega-dangerous and most taxi, truck, bus and mini bus drivers are a$$#oles on speed and chances to die as a bus passenger are 50/50. 60/40 for death on visa runs...

    6) Life is a b!tch and then we die... drunk.gif

    Are you advocating for the closure of Thai Visa?

    Ooops! You got me rolleyes.gif

  4. Kind of lost the plot here... There is no hard evidence whatsoever that the women fed herself to the crocs. The croc farm denies the incident took place... Perhaps she's just walking about and did not come home (for whatever reason).

    if some emotional unstable person enters a junkyard and afterwards is reported missing, does that automatically mean he/she jumped into the scrap balling press???

    In any case, if she really did it, R.I.P. to the brave Mrs. Tiphawan... I'm quite sure most people would opt for a more subtle and painless way to go...

  5. And Déjà vu all over again... violin.gif

    Could we just sum up most of the main topics and move on?

    1) Rich Thai kids always get away with murder, no matter how many people they kill driving, shooting, stabbing...

    2) Some Thai cocktails contain DEET insect repellant, which is poisonous and can be deadly...

    3) Flood prevention does not work...

    4) Taxi Complaint Hotline will soon be closed, because due to the massive feedback it causes "puat hua" (headache) for the officials in charge...

    5) Thai traffic is mega-dangerous and most taxi, truck, bus and mini bus drivers are a$$#oles on speed and chances to die as a bus passenger are 50/50. 60/40 for death on visa runs...

    6) Life is a b!tch and then we die... drunk.gif

    • Like 1
  6. I read nearly every post here, I did not see any mention of parents, or parenting, or the lack thereof.

    It has almost been 10 years since my first visit to LOS. The thing that really sticks in my mind on my first day in BKK was the absence of graffiti. Now it is every where.

    I also remember, not being able to find a internet cafe easily.. Forget about wireless hotspot.

    My point is parents are no longer parenting, the video games are taking over these young minds, and this is the result. Happening world over and gonna get much worse.

    ...then it seems you overlooked my post sent this morning:

    The problem can just be rooted out if you start at the root which are THE PARENTS. Biggest problem here in Thailand is that most Thai parents give a toss about their children and on top of that the midle class wannabe Hi-So parents are too busy shopping and blind dating. How can the kids have self respect and self esteem if the parents can't express to them that they are loved and being cared for?

    Also tradition and traditional beliefs play a big negative role here: There are Thai parents out there who never have hugged their children since they were toddlers, letting alone giving them a kiss or receiving one. It all comes together and leaves empty-shelled teenagers behind who have no respect for themselves and others and who can't feel true affection or sympathy for others. Believe me - the root of the problems are parents and how most Thai kids are brought up here! Many also are raised by uncles, aunts and grandparents who mostly are too old, too ignorant or too deep into gambling and booze to give a tart about their grandchildrens' or nephews' future... It's sad but true. Have seen enough in my 21+ years here.

    Really makes me sad when I have to read that a teenager boasts about having someone stabbed in the head, getting away with murder and that this makes him proud. What a shitty world we live in... sad.png

    Yupp - posted around 11:00 this morning and obviously missed by the majority here - the problem was addressed, but everyone kept going on writing about which country is the worst one in regards of teen crimes and whether or not bootcamps are a good idea, but never getting to the root of the problem... ermm.gif

    My apologies Catweazle. Your post is spot on and it is amazing more people dont understand this.

    The scary thing is when this cycle as I call it, gets rooted, it is impossible to stop without some sort of intervention. Gang bangers and hoodlums will continue to breed, more hoodlums generation after generation.

    Sticking a teenager or very young adult in a drug and gang infested prison for years is not the answer, that is obvious. On the other hand governments around the world have been cutting budgets for intervention programs, such as sports programs, boot camps, vocational schools, and yes even the military, they are no longer taking these troubled youths.

    Of course none of these programs will help, if these kids have no idea what a responsible person is supposed to act like in the first place. This sentence covers your point about surrogate parents(grandma, uncle) or parents that just have no time for their kids. Parents now just buy them a electronic device or let them go to the internet cafe to play videos.(electronic surrogate).

    Hi Dcutman,

    thanks! You're right - intervention is required if the circle repeats itself over generations. We have a similar problem in Germany where people live on social welfare payments in third generation. The kids just follow up - why look for a job, if you can live on welfare, watching tellie all day?

    Fact is also that some people simply are born criminals and scumbags. No program will ever change them. Had such a person as biz partner once. Regardless of your own approach trying to solve a bad situation, be it playing nicely along, act aggressive/defensive or offering compromizes to find a solution - such a person will always find a way to put you at blame and then attack you, either verbally or physical. Bad teens do it all the time - if they have found a victim (preferrably a smaller guy with glasses or anyone appearing weak, like old people), there is nothing the victim could say or do that would stop them from attacking. Only help here is to react as aggressively and as brutal as possible if you want to get out of the confrontation alive.

    You know, before I met that psycho biz partner I was always wondering why there must be wars, hate and fighting... That guy opened my eyes - he simply is bad and NEEDS stress, unrest and confrontation - it is like he feeds on it. If suddenly he is in a safe and nice environment and people treat him well, he automatically will conclude that "There's something wrong here, they want to f#$$ me over and I have to defend myself NOW!" Damaged goods I believe it is called. And unfortunately many of the Thai youth fits that profile sad.png

  7. I read nearly every post here, I did not see any mention of parents, or parenting, or the lack thereof.

    It has almost been 10 years since my first visit to LOS. The thing that really sticks in my mind on my first day in BKK was the absence of graffiti. Now it is every where.

    I also remember, not being able to find a internet cafe easily.. Forget about wireless hotspot.

    My point is parents are no longer parenting, the video games are taking over these young minds, and this is the result. Happening world over and gonna get much worse.

    ...then it seems you overlooked my post sent this morning:

    The problem can just be rooted out if you start at the root which are THE PARENTS. Biggest problem here in Thailand is that most Thai parents give a toss about their children and on top of that the midle class wannabe Hi-So parents are too busy shopping and blind dating. How can the kids have self respect and self esteem if the parents can't express to them that they are loved and being cared for?

    Also tradition and traditional beliefs play a big negative role here: There are Thai parents out there who never have hugged their children since they were toddlers, letting alone giving them a kiss or receiving one. It all comes together and leaves empty-shelled teenagers behind who have no respect for themselves and others and who can't feel true affection or sympathy for others. Believe me - the root of the problems are parents and how most Thai kids are brought up here! Many also are raised by uncles, aunts and grandparents who mostly are too old, too ignorant or too deep into gambling and booze to give a tart about their grandchildrens' or nephews' future... It's sad but true. Have seen enough in my 21+ years here.

    Really makes me sad when I have to read that a teenager boasts about having someone stabbed in the head, getting away with murder and that this makes him proud. What a shitty world we live in... sad.png

    Yupp - posted around 11:00 this morning and obviously missed by the majority here - the problem was addressed, but everyone kept going on writing about which country is the worst one in regards of teen crimes and whether or not bootcamps are a good idea, but never getting to the root of the problem... ermm.gif

    • Like 1
  8. The problem can just be rooted out if you start at the root which are THE PARENTS. Biggest problem here in Thailand is that most Thai parents give a toss about their children and on top of that the midle class wannabe Hi-So parents are too busy shopping and blind dating. How can the kids have self respect and self esteem if the parents can't express to them that they are loved and being cared for?

    Also tradition and traditional beliefs play a big negative role here: There are Thai parents out there who never have hugged their children since they were toddlers, letting alone giving them a kiss or receiving one. It all comes together and leaves empty-shelled teenagers behind who have no respect for themselves and others and who can't feel true affection or sympathy for others. Believe me - the root of the problems are parents and how most Thai kids are brought up here! Many also are raised by uncles, aunts and grandparents who mostly are too old, too ignorant or too deep into gambling and booze to give a tart about their grandchildrens' or nephews' future... It's sad but true. Have seen enough in my 21+ years here.

    Really makes me sad when I have to read that a teenager boasts about having someone stabbed in the head, getting away with murder and that this makes him proud. What a shitty world we live in... sad.png

    • Like 1
  9. Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

    Just making comments based on the details known and reported to date . . . what's wrong with that?

    It's a public forum here isn't it . . . or are we all supposed to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves now????

    You have no idea whether what's been reported is true.

    Can you be certain about the truth being reported in any media about any subject at all???

    Fact is, that we are given some bits and pieces here in the forum by local newspapers and try to get our head around it. If topics are not to be discussed because we don't know the whole scope of any story in question, you can also request the forum to be closed for good, since - for most topics - we all are just speculating and dropping in our two cents here.

    If only topics were to be discussed of which all members know every single detail, the forum would be a very quiet one, don't you think?

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  10. Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

    Doesn't just the simple sound of the name BOSS ring a bell in your brain? I am quite sure that Ferrari driving Boss is most probably the nicest and kindest person you can find on this planet... Just the pure facts of that story back it all up, don't they? sick.gif

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  11. Will the now inactive Mr. Pannaporn be displayed at the wall of shame? No, because even for trying to help the rich kid and giving a rat's a$$ about his dead fellow police colleague, his bank account by now will be in the seven or eight digits range. Being inactive or kicked out of the police force for him now is a very welcome side effect as it will give him the much needed time to spend his blood money...

    Shame on the traitor - how low can you go?

  12. We all know how it ends - larger sum paid to the family of Mr. Klanprasert - case closed. The super rich "Hi-So" kids basically can do what they want and remain unharmed. They learn their ignorant and selfish behaviour watching the Thai soaps and through mom and dad showing them how to deal with underprivileged employees, waiters, officials, etc. A sky high "Wai" is automatically given to anyone who drives a Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes and lives in a posh villa. In Thailand (and most other countries) status and money means everything, being a good and kind person is regarded to as "weak"...

    RIP to the unfortunate policeman and his family.

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  13. So where is the crackdown on bars, discos, and their owners, selling poisonous cocktails? There are crackdowns for even the smallest of "felonies", such as a taxi driver refusing to take on a passenger...

    But life threatening issues such as fire and disaster prevention in public areas, road safety (fining for not having the tax sticker, but keeping a blind eye on the fact that brakes are gone, head and tail lights are broken, etc.), jet skis and speed boats in bathing and snorkelling areas, are not really adressed at all. And if, the so-called crackdowns result in some nervous policemen simply handing out a few more tickets for a day before everything gets back to "normal"...

    And why for Pete's sake does anyone have to drink such s#ite???

    In any case I hope that someone goes to Bkk Hilton for this and that there will be an Interpol investigation resulting in serious jail terms and with the "etablissements" in question being shut down for good. Signs with a hotline tourist police number in several foreign languages should become mandatory to be displayed in bars, restaurants and discos explaining the issue and urging tourists who witness barkeepers mixing such drinks or drink menues featuring such cocktails to call and blow the whistle. Better make it mandatory to be included in any drink price list and a 2.000 Baht fine for not doing so.

    In the best case scenario, a non-profit organisation should be founded as a tribute to the two poor girls with an agenda to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again.

    I'm just a dreamer, I know... We are in Thailand, I know... Most likely, nothing will happen... I know sad.png

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  14. I just don't understand why all of you winers just don't go back home...like I'm doing. Heading back to the states cause I just can't F'n deal with the level of ridiculousness in this country. I'd live in Detroit before Bangkok, Alabama before Surin, Denver before Chiang Mai any day of the week. I tried it for 6 years because work sent me here. I just can't deal with it anymore, and based on all the negative comments on these forums, I don't get why you all stay here. Can't work and earn social security, can't own a house, Farang pay 2x, 3x, 4x, or 5x more for anything these people can gouge you for. Thai women are so jealous they become psychotic, dangerous evilness when the relationship doesn't work out. The corruption and ineffectiveness of the laws makes the worse of America look like Unicef. The military and police are the drug cartels. The food and water are deadly toxic from chemicals banned in the states 40+ years ago. And, let's not even talk about the driving, drunkenness, and out right hypocrisy of the so called followers of Buddhism. Sorry everyone, my sister just bought a small house on a piece of land with fruit trees in a nice quiet little town in Oregon last year for 1.3 million baht. You can't even do that here. See ya, wouldn't wanta be ya!

    nobody likes a quitter...

    quitter, splitter, babysitter... laugh.png

  15. Ms Carnegie doesn't really look malnutritioned to me... (wow, it rhymes!)

    This however is how heroin addicts look before and after



    Any questions?

    Our "poor" forced to eat maggots drug smuggler should have done the time she was supposed to (which is life) without the possibility of parole to have enough free hours to reflect on the question of "how many lifes the smuggled Heroin would have destroyed permanently". In addition it would have given her ample time to inform herself (by reading some non-mainstream books) about who the real big drug smugglers are who actually use naive people like her as patsies while the real stuff is shipped in by big containers on a daily basis...

    The funny thing is that they all believe they wouldn't get caught, just like the drug addicts believe they could easily stop tomorrow if they wanted to, but they simply aren't up to it yet...

    I don't feel sorry for her at all and can have no sympathy whatsoever for a heroin smuggler - regardless of being a first timer or pro. I also feel a bit uneasy about the series banged up abroad, etc. since it gives me the eerie feeling that any drug dealer (big or small) can become a national hero or celebrity all of a sudden. If that isn't wrong, what is?

    These are METH addicts. not heroin addicts. believe it or not, there's a big difference.

    Yeah, sure! Next you will post that Heroin actually is a kind of natural medicine that is good for the metabolism and creates more braincells, like the slow, unreliable and spaced-out "can't start the day without having me a Bong, or two" Ganja Is Good For You Babblers do...

    Do I really need to post some photos of Heroin addicts who overdosed (and died) in a stinky pub toilet? Or maybe some H-addicted teens who shoot the shit under the toe nails so mom and dad won't see???

    What was the point that you tried to make with your comment anyway??? That it's kinda cool to smuggle Heroin, or "I do H too and I tell you it's supercool! Everyone should do it" ???? Oh - and do you know the people on the photos? Are you a doctor? A psychic perhaps???

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