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Posts posted by cdnski12

  1. A Thai Whore with a kind heart ... returning the passport. She probably knew the local beat cops would track her down, if she didn't return the passport. This was a very cheap lesson for Arndt. 1K ThB = $300 USD. There are literally 10,000's of ferangs, who ardently wish that is all the money they lost/expended on a Thai Lady in Thailand. Jez ... that includes myself!!


  2. I recall driving up to the fence of a US Air Base with my BKK based bro in 1972. I was shocked, that we could drive to within about 80m of parked B-52 Bombers. The lack of security was bizarre. Perhaps US Govt Security slightly better today. After all, the NSA knew exactly where the 19 X 9/11 bombers were on Sept 11, 2001, from both Cel phone recordings and FBI reports, but did nothing Why does that remind me of Admiral Kimmel at Peral Harbour on Dec 7, 1941? Maybe the Thai Govt should suspend all Iranian tourist visas for the forseeable future.

  3. The simple answer is that the Thai Govt needs to get back into the lucurative Narcotics Trade, which they sucessfully ran for 300 years. Sloppy management (and a traitorous US Army) sabotaged this once flourishing industry, by moving it to Afghanistan & Pakistan. Hard times have fallen on the Burmese Border and the former Golden Triangle Areas of N/W Thailand. Virtually no (legal or illegal) tax revenue is derived from the Narcotics Industry. Opium farmers are reduced to growing commodities such as Rice, Corn, Sugar Cane & Rubber Trees. Diversification into the YABBA Trade, eeks out a precarious living for a limited number of Investors. Perhaps the Thai Army can take over the Thai Govt again and re-invigorate the Narcotics Trade. This will give the Army Truckers something to do and garner Billions of USD from the stupidly gullible US DEA, currently engaged in nefarious activities in the Nong Khai Area.

  4. May I be so bold as to suggest the Parliament Buildings be constructed on a nearby Army Base. The Thai Generals won't have so far to travel, when they next pounce on the Parliament, as they surely will do. They must pad their Swiss Bank Accounts, for their future Pension Plans. It is easier it is to purloin money directly from the Thai Finance Ministry, than to direct fighting on the Myanmar or Kampuchean Borders, where one concievebly might encounter mis-fired Rockets or Mortars.

  5. Those truckers can come down my Soi anytime. I'd round up of a few of my Thai neighbour's (3 am) barking dogs. The brutes are especially vicious after dark. A friend was recently bitten by a local mutt, with a foaming mouth. He is a Pro Deep Sea Diver on Offshore Oil Rigs; so he had to get the painful rabies shots. He could not take a chance of contracting the disease and jeorpidizing the income from his job. now he carries a thin bamboo cane when exercising on his Bicycle.

  6. Don't back down Thailand. Go into the south and really stomp hard on the Muslim Insurgents. The Malaysian Govt would probably back you up. I met several Malaysians on golf courses in Thailand. They told me that the Malayasian Govt routinely rounds up radical Pakistani based Muslim Clerics and deports them to back to Pakistan. One guy told me that an imposed Paki Cleric @ his mosque, told the local Malays that they would have to dress like 12 century Afghanis? The ex-Malaysian Army guys told him to F*** Off!! "Can you imagine!" one said, "The Paki Mullah said we could not wear our Salongs to Mosque!". I also heard the same story from a Burmese Businessman, who told me he only started dressing like an Aghanni, after a Paki Mullah took over the local masque. I advised him to kick the bum out. One can not live in the 12th century in 2012. The rest of the world will pass you in it's historic dust!

  7. The Thai Bhat Exchange Rate is supposedly controlled by the Thai Finance Dept; however certain extremely wealthy Thais would lose a staggering amount of money, if the Thai Bhat was allowed to openly float on the world market. So it won't happen until those wealthy individuals ... change their attitude or change thier current position in Thai Society ... Sa ba dee !!

  8. This story shows the Thai Govt has as much contol of it's border area c/w Myanmar, as the USA has with Mexico. A simple solution is to mount a few .50 cal Machine Guns in critical areas and shoot a few illegal border crossers. That would end the cross border traffic. However both Thailand & the USA want a porous border. This allows endless opportunities for monetary profit by local, state/province and federal authorities. Always follow the money.

  9. It will probably be the Chinese Goverment who decides whom will be the next Leader of North Korea. I doubt that the son has many deep connections to either the Chinese Government, the Chinese Military nor the North Korean Military.

    It really is the North Korean people who will decide if they are slaves or free men. If they are slaves, then they will Kowtow to the North Korean Military, the Chinese Military and the Chinese Commuist Government and continue to starve and die.

    If North Koreans are FREE MEN, then they will do the only thing one can do, to remove the Communist Criminals. Deal with them the same way they deal with their "enemies". Fire a .30 Calibre bullet into the back of their collective heads. Send the invoice for the bullets to the Chinese Communist Party HQ in Beijing.

    So falls any tyrant / liar who claims to have made 11 Holes -in-One, in his first attempt at Golf. How criminal is that?


  10. Montenegro revokes Mr T's passport because he harms Montenegro?

    Yes, the homeland of international outlaws with big pockets tries to be accepted by the EU.

    If this is the case, then the passport for Mr T follows UN laws: Everyone has the human right to have a nationality (passport).

    Agh ... that should read International Outlaws, the CIA and Drug Cartels ...


  11. It's the tourist's fault, if he hadn't have been there it never would have happened.

    Correct, absolutely 100% the tourists fault, he should have stayed home, Phuket, shit hole of Thailand.

    Ow, ow, Austrian tourist to pay 15,000 ThB minimum for police investigation time, another 5,000 for disturbing doctors and 15,000 ThB for Thai Stabber's family for "loss of FACE" for being so stupidly being caught so easily. Oh, I forget another 12,000 ThB to pay for Burmese/Cambodian stand-in Patsys ... who will show up in Puket Court in 2-3 years. LOS!!


  12. Just do your own visa run to Nong Khai. Almost all nationalities can get a 2 or 3 monyth visa @ the Thai Embassy across the frienship bridge in Vientiane , Laos. Thake 2 recent visa photos & $30 per entry. Takes 24 hrs. Lao visa required on a rrival. Unfortunately that is $55 USD for a Canadian. Less for other nationalities. Last year it was "only" $43 for Cdns.

    You may as well tour north to Vieng Vang and Luang Prabang while in LAos. It makes a nice break from Thailand. You can use whatever level of Thai you command. Thai & Lao are nearly identical.

  13. Oh, so many ploblems for Nipponese Kumpony here in LOS. We are taking our Yens to Amerika. No flooding in South USA desert. Mak, mak cheap Mexican Laborers. No job benefits. Easy to hire & fire. Mexicans can speaking nitnoy angkarit. Good for USA/CDN/MEX Auto Trade Pact. So sad for leaving Gold Key Lana Complex Giesha Playboy Club.


  14. I think it more likely that the upstream dams are frantically spilling water to prevent dam collapse or washout. The water should have been under control long ago. Obviously the dams are spilling water. Needless to say they want to avoid financial liability. Probably the big Bankok based manufacturers with damaged facilities are lining up their high priced lawyers right now. This will be a financial nivarna for the big Thai Legal Companies!


  15. I live in a smallish Issan town. The local school has a pudgy Katoey High School Teacher. He wears alow quality wig, held in place by an old piece of leather. Not the most attractive of Katoey's? Evidently he is a good teacher and a passable Volley Ball Player, as per my observation on the local District Sports Day.

    Firstly transsexual and transvestite are not the same, neither is gay. One could say that many are homosexual but as a lot of posters don't appear to know what that means either it's unlikely to help.

    ...and why pick out Phuket as "different" from the rest of the country??

    most of the posts are making assumptions that ALL katoeys are the SAME - this is incorrect.

    THey also assume that there are more in Thailand than elsewhere - this too is not correct.

    THen most posters are actually seeing these people through their own bigoted eyes and coming to some fairly laughable conclusions.

    It might also be noted that in Thailand tolerance towards gays (men especially) in Thailand is fairly limited outside Bangkok and the main tourist areas. However in Thailand there is also a strong feeling and therefore social pressure that if you ARE gay it is better to dress up as a woman like a ladyboy even though the two are not necessarily the same but it does allow you to get jobs etc......

    As for robbery and violence - well that is largely perception - once you've established a stereotype then you look for stories to re-enforce it and of course ignore all the stories that don't involve a katoey.

  16. The main requirement in this age of computers, is to utilize the enormous computer weather predicition capability to determine water reservoir management practices. Dam owners/managers always want a full reservoir. Sometimes the Govt Managers must step in and order advance spilling to accommodate future rain or run off. It is a constant balancing procedure that the Thai Water Authority and Electric Generating Companies mis-calculated ... assuming thay can calculate?


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