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Posts posted by samuibruno

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The problem with Koh Tao isn't so much the murders, but how they have been subsequently handled. The only way to restore confidence is to make sure the correct people are arrested and dealt with in accordance with the law.

    As long as it is felt by tourists that there are people on the island (or anywhere else in Thailand) that feel confident enough to commit murder without fear of prosecution, tourism will suffer.

    dealt with in accordance of the law ???

    very few laws are followed in thailand

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  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Do you guys understand that we can't link to the Bangkok Post here? If you want the link to where they said it was Hannah's phone you'll need to ask by PM.

    I won't directly quote here as I don't think I'm allowed but to paraphrase the 3rd October article:

    The Police Gen Somyot said the investigators had found Miss Witheridge's phone outside the suspect's living place on Thursday evening.

    Whether or not he said this or was an error by the newspaper is unknown but it's what was published. Previously all we had was that it belonged to one of the suspects.

    I hope this satisfies you.

    Pol Gen Somyot said Friday that investigators Thursday night found Witheridge's mobile phone near Wyn's living quarters.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    There is to be an inquest 5 January in UK. I'm no lawyer but perhaps there might be some process which allows verification of evidence at that point. As far as I know David Millers funeral has already taken place. Perhaps the families agreed to further samples being taken before burials. If so there would be a chance at that point to obtain DNA from these Burmese boys to check results. The integrity of any testing and samples taken by the Thai police cannot be trusted at all obviously.

    This sounds great. Please can you provide a source for this. Many thanks.

    these burmese guys will be dead by that time , so wont help them if they are innocent will it

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "At the local level, police came under intense scrutiny for their sluggish handling of the investigation. Never mind that anger was building up because of the manner they were doing things in the days after the gruesome murders."

    "Yes, you guess it correctly - extortion."

    In many places around the world, the standard joke is "The best police money can buy". In Thailand, it's "The worst police money can buy".wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

    I agree with you.

    In most countries, the police motto is "To serve and protect". Here in Thailand, the motto is "To observe and neglect."

    you got that wrong

    the motto is to observe and collect

  5. these teachers with no work permits have the right to stop working if permits are not acquired for them

    they are not allowed to teach without work permit so just dont go to work

    if they do DECIDE to go to work without the schools having supplied a work permit then they are[personally] breaking the law themselves[not schools fault ]

    dont complain you have choices 

    dont blame others , take action[be pro active ] yourself 

  6. this is very old rule and yes you should know this if you own or rent a villa/property

    its not new , but like so many things in thailand , very few have bothered with it until a crack down happens

    immigration want to know where all foreigners are at all times [in case of disaster, missing persons etc ]

    and as illegal immigrants/workers etc are being targeted this is a natural progression in the scheme of things

  7. personally i think we should ban cars and have more bikes/scooters

    most people all over the world use a car for personal use [1 car 1 driver , maybe 2 ]

    well, we all know how many we can get on a scooter and still go shopping [minimum 2 plus the dog ]

    smaller engines , less pollution

    much more parking then for all as well

    no taxis needed either

    this would surely drop the accident/death rate down dramatically

  8. if tourists who arrived on samui were assured that a metre would be used by the taxi services then taxis would be much much much busier

    ive been dealing with tourists for many years and my advise to them is always

    rent a scooter or car as its usually cheaper than 2 taxis rides anywhere on samui

    or use song thaews and bargain hard as many of them charge over the top to tourists

    use taxis only as a last resort

    my advise will change only when the taxis change

    and tend to agree with the parking problem they cause

    i go thru chaweng often and have counted more than 70 parked up along the strip

    thats 70 potential customers who will probably go elsewhere

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