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Posts posted by samuibruno

  1. 12,000 is about average for good staff [full time ][8 hour days ]

    we pay 15,000 for a pool and garden guy

    for us anyway Burmese have been more successful than thais

    havent heard about Burmese leaving en mass , but they are all having to register around march for new identity papers /passports

    dont know if this will make some up and leave or not

  2. hi

    dont let this disappear

    stand up to these idiots

    ask if you can video the meeting

    if not approved , do it anyway

    thailand at present is not happy about all this bad publicity

    and maybe [just maybe ] they will want to show that some justice will be handed out

    so save it on video as it will be the only later proof you have

    theres obviously lots of support there in lamai from bar staff and witnesses

  3. On the Destination Forums, there's form of censorship wielded if a handful of people (members with vested interests) click on 'Report Post' (for any reason). The post/thread gets deleted automatically because it hasn't painted a picture of all being: 'butterflies, waterfalls, rainbows & unicorns'... even though the post complies with the guidelines. Other posts, not in in compliance with the guidelines are allowed to stand.

    TripAdvisor never communicates - one is never told why posts/threads mysteriously 'disappear'. Likewise, the reason(s) for rejection of a submission for a new listing of a business in order to write a review.

    Take everything you read on TA with a huge chunk of sodium chloride.

    sorry but you are wrong

    when you report a post being inappropriate , its usually because its not supposed to be there

    for many reasons [its on the drop down box when you select it ]

    and they are checked before action is taken

    so you cant just get it deleted because you dont like it

    myself advertise on tripadvisor [paid and unpaid] and its one of the best tools for advertising if you are in the tourist industry

    when ive contacted trip advisor i usually get a timely response

    if you read terms and conditions you may find that tripadvisor states that they can remove whatever they want and they dont have to tell you why

    however as theres many derogatory posts , including personal slander , false and personal advertising or just people bad mouthing /spouting off about others for no reason

    there has to be some control

    ive reported many many inappropriate posts on tripadvisor

    most have been removed , but some not

    mostly its businesses/persons advertising themselves which is totally not allowed [and clearly stated in forum guidlines ]

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Even if the truck was at fault, the biker paid the price. My advice ride at a controlled speed and expect everyone to pull out in front of you. Speed kills, dead men don't argue. The bike looks as if it was driven halfway into the truck.

    +1 very good advice.

    Many so called bikers armed with flashy gears and helmet, may self assume "safe". Ride at a speed where it is "safe", nothing else is safe. This speed, what I like to call the zen of speed, varies according to surroundings and situations. In a small soi, the speed becomes 10-20, not because the sign said so. BECAUSE I SAID SO. Humans, flying debris, dogs, cats, they are all out to kill you, adjust speed accordingly.

    Give it a thought, if today you can go out there and ride without a helmet and protective gear, how would you ride?

    Take that exact same attitude, and ride with your gears. That makes safety 100%+100%= best protection for your life.

    On the road, if there is anything that even hints danger, start thinking how to evade it. Only until the road is clear of ALL road users, may you increase your speed accordingly while watching for road conditions and weather.

    A long stretch road with good payment, but a cat sitting at the left in front of you? Immediately stop to 20-30km/h, EVEN if the cat doesn't want to cross. That same concept applies to all.

    in my home land this was called defensive driving/riding

    you usually ;learn this from experience, but there are courses available

    ive been riding 13 years accident free in thailand

    defensive riding is the only safe method to survive

    constant adjustment for the riding conditions and learning to predict potential hazzards is the only way to a safe trip

    even if its just down to the local 7-11

    • Like 1
  5. hi

    we have blue plastic tanks now over 12 years with out any problems but need to be out of direct sunlight

    otherwise fibre glass tanks

    the blue plastic jobs are very hard to repair if they leak

    stainless also maybe wont last , depends on your water supply

    fibre glass is pretty much impervious no matter the condition of your water and easy to repair if they develop leaks

    i store 3 weeks worth of water

    but we have pool and gardens


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