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Posts posted by samuibruno

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    “Thailand is open to all tourists,” Gen Pharnu said, “but we will not allow illegal workers. If you want to work here please do the right thing. Apply for a business visa and live here legally.”

    Not all business are or have 2 million and/or need 4 Thai employees.

    How many 1 man businesses are there here, now operating without a workpermit and/or business visa?

    Guess most of them have other visa anyway, so therefore will not impact them yet.

    Yes, these 1 man-businesses won't make Thailand much richer, but they do no harm also. Just not given the oppertunity to run the business legal.

    this makes me laugh

    it doesnt matter 1 man bussiness or 100 man bussiness

    you need a work permit to work in thailand

    simple and plain

    get rid of all and any who are not abiding to the laws

  2. hi

    go for salt system

    ive had mine for 12 years with very little problems [bougth in NZ as didnt have anything on samui at that time ]

    still going strong

    pretty much maintanance free [after you set it up correctly]

    make sure you use good quality cement , tiles , waterproofing, and grout

    ive built many pools and bad quality materials /workmanship = bad results

    i get asked to repair many badly made pools where people have skimped on costs ??? results in more cost further down the line

    dont use cheap products [thai style ]

    ive had 6 years plus out of my pool pump [cost 25,000 baht ] so about 4000 baht per year there

    if your salt system is set up correctly you dont taste /feel saltiness , and should never ever smell chlorine

    chlorine pools need chlorine every day [so no over dosage ]

    this means somebody adding the correct amount daily for optimun sanitation

    your salt chlorinator does this for you[so you dont have to]and my pool i can run for weeks without touching it [went on holiday for 3 weeks no problem]

    good luck

    • Like 1
  3. my thoughts were along this

    18 year old drinking in thailand [illegal?]

    takes off without telling anyone [found a girl? prostitute? ,illegal?]

    girl took all the money and his own phone ,

    so had to steal one to contact mates he didnt bother to tell he had a ride anyway

    and no one with enough money for bail

    im still rolling around with laughter

  4. ive been to the marine park in my own boat and paid the fee directly to the office

    200 baht

    anything else is a rip off

    slow boats there if needed try Blue stars kayaking tours

    most tours will be by speed boat so make sure you ask the exact question to the tour agent that you only want to go by big [slow] boat

    as there are big speed boats and small speed boats

    • Like 1
  5. yes you are correct

    years ago you ate off a banana leafs with bamboo utensils

    both of which you just tossed away afterwards back to nature

    however with the plastic and polystyrene age the jungle habit/mentality still lives on

    its just inbred to throw stuff away

    offer a reward and all the litter disappears

    plastic bottles , glass, aluminium,steel , dont see much of that lying about for long

    • Like 1
  6. the mini van driver took the guest all the way down to tongson bay bungalows [on tongson beach, down a dirt track]

    at that stage i got called to ask where tongson villas was ?

    as its just 1.5 kms away ,i gave instructions on how to get to our property

    however the next call was a muddled /garbled message which i pieced together as your guest is at a 7/11 and im on my way to maenam

    so if the service was just to drop them off close by , why not leave them at tonson bay bungalows

  7. not one post here saying you to get a work permit

    which all foreign persons wanting work in thailand need

    its not right you didnt get paid for the work that you did

    however you are breaking the law also so you have very little chance of getting anything

    get a work permit next time before commencing work and as others have advised

    get paid weekly , then most you can loose is a weeks salary

    good luck

    if you arrive on samui ive a job for you [when you are legal

    • Like 1
  8. BTW, what do they do with garbage after they pick it up?

    Burn it, dump it or bury it?

    I believe they leave it in an almighty festering heap near airport departures, fully visible to most departing tourists as a ghastly last reminder of their holiday!

    Quite disappointing since we have apparently already turned into a "green" islandbiggrin.png

    about this green island

    where is it exactly ?

    an example

    just opened past the big buddha entrance [heading to choeng mon] is a row of shops

    theres about 8 shops ,one is a bar[and others opening ] and at that bar was many farangs drinking away thier holidays

    alas theres no toilet facilities near these new shops so as this new shopping area is on the waterfront all just went and urinated straight into the sea

    which is totally visible from the causeway out to big buddha [yes what a sight ]

    not sure what happens with the next urge and where is the tessabahn regulations for these shops to dispose of thier sewerage ??????

    utterly disgraceful from the Mayor downwards ,land owners, shop owners ,and the patrons of the establishments

  9. How dare Farangs take away Thai jobs.

    Thai people not poor enough?

    Farang not rich enough?

    Farang = foreinger = anybody not thai

    if [many] thai people were not so lazy then there would be no need for Farangs in the labour force

    thats why construction companies now employ Burmese, cambodian , lao staff

    many of these farangs have a much better work ethic

    my self and many others now employ Burmese staff with much better results and service

    so sorry thailand you better wake up , money comes to those who work for it

    it just doesnt fall into lazy hands from the sky

    your neighbouring countries [may] soon take over

  10. hi all

    my opinion is that locals eat here all year round and support good food [not chaweng prices]

    if you can get the locals eating at your intended operation on a regular basis you may survive with the jazz as an added extra earner[or looser]

    we all have to eat[well most of us]but we all may not like jazz

    a restaurant with dedicated no smoking area may be a hit [with non smokers] as i hate to inhale used smoke when dining out

    just a thought

    • Like 1
  11. the construction hasnt gone above 12 metres

    will post another picture soon as the walls are now blocked up

    contractor said will finish by Christmas ???? so now working 7 days till 9 pm some nights

    thanks to the lack of sea views there will be pretty much Zero income this year from our SEA/no view villas

    have removed all our great pictures from our advertising and pretty much zero inquiries since

    anybody know how much an elevater costs?

    Sorry to hear about this samuibruno. It is good and rare to see someone with the honesty to fix his website to reflect the truth. I hope you find a way out. You sound like somone it would be good to do business with....

    Have you thought of periscopeswhistling.gif

    thanks for that comment

    we advertise in many places and honesty is always the best way to go

    somebody writes a review about your property saying you didnt tell them about construction next door then you may as well sell up anyway[social media being what it is today]

    at present we are trying to screen off the building so at least we dont see the workers [even tho you cant help but hear them ]

    latest though is to turn the property into a pig farm

    • Like 2
  12. the construction hasnt gone above 12 metres

    will post another picture soon as the walls are now blocked up

    contractor said will finish by Christmas ???? so now working 7 days till 9 pm some nights

    thanks to the lack of sea views there will be pretty much Zero income this year from our SEA/no view villas

    have removed all our great pictures from our advertising and pretty much zero inquiries since

    anybody know how much an elevater costs?

    • Like 1
  13. hi all

    ive had dengue and it sure wasnt a weekend vacation

    you need some blood tests to clarify for certain

    after the first one you become imune to that strain[ theres 4 types strains ], so the second time is more dangerous

    and apparently no one has survived all 4 types [rumour has it ]

    personally i wouldnt want to be testing the truth behind that theory

  14. hi

    what exactly are you paying tax and insurance for?[twice]

    if its not your work permit ?

    your company then must be making some great profits?

    i pay approx 3000 per month

    half is personal tax on salary@ 30,000

    other half is accounting fee

    yearly audit @ 15,000

    no more tax as no profit this year

    and i dont have any insurance

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