1. Do the rules of one land office differ from province to province in relation to this issue?
The might do.
2. If an attorney prepares a contract, is it solely between my child and the. seller? Can a child sign a contract if under 10 yrs old
No, a minor under 20 needs a guardian to sign.
3. I assume my wife has to be there at the land office to approve this and sign forms?
A guardian for the child need to sign all documents, it might be a question who is accepted as guardian. In some cases both parents are needed to sign on behalf of a minor, in other cases just one parent. Check with the local land office what they demands.
4. Should I put my name as designated 'house manager' in the contract. I thought it would be a good idea as then I can show this to the amphur office if need be.
House manager - i.e. Master of House - is the person that can approve whom to be registered in the house book, it's not the amphor, but the tessa ban office that deals with house books. Being house manager got nothing to do with ownership or power of attorney.
5. If I arrange the bank draft from my money I assume no issues? Ive heard they can make me sign a letter at the land office stating that the money didnt come from me only the wife. Is this correct? i.e. no B.S rules as to where the funds come from the same as buying a condo?
If you think of payment for the property, then it's something to negotiate with seller, some may wish cash, others may accept a cashier's cheque. Land office normally wish cash payments - or like - for transfer fee and stamps; normally sellers pays tax. To my knowledge, it's only when a wife to a foreigner buys property that some land offices requires a statement that all funds for the property originates from the wife.
6. Does the tabian bahn go in my childs name? What about the house manager issue? How does this work?
House Book follows the house - i.e. "house" book - it's not a proof of ownership. Master of House / House Manager, see #4.
7. Can utility bills be put in my name if Im the 'house manager'
If you mean bill for electricity and like - including deposits - they normally need a name that is registered in a house book (the person needs a registered address), to my knowledge and experience it does not need to be the owner of the property. I have no knowledge about, if a minor can be registered as responsible for paying the bills.
Be aware that in the moment the property is transferred to a minor, contracts and servitudes - herunder lease, usufruct and habitation agreement - might not be able to be registered; i.e. make all such contracts with seller before transferring the title deed. Furthermore the property can normally not be mortgaged, neither sold.