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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. From what I've seen so in the news then Crypto gain is income taxed; if there might be a flat 15 percent option, like on interest, I'm not aware of.
  2. It's for people living in Thailand, it has nothing to do with arrivals...????
  3. That should have been a calculated risk factor when travelling to Thailand during a pandemic, all facts were known in advance, so it cannot be a surprise worth for a media story.
  4. They - Thais vaccinated with Chinese Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccine - are offered a third jab with AZ or Pfizer, some places with many incoming tourists now even a jab number four (so it is, where I live, today there is walk-in jab 4 in the major shopping mall)...????
  5. He must be old then, the bridge to the stone has been there for ages, and originally also a small restaurant serving refreshings next to the bridge...
  6. When there's an entrance fee you either pay or stay out, it's as simpel as that. That is however sad, as the overlapping stone for ages has been an attraction for a number of tourists to visit...
  7. Me too, I also missed all the exciting news-stories from 4th wave...???? I thought that it was the still the 3rd wave with increasing until about September last year, and therafter slowly fell down to just below 3,000 new daily cased around New Year. I never heard anything in the news about a wave being declared ended, as I heard with both 1st wave and 2nd wave...???? However, it seems like the Delta-variant might be considered as the 4th wave when Delta became the major infection, however the news never mentioned it like that, so now the Omicron-variant must be 5th wave...
  8. 5th January 2022 Samui +31 new cases Phangan, +11 new cases Koh Tao, +1 new case Source: Kosamuilife.com
  9. Little updated dash cam-stills driving from north to south on the normally busy middle section on Chaweng's beach road in the evening 4th January 2021. Much more light and life now, and taking the Covid-situation into consideration it has improved a lot, but unfortunately still many closed places...
  10. 4th January Samui +20 new cases Phangan +9 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  11. Yes, to above post, there are plenty of horror stories in the news feed about positive Ciovid test and quarantine. Traveling to Thailand under a pandemic and the present conditions, you are taking a risk for being quarantineed. Make sure you have a proper insurance to cover you, also in case you are asymptomatic quarantines, or quarantines because you sat next to someone in the airplane that tests positive upon arrival.
  12. You need to ask the local tessa ban-office, regulations might be different in different provinces and local areas...????
  13. 2nd January 2022 Samui +13 new cases Phangan, +4 new cases Koh Tao, no new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com 3rd January 2022 Samui +11 new cases Phangan, +6 new cases Koh Tao, +2 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com
  14. Thanks, I became aware of my mistake, but unfortunately after the edit-window. There have been several stories in the news, including ScandAsia, about Danes traveling with TUI complaining about being Covid-isolated, also after a child tested positive. My conclusion is the same for the Norwegians here, we are pretty much alike - apart from Norwegians are tonal singing more when speaking our almost common Danish language - we were originally the same country...????
  15. I had my third jab on Xmas Day - thanks Thailand, for taking care of me... - and in reply to the opening questions: You can get infected with Covid-19 when vaccinated - some says easily with Omicron - but avoiding serious illness, or in worst case scenario death, it's worth having that jab, and any additional jabs, and still be able to gain natural immunity without being critical sick. However, I'm not a doctor or health expert, just an opnion from following the news a bit. It might cause problems traveling without a booster jab, as some European countries counts 6 or 7 month after a vaccination only as valid vaccination cover, so with a booster you extend that period with another approximately half a year per present regulations. ????
  16. That sounds fair, it would have been (at least) 600 baht without a meter based on my experience with similar distance on Samui...
  17. 30th December Samui +6 new cases Phangan +3 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com 31st December 2021 Samui +9 new cases Phangan, +6 new cases Koh Tao, no new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com 1st January 2022 Samui +17 new cases Phangan, +2 new cases Koh Tao, no new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com
  18. Thanks... Ups, I missed that, but same-same (Norway was part of Denmark until 200 years ago, when they chose a Danish prince as their own king...????). Just change "Danes" with "Scandinavians" we are pretty much enough alike...????
  19. Thanks... Ups, I missed that, but same-same (Norway was part of Denmark until 200 years ago, when they chose a Danish prince as their own king...????). Just change "Danes" with "Scandinavians" we are pretty much enough alike...????
  20. The 14 drinks for men as healthy advice is for middle aged, or older men; for younger beings it's not a health advice, but a limit not to spoil both yone's body and life, according to health studies and the qualified experts. For the healthy parts it's not only red wine that is recommended, some studies found beer equally healthy, and other concluded that the alcohol is the major healthy part, even several sorts of red wine includes the healthy resveratrol. Like everything else in life, it seems to be a question of balance... Of course you can enjoy the benefits of maturing, and being told that one or two glass of wine (or beer) with the dinner is healthy - personally I'm religious enough to believe in it - but I also don't think that it's directly unhealthy for younger beings. However, partying every week end and getting stoned with hangover next day is a different matter, I can easily get the impression that it might be quite unhealthy. A difficult part about enjoying a glass of something that includes alcohol is, as it often is to almost everything in life, not to get addicted...????
  21. In my modest opinion; with timely care he should have been able to return to China in due time before everything closed, and do an entry-isolation, just like many citizens from numerous countries did it.
  22. Are you aware how expensive "dancing elephants" are now on days? Of course someone need to pay... I'm not sure that foreigners will like a "dancing elephant" as logo, many are told to avoid that kind of attractions where animals are used to entertain tourists, including riding on an elephant...???? (For the matter of good order, the image here is not the logo, it's just an elephant dancing...????)
  23. It's amazing how Danes cannot take responsibility themselves, it's often somebody else's fault. “We thought that if we became infected with covid-19, we would be able to isolate ourselves in the hotel room. There was no mention of any hospital stay. We got the impression from TUI that it was safe to come..." Today with Internet and Google – and not to forget many great online forums like ASEAN NOW, where you can ask questions, including a number of Danish language Facebook-groups about travelling to Thailand – it's really easy to find information. The family in question could easily know the risk they took by travelling to Thailand during a pandemic. I know that several fellow Danes have same opinion that me, we think the often Social Democrat Danish government, cares too much about it's citizens, and take too much independent responsibility away from them. It's always bad to get a holiday spoiled. However, I'm sorry to say that I have no sympathy with this family, and even think they should not use the media to complain, it's purely their own fault that they didn't check upon rules before travelling.
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