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Posts posted by samuibruno

  1. totally spend a lot of time planning 

    all the details need to be on your building plans 

    more time planning less time wasted later 


    good airflow is always a good idea

    q con blocks for me are great if in the budget

    ceiling fans in all rooms would be my plan

    venting the roof cavity always helps cooling and should be detailed in your building plans 

    should always have access hatches to the ceiling cavity, they should be clearly marked on your plans also 

    can exhaust vent out the walls with a water proof cover outside so driving rain doesnt enter 



  2. had guests at my villa use the navigo taxis

    absolutely fantastic is their response

    previously had used a taxi to choeng mon beach which charged them 400 baht for 3 km trip

    with navigo were charged 190 baht

    100 baht calling fee and 30 baht per km

    our guests have now used them from that point onwards

    apparently they have 15 vehicles already and are wanting to expand due to huge demand

    at last some competition for the taxi rouges

  3. What is the salt for? I've never heard of that. Is it to increase PH? We use soda ash or industrial baking soda for that.

    Sorry if I missed the mark on your question.

    Evidently you don't know about salt-water-hydrolisis (SWH) pools. Using chlorine in pool is so 20th Century. Almost all pools in Thailand, Japan & Australia are now SWH.

    SWH is more effective than chlorine, is much less work & maintenance, and is cheaper (in the long run). I've had a large SWH pool running 24/7 for 20 years and it works great and has saved me 1,000s of dollars. Also, you can swim all day without any eye irritation or hair drying out and color change. Also, a SWH pool does not have the smell of chlorine.

    The salt (sodium chloride) in a SWH-pool is electrically hydrolyzed to produce chloride ions which kill every know bacteria, yeast, mold & virus.

    have to disagree somewhat about your comments

    a salt water pool is much more costly than just adding chlorine [correctly]]

    first theres the chlorinator itself @ 20,000 baht [small one ]large one can be upwards of 100,000 ,plus install @ 5000 baht

    then first salt dose for the pool maybe 1000 baht [small pool]

    already 25,000 baht more than just starting with chlorine tablets

    then theres the side effects of the chlorinator which raises the PH and needs acid to make it balanced on regular basis

    so add another 200 baht per month [minimum]

    with a long rainy season [this year ] dilutes the salt in the water so add another 1000 baht for extra salt for the year

    total cost for starting with salt pool around 30,000 baht [small pool remember]

    for same pool using chlorine tablet [1 tablet per week ] @ 32 baht per tabletx 52 weeks = 1664 baht per year for chlorine pool

    times that by 20 years you get 33,280

    your chlorinator wont last 20 years before being replaced

    [average lifespan 5 years before repairs/replacement ]

    if you chlorinate your pool correctly [CORRECTLY] with tablets/chlorine you wont get eye iritation or bleaching or chlorine smell

    these problems occur when some lazy person overdoses the pool so they dont have to do it so often [normal occurance]

    the one great thing about your salt water pool is that it saves you the hassle of chlorinating your pool manually

    and for that its worth every penny


    the pool doctor

    I said it's "cheaper in the long run" ... but I did include the cost of the hydrolysis units in my cost analysis.

    I can't speak to your experience, but after twenty-plus years of using salt-water-hydrolisis system I've found it to be much cheaper than using chlorine.

    I had to replace the hydrolysis unit after 10 years (not 5) and the one I have now has so-far lasted more than 10 years. BTW, I cost analysis includes the cost of these units.

    BTW: 1,000 baht of salt per year?? Really? At 200 baht per 25kg. bag that 125kg. of salt per year.

    the salt usage is derived from more than 12 years of pool care

    but easily 5 bags per year for most pools where theres average pool usage [splashing /spillage ]and average rainfall [over flow]and average backwashing [ wasteage ]

    i manage a few pools both salt chlorinated and manually chlorinated

    i go thru more than 50 bags of salt per year on 2 large pools alone

    personally i prefer the salt pools for sure but not cost effective unless you account for your time saved[which for some is huge ]


  4. What is the salt for? I've never heard of that. Is it to increase PH? We use soda ash or industrial baking soda for that.

    Sorry if I missed the mark on your question.

    Evidently you don't know about salt-water-hydrolisis (SWH) pools. Using chlorine in pool is so 20th Century. Almost all pools in Thailand, Japan & Australia are now SWH.

    SWH is more effective than chlorine, is much less work & maintenance, and is cheaper (in the long run). I've had a large SWH pool running 24/7 for 20 years and it works great and has saved me 1,000s of dollars. Also, you can swim all day without any eye irritation or hair drying out and color change. Also, a SWH pool does not have the smell of chlorine.

    The salt (sodium chloride) in a SWH-pool is electrically hydrolyzed to produce chloride ions which kill every know bacteria, yeast, mold & virus.

    have to disagree somewhat about your comments

    a salt water pool is much more costly than just adding chlorine [correctly]]

    first theres the chlorinator itself @ 20,000 baht [small one ]large one can be upwards of 100,000 ,plus install @ 5000 baht

    then first salt dose for the pool maybe 1000 baht [small pool]

    already 25,000 baht more than just starting with chlorine tablets

    then theres the side effects of the chlorinator which raises the PH and needs acid to make it balanced on regular basis

    so add another 200 baht per month [minimum]

    with a long rainy season [this year ] dilutes the salt in the water so add another 1000 baht for extra salt for the year

    total cost for starting with salt pool around 30,000 baht [small pool remember]

    for same pool using chlorine tablet [1 tablet per week ] @ 32 baht per tabletx 52 weeks = 1664 baht per year for chlorine pool

    times that by 20 years you get 33,280

    your chlorinator wont last 20 years before being replaced

    [average lifespan 5 years before repairs/replacement ]

    if you chlorinate your pool correctly [CORRECTLY] with tablets/chlorine you wont get eye iritation or bleaching or chlorine smell

    these problems occur when some lazy person overdoses the pool so they dont have to do it so often [normal occurance]

    the one great thing about your salt water pool is that it saves you the hassle of chlorinating your pool manually

    and for that its worth every penny


    the pool doctor

  5. read most of the posts and you see that theres good reason to ride in the centre of the road /lane

    i do this also as its the safest place to be as long as you are going with the traffic flow and not holding anybody up

    even then people will pass you and force you over

    i usually follow a car when possible as this gives me very good protection from head on collisions

    many times minivans give me a blast on the horn to move out of the way just so they go move up 2 metres behing the next vehicle

    us bike riders are there because its the safest place to be

    its as simple as that

  6. is your pool above ground or inground ?

    water circulation is of the utmost importance for a pool to operate correctly

    theres many clowns around who think they know , but really dont

    get sombody who knows

    personally i prefer a salt system and if in the budget an automatic dosing system as well

    that along with an automatic pool cleaning robot and your pool maintanance is just about as low as you will get


  7. Instead of throwing people in jail for years in case something bad happens, there should be a serious enforcement of revoking driving licenses in case of endangering other road users. If people then keep on driving without license, then its time to throw them in jail.

    Are you serious......where you from?? In western country this guy would have gone to jail. Glad the victim was not your son or brother. <Inflammatory comment removed>

    in western country that you say

    the tax's are very high to pay for these people to sit in jail and get food 3 times a day and play the internet

    life is cheap in thailand [yes ]

    so are the tax,s

    thailand doesnt have room to throw all these bad drivers in jail

    also if they did that transport costs would go up and you pay more for your goods

    so again life is cheap

    so is living here

  8. some of Asia’s best marina facilities????????????????

    exactly my reaction as well

    Phuket has at least 4 marinas which are capable of accomadating super yachts

    Samui has nil

    many people for years have tried to get some action in this area but alas narrow minded nationals and greed sharing problems means nothing happens

    and samui remains in the middle ages of boating

  9. when i first came to thailand most of the labour on construction sites were thai

    now more than half are burmese /cambodian/lao

    theres just as much construction now as before so what happened to all those thai labourers?

    we pay people what they are worth

    thailand in so many ways are totally inefficient

    as an example

    why is it that 2 farang can do a better and faster job than 6 thais

    because in many western countries labour is the highest cost on many levels so westerers learn to work fast and efficient to make a living

    labour costs are not a high cost of many jobs here , hence 6 people turn up to simply repair your aircon [for example ]

    hence very little work ethic in the labour sector in thailand

    thailand needs to become efficient to compete in the wider market

    giving people more basic wages wont change most work ethics

    only education will work and thats a long term scenario

  10. One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

    If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

    I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

    Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

    With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

    Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

    With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

    Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

    It's not bashing taxi drivers to expect them to do their jobs.

    I do mind being refused by a cab, but it happens and I can live with it. I just wait for the next one.

    However to not criticise them for this behaviour and other things {meters springing to mind] is unrealistic.

    It's annoying and contrary to the rules governing taxi drivers as a profession.

    In addition the fact that Siam Paragon is acting this way, the sign is in Thai and a Thai govt ministry is getting involved would suggest that this behaviour is unacceptable to Thais. Plus it helps them identify those who are doing their job correctly.

    As for London and Paris. I don't live there so not really anything to do with me or the OP..

    Criticize them is ok...but those thread tend to end in "taxi scum" generalties and you know this too

    Yes taxi driver is a profession, however in my profession, if a customer ask me something to do and i do not want to do it because of some reasons, i just tell him i do not want to do it...at the end i am the one losing moneu

    As for london and paris yes it as to do with the OP as it can be a comparison with the actual situation in thailand;

    In London taxi don t refuse to take you? maybe it s because you end with a loan if you take a taxi there

    As for Paris, the taxis are horrible mostly and one time over two the answer they give you is "not my direction"

    Also if it s a Paragon initiative and the government stepped in AFTER then i do not see the legal point of this at the beggining...not sure if there is any name on that sign, but if yes it can definitly be a material for defamation law

    if a taxi driver refuses to take a fare because they dont make any money then dont be a taxi driver

    also why do taxis have a meter ?if you dont use them???

    if the law states you must accept ALL fares . then naming those law breakers wont be deemed as defamation it will be deemed to be the truth

    the list would be much much much longer down here on samui in fact it would be a huge billboard

    good on you siam paragon

  11. It's the same old story all over Thailand. They love to talk about what's wrong, point the finger of blame at other authorities, but nothing ever gets done. Samui, like Phuket which has turned into a toxic cesspit, will continue down this road as long as the good old MONEY keeps rolling in from tourism.

    I've traveled the world but few places compare to Thailand as being nothing short of a garbage dump. Look at the mentality ... I've seen Thais stand not a foot from a trash can and yet the prefer to throw their garbage on the ground.

    In my days on Phuket it was nothing unusual to see rats crawling all over the place, especially in restaurants in the Town.

    I would say that they ought to be ashamed of themselves but you can't shame the ignorant and uneducated. Take a walk anywhere in Thailand and there are dogs shitting, people throwing garbage on the floor, rats running around restaurant tables ... any they have the audacity to call Thailand a high class tourist destination ... it's cleaner in my toilet and by a remarkably long way.

    It's a shame and another reason I left ... I just didn't consider living in a shit hole as a nice place to live but I guess there are some that like it that way.

    One of the things that used to hack me off about the UK was seeing people chuck litter on the ground. I've seen plenty of people walk out of a local general store with their purchase, open and chuck the wrapper on the floor. There's a bin right in front of them.

    Imo, ignorance is one of the UK's biggest areas of growth.

    Agree that it's a problem in Thailand as well, but where can you completely escape from ignorance?

    havent you heard the saying

    ignorance is bliss

    uk is starting to follow thailand and on thier way to become happy

    most thais are very blissfull

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    A guarantee that all drivers will use their meters will help.

    The owners of the Althaitaxi service, Nakorn Chai Air have already said:

    - The meter charge is automatically based on the standard & published LTO scale of Baht amount by distance. There is a 35Baht flag fall plus 20Baht phone order service.

    - The hi-tech data equipment in the car will be analyzed continuously to ensure there are no strange 'bumps' in the whole process including a comparison of receipts issued to customers compared to cash in hand, compared to trips assigned from their control centre.

    - GPS data will be watched to ensure the vehicles are making appropriate progress throughout each trip and not speeding, and the sign on the top of the vehicles indicates the current speed of the vehicle, and more.

    - All of the Allthaitaxi drivers are direct employees of the company, and have an appropriate driving license. They are not freelance drivers and not people who have rented a car for a day as is the current practice with 99% of taxis on the roads.

    - Salaries to their driving staff will be attractive.

    - The parent company Nakorn Chai Air have already done the hard work to develop a good business / operational model and they have much safer operations than any other bus company in Thailand. Actually they also have a license to start up a domestic airline but this seems to be on hold at the moment.

    - I will use this service as often as I can and if the drivers are polite, customer focused & drive safely I will always give a separate appropriate tip.

    we need 400 of these guys on Samui

    enough to take on the locals

  13. Start dumping it in the house of the mayor and all the other island officials then something will be done very quickly.

    i did this to my building contractor after asking them to clean the site [which they of course didnt]

    me and the wife got up early and picked up the rubbish around the site and dumped it on the entrance door to the contractors office

    next day site was cleaned every night

    lasted a good month before i had to make the offer again

    worked a treat

  14. this mini van with only 4 persons is &lt;deleted&gt; [unless thats the cheapest minimum insurance possible then i would believe it ]

    mini vans can carry 12 people [or as many fitted seating there is usable , legally]

    they can also be insured for 12 persons also

    maybe they need a TOT licence to get that insurance coverage [ i know this is the case for some mini vans whom i know ]

    they should be able to adjust the meteres to each vehicle depending on engine size anyway

    its not rocket science

    let them strike as others have posted

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