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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. And fine wine it must be. Seriously, for one to work all their life to come on a forum like this and boast about $11 casks of "goon" wine says more about yourself, than members who read your posts.
  2. How so? It's pay as you go. No need to buy a pig farm in Issan, just to see the girl run off. Just pay a monthly salary for "care." No need for a lump sum up front.
  3. If you are closer to death than she is, why would she complain?
  4. Difficult to escape the "khrapp" when you are an Aussie passport holder. They have you by the short and curlies, no matter where you are, and they make you pay.
  5. How does the Minister actually know they are "men?" if they are not "men" how can the Minister exclude them from the policy? That would be discrimination based on gender.
  6. Qantas very well may go broke in the future. If so, how embarrassing for Australia? Will the government prop it up? They let Holden go.
  7. Not as stupid as it seems. One's possible life expectancy needs to be taken into account. We all know life insurance companies crunch these numbers as well. It's a bit like guys buying a property in Thailand when they are 70 or more years old. They will not get to see the benefit of the capital outlay, because the cost is greater than renting the same property for the expected length of their life span.
  8. However, they do the jobs Aussies refuse to do. Could it be, it's because immigrants don't qualify for the dole?
  9. For many here, it's their country that is funding their retirement. It's all they have.
  10. I invest. Like most people, I want my money to work making me more money. Do I put my money to work in Thailand, not a chance.
  11. How about tax on the interest earned on the money you withdrew from your Super?
  12. Yeah, Sugar Ray, giving you yet another AN beating with your lame attempts at trolling. Smart guy. Does it may you feel superior?
  13. WOW. 10Gbps. I can only dream of that speed. I would need 10 separate fiber connections and a load balancer to even get close to that. I could have some fun with a connection with that speed. Sounds like you are practically running a personal data center. Good for you.
  14. Are you Twiggy or Gina? Do you own a mine? Australians are / were paying more for electricity / gas than people overseas, and they are burning Australian coal / gas to get cheaper energy than Aussie are, and it's in Australia's own back yard. Wonderful, isn't it? Tell the pensioner this winter who has to chose between heating and eating how "lucky" they are.
  15. Give us some facts, OM? Here's one for you. https://australiandebtclock.com.au Notice how it keeps going up, and never down. Now why would that be?
  16. I can see you have been in the bar at 9am on Leo again. That said, driving Austin Healey's is what sent Holden packing in Oz. So, you prove my point.
  17. Will Vietnam "snooker" them in the same way? Not sure.. They must have given some guarantees before the companies threw all that money down and relocated their factories. Biden, and Obama, didn't get on a plane for nothing. Vietnam's star is on the rise.
  18. You keep shying away from the question, like a politician with an upcoming election. Here's the question again. Do you think the proposed changes to tax residency will be passed? That's a yes or no. Go on the record, or STFU.
  19. I had a post setting out more detail deleted, so no point posting again. I'll just say, my physical presence doesn't dictate where I invest, that would be ridiculous. Also, you mentioned "risk." That's what investing is all about, risk versus reward. On that basis, why would anyone invest in Thailand where the risk is higher, and the reward is lower? You don't even get near a bank interest rate here, compared to western countries. Why bother putting any money into the place?
  20. What computer will this internet connection be running on? To get the full benefit of this internet speed a Cat8 wired connection should be used. Most computers have a 1 gigabit LAN port. (1000Mbps bandwidth) Newer computers have a 2.5 gigabit LAN port. (2500Mbps bandwidth) No point paying for a 2000Mbps internet connection if your computer only has 1 gigabit LAN port.
  21. The document was dated September 2023, so not that long ago. Biden visited Vietnam at the same time. This document is also dated September 2023. https://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/us-president-biden-vietnam-visit-2023-outcomes.html/ "Biden’s business delegation also closed several deals for cooperation and investment in Vietnam impacting sectors like AI, cloud computing, semiconductors, and new energy." If Vietnam was so pro-China, why would the USA be investing in Vietnam? Apple has invested in Vietnam, relocating 11 factories. https://vir.com.vn/apple-relocates-11-manufacturing-units-to-vietnam-104942.html Also, Intel. $4 billion is no small investment. "Meanwhile, Intel has initiated the expansion of its Phase 2 chip verification plant in Ho Chi Minh City, involving an investment amounting to a staggering $4 billion,” said Vuong." Vietnam's economy is one of the fast growing in Asia. Dated March 2024. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vietnam-reports-q1-gdp-growth-566-2024-03-29/
  22. I made a very small transfer into WISE an hour ago to test the issue/s being discussed in this thread. Normally, it's in my WISE account in seconds. It still hasn't shown up. I would say WISE is having big problems. They may have to make an announcement by way of emailing all their members. They must be overwhelmed with customer contact.
  23. It's possible there may be a tax table / office in Thai airports / boarders in the future, in the same way they have them for overstayers to pay a fine before being allowed to exit Thailand. This tax policy is based on physical presence and time, which is easily tallied and proven from immigration records. This information appears on the screens at boarders, so it will not matter which visa/s you have been in Thailand on, just whether you have been in Thailand over 180 days in the calendar year. What MAY happen in these tax offices at boarders is anyone's guess. Like overstaying, there might be a chart based on a flat remittance of say 65k baht a month, equaling "X" amount of tax due after 180 days. They will have to do something with those living here on various other visas, not just retirement visas / extensions. Just some crystal ball stuff, not scaremongering.
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