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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. The decent android boxes are well over 1400 baht, so, for a lousy "4x" as you put it, a mini PC does it all, and long after developers stop supporting the current android OS. It really is you banging on about the bare minimum requirements. Not everyone is a Cheap Charlie here. Once again, different if it was 1,400 baht v 20,000 baht, but it's not. You talk out performance, but what about versatility? What about all the extra options available? What about the 2 in 1 nature of my suggestion? No, you just go back to suggesting cheap rubbish, which, I freely admit will work, and never said otherwise. All I have said is for not much more money, you get a whole lot more device in a mini PC. 4x of not much is still not much.
  2. On the point of legality. Interesting article. Thailand related. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39947622 "In a statement, the Premier League said that it had supported Thai police in efforts to crack down on the illegal use of Kodi and IPTV boxes." I'm sure no member of AN would ever watch a pirate stream on their "Kodi box."
  3. But what if, just if, there was a device that could do both, and do it better, and faster, and for longer, even over future android OS releases? Yes, some people really need to get over themselves. Those Nvidia Shields are more expensive than a mini PC.
  4. You posted Aldi before, now it's Dan's. Ok, no problem, So, post a link for this fine beverage.
  5. And I bet you get the best immigrant doctor, fresh out of uni from a 3rd World Country, sent to the middle of nowhere in Australia, so they can gain PR. What fine medical care you receive, but hey, it's free, but then again, so is Dr. Google.
  6. The price has gone up since you last posted what you paid for wine in Aldi. Got a link this time? You didn't last time. I have a link. https://www.aldi.com.au/groceries/liquor/wine/ No 5L casks at Aldi. More BS from you.
  7. Agree. "Permanent Resident" is not the same as "Tax Resident." Two different things.
  8. In relation to the aged pension, that's the whole "in person" and "portability" discussion. As for your Super, I'm not aware of a requirement to be inside Australia at the time. Interesting about the ID. With no secondary ID, I guess some would have to return to Australia in order to arrange 100 points of ID, just to unlock their own money in Super. A waste of time and money, but it is what it is.
  9. You are correct, but most have some diversification. I too, have rental properties. The interest may attract 10%, but the income from other investments doesn't. It's the full whack. Yes, I posted in a different thread about the changes to the non resident tax brackets. I was surprised to see the change. Interestingly, no tax free threshold added though. With the proposed changes to tax residency on the way, if they weren't after the "small fish" you would think a tax free threshold would be added along with the other bracket changes for the 1st July 2024 changes, alas, not to be. What's that tell you?
  10. Other than Islamic countries, Thailand is probably the worst "wine" experience any foreigner tourists, or expat, could have. The owner of Thai Bev' can't have foreign companies eating into his profits.
  11. How is someone on an aged pension entitled to 2 years accommodation in a vet's home?
  12. Are you going on the record that the proposed changes will never be legislated? If yes, the current laws are 90 years old. For how much longer to you think the government, lead by either political party, will leave them in place? Many thought Albo would bin the proposed changes. This link shows they are alive and well under Labor, and Labor didn't even propose them. https://www.afr.com/policy/tax-and-super/assistant-treasurer-flags-new-tax-residency-rules-20220826-p5bd1v
  13. No such thing as a "Kodi box." Can you post a link for a "Kodi box" for sale? If it was a mini PC, just update the android emulator which emulates the latest android OS, thus, it's never "too old." A member keeps banging on about a mini PC costing "4x more." As said, 4x of not much is still not much. The member in question did not discuss that "Kodi" can be run on different platforms. Very misleading to the OP. No, it's not. I merely put forward an alternative. If I started a thread, "Any suggestions for a mini PC" would you recommend an android box to me? That "narrow particular purpose" could be expanded, for not that much more money, and offer longevity. Simple, really, yet lost on some here.
  14. Sure, but I suggested an alternative, and you criticized it based on nothing else but price. Price aside, is there anything else you can criticize about my suggested alternative? Geez, people may even have an old computer that needs upgrading. The old computer can become their Kodi media player and they buy a new computer. Many scenarios possible other than just buying one of your rubbish 1400 baht android boxes.
  15. Exactly. Correct. Same. The PC running Kodi on my home entertainment system is not new, but easily does Kodi, and a whole lot more. For the second screen / stream I have an older android box, but it's rarely needed. I have never said a 1400 baht android box can not run Kodi. What I have said, for not much more, which another member debates on what is "not much more" you can buy a device that does a lot more than the 1400 baht android box can do. The member keeps banging on about "4x more" but 4x of not much is still not much, so why not get a superior product?
  16. Rubbish. My hardware is now secondhand because I have owned it for a while and Kodi runs fine on it. I'm not avoiding anything. "4x more" is still cheap, but as I said, if that's out of someone's budget, fine. How many times do I have to say it? You get what you pay for. No mistake here. Why pay more you ask, well, because you get more for your money, and it's still cheap anyway. A lot of these android boxes can not update to the latest android OS, but a mini PC with Blue Stacks running can. As app developers no longer support older android versions, the box becomes useless. Already happening now with my android box that I use as a secondary streaming device. One day, I'll have to throw it out and upgrade. Wouldn't happen with a mini PC because the emulator get updates. You keep banging on about price. No everyone buys the cheapest, base model tech.
  17. Why do insist on try to sell your cheap rubbish 1400 baht android boxes on this forum? You sell them to expats through word of mouth. Mostly older expats who don't know better. OP heading is "Kodi boxes." Maybe you can tell us all what, exactly, is a "Kodi box?" Is "Kodi" a company that make boxes? Can it play Windows apps? No. I didn't think so. Inferior product. I simply commented that if one was happy to pay a little more, and as shown, that's not 20,000 baht more, one can buy a mini PC that can do Kodi, Android through an emulator, and is around the same size, possibly smaller, and has a lot more "grunt." Something you have never addressed.
  18. + 1 for Aldi sim. Also, for $15 for 365 days validity, it's a great sim just to keep in Thailand to always have an Aussie mobile number on hand.
  19. Scorecard is a phoney. He posts he's on the aged pension, then posts he's on a vets pension and did his 2 years in cheap accommodation for vet's. You can't be on both pensions, and if on a vet's pension, you don't have to do the 2 years. When I put this to him, his reply was, "I am putting you on my ignore list."
  20. So why not stay in Australia? why are you counting down the 2 years to come back to Thailand?
  21. Many can't see that the proposed changes to Australian tax residency will achieve this also, similarly in the way Thailand is doing it. Those who have an income derived in Australia, who the ATO want to tax, will be deemed residents, or non residents, based on 183 days. For some, it will be beneficial to be a non resident, and for some it will be beneficial to be a resident for tax purposes. Everyone's circumstances are different, but for pensioners, I would suggest they would want to remain a tax resident of Australia in order to benefit from the tax free threshold, which is a threshold that doesn't exist in the non resident tax brackets. After the proposed changes are passed, one can not remain a resident of Australia for tax purposes when you live full time in Thailand.
  22. Well said. Thailand is an unstable country, but particularly more so for foreigners, who actually have no right to continue to reside here, except for a retirement visa, which is no more than a 12 month tourist visa, and can be revoked at anytime for the individual, or policy changes that may see many no longer to qualify for the visa.
  23. Why would anyone need to contact you about such an issue? Can you explain why the OP can't just walk into a bank and do it himself? What is bank's policy? We all know there is no retirement visa without 800k baht, and there's no 800k baht without a bank account. I would be interested why this is happening. Is it because of corruption?
  24. That's my understanding. Designed so money is stripped out of the Thai economy.
  25. Correct. I think it was you, Mike, who said the date to be deemed a resident of Thailand for tax purposes for the 2024 calendar year is the 27th June 2024, which is the 180 days. After that date, you are caught up in the net, and along for the ride, whatever that ride may be, which will not be known until the 1st January 2025. Interesting times ahead.
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