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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. 26th December Samui +2 new cases Phangan +1 new case Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  2. Yes, it should be - i.e. Mor Prom updated - and I was told that if you didn't bring a yellow WHO vaccination passport, you should go to Nathon Hospital and either have it updated, or request one (costs 50 baht). In case you don't have one, you need yo bring a copy of your passport and show registration in Mor Prom app, they can however find it in the system based on your passport. The office is in the ground floor of a new two-storey building, the Medical Cannabis Clinic, way back by the river...????
  3. 25th December Samui +5 new cases Phangan, no new cases Koh Tao, no new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com
  4. That is not true... 24th December Samui +14 new cases Phangan +4 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com Compared to approximately 90.000 people living on Samui, then 14 cases would equal more than 10.000 daily cases if compared the to nations population of 70 million people. The number daily new Covid-19 cases has within the last month jumped up and down between 4 and 69 new daily cases, equaling about 3.000 to more than 50.000 new daily cases if it's relative based on the whole population of Thailand. Source link HERE.
  5. Perhaps it would be better to cancel people from commuting during the New Year-period, i.e. using the experience from Songkran...
  6. 23rd December Samui +2 new cases Phangan +4 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com 24th December Samui +14 new cases Phangan +4 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  7. Luckily we're all different - can I presume you talk generally and not only the extremely boring nightlife period with lockdowns due to covid-19? - I don't drink (much) alcohol when out in the nightlife, and definitely not when I'm driving home, which I often is, so perhaps not drinking alcohol makes be feel not bored at all...???? Or perhaps I just choose different, i.e. some less boring clubs, pubs and venues...????
  8. Seems like you talk about PM2.5 air pollution. The southern islands in the Gulf are normally almost free of airpollution, meaning within safe levels. During my 16 years there only once came some seriously air pollution, haze blown up from Malaysia/Indonesia for a few days. There's a good haze map HERE. ????
  9. Incubation period might be up to three weeks for Omicron - according to Norwegian study - Delta is about two weeks. With a PCR test taken up to 72 hours before departure you might already be infected, or you can be infected between test and boarding the aircraft, if not from aboard the aircraft from other infected passengers. PCR test, isolation, and if negative permission to board, might make more sense, but might also not be 100 percent safe; only perfect safe guard seems to be the Down Under-method: "no entry"...????
  10. That was 2nd wave, which was just declared ended shortly before.
  11. According to the news articles at that time, the VVIPs were visting the infected amusement establishments from 25th March till 5th April, Songkran began at April 13th with folks commuting a few days in advance; i.e. if the government had stopped the Song Kran festivities, and especially people travelling, the 3rd wave might have been better controlled. The knowledge about Covid-outbreak and VVIPs were in the news already April 10th so public known by that time, The responsible managers of both night clubs in question - Krystal Club and Emerald Club - were quickly sentenced to two month in prison each, early in June. ????
  12. The post about it is from December 11th, so I didn't know about it in mid October – it might not even have been invented by that time – I just waited patiently polite in line till the lady in the "long stay"-counter finally had time for looking at my paperwork...????
  13. What the about being burned alive, why would anyone want to be burned after they are dead... It seems however like we all might have a choice with ashes instead of earth, and even dust – what is one going to do for becoming dust? – "...we therefore commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life"...????
  14. Mid October, almost same procedure as every year...???? Don't forget that you now can book appointment time in advance for extension of stay in the Kingdom, including Samui, link HERE...
  15. Isn't it so, that what you claim vat back for shall be proven to be brought out of the country, i.e. you need to bring something out with you after a close encounter, which however is be possible, been heard about before...
  16. I think - unfortunately "think", as it I'm on non-O so it was not important for me - that it's for new approved visas from 1st October 2021. A quick Google-search only reveals this... Source link HERE.
  17. 22nd December Samui +7 new cases Phangan +3 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  18. 26th to 31st December... Ko Samui Municipality invites you to attend this event in Nathon from 26th to 31st December... Samui Food & Gastronomy "The color of the sea. The charm of the southern food." festival Great local food and seafood. End of 2021. Let everyone taste a wide range of southern cuisine, local seafood, cultural performance events. Special with a seafood menu from a local chef that invites you all to taste, fill with a chill seaside atmosphere and meet bands, artists. 26 Dec. The Sky Flower. 27 Dec. Story Band 28 Dec. Benz Chariya 29 Dec. Cheab Benchphorn 30 Dec. Season Band 31 Dec. V Groom Let's end the year together in Samui Food & Gastronomy 2021 event at the Nanton Port. Organized by Surat Thani Provincial Commercial Office and Surat Thani Province Tourism and Sports Office.
  19. 21st December Samui +5 new cases Phangan +3 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  20. In my opinion yes, you should be a "wai-er", first of all because she is a government employed and you are a foreigner, secondly because of what you wife says. Personally I rather wai a little too much, and little too often, that the opposite, but I never wai back to staff that wais me - i.e. could be the cashier in hypermarket, and other staff, or a guard - but I will normally return such a wai with a polite little nod and smile (the latter is not seen during facemask-era, apart from my smiling eyes)...????
  21. Mine however still lasts on 12th year, the little wood I have don't...
  22. Most of upper middle class don't care about this forum, they have too much money they need to spend on all the fun in amazing Thailand and their hi-so life-style. So they are out there sitting in their luxury pool villas and enjoying the sea view with a cool drink. and they probably not mingle a lot - keeping themselves to their own class - just like many people use 5-star resorts for the extended privacy and won't risk to mingle with the mob...???? More seriously, there might be a larger number of lower income retirees in Thailand, mainly coming as kind of financial refugees, as their money lasts a little longer here, even that it's not a longer like living for pennies on the dollar. Those with enough money - the more wealthy higher middle class - will have plenty of excellent options around the World, which they might find more attractive than Thailand. And exactly where are the borders between working class retirees and middle class retirees, $500,000 or $1 million in savings? And upper middle class retirees, what financial level are those presumed to be in? And is it only income and savings that makes the difference, or also education, and former, or even present, profession? In the area of LOS where I live there are plenty of high end villas with foreigners, some are retired, and some are not. Those of the few from hi-end villas that I know don't head much out for the same places as the mob; however I know one exclusion. One preferred to sail in his small yacht - small compared to some of the yachts you see - and instead invited friends to join him (the boat had two en-suite guest rooms). Others play tennis or golf rather than visiting a pub, or ride on private jet-ski or smaller speed boats that can be towed up on a cart into their beachfront villas; others just don't go much out, and rather have food brought to their house. Noneof them seems to care much about social networks, they probably don't need them. There must be a relative huge number in a class way above my life-style, judged from the number of high level villas and ditto cars that I see foreigners drive in; i.e. someone must live in the 70+ million baht villas, the most expensive private villa I've seen advertised for sale here was 475 million baht. Some also seems to be able to afford more than one child in international school, and the kids being picked up by cars that folks with a more modest life-style only can afford to dreams about. However it's pure qualified speculation based on what I see and hear, I have no statistics. I however noticed that a few arrived in private jets, which of course could have been be chartered, but one with a N-registration was parked on-and-off in the local airport for ages, but I presume that kind of people are in hi-so level...????
  23. I would buy Shera Wood or like in standard sizes from one of the major building material chains, and avoid decay and feeding termites...????
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