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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. Thanks for your reply, but have you checked O-A qualifications? Official source HERE. OP is 45 years old, ED visa limits your movements and force you to study, but a solution for some on low budget. Sorry to hear about your loss on the Thai stock market. I also have SET stocks, and I've also been doing the game the five full years. The result of course depends of choice of stocks in one's portfolio. Mine have paid good dividends, my portfolio gave me after tax 2.9% in 2017, 3,1% in 2018, 3.3% in 2019, 2.7% in 2020 (annus horribilis), and so far 3.2% in 2021. The portfolio is after 5 years still in a capital gain that equals the Thai consumer price index, so no loss of capital so far per today with the new Covid variant adjustments on the stock markets, and I've got satisfying dividends during all five years... P/E is an important factor to look at - among a number of factors - and yes, of course you can compare P/E across nations, P/E is an indicator of price paid for company earnings. As I said, you can choose a portfolio that pays a high dividend with limited capital fluctuation, some Thai stocks can pay quite high dividends, more than 4 percent after tax is possible...????
  2. Did you read the OP? He is unmarried and 45 years old, so your visa suggestions won't work, whilst 600k baht for an Elite Card, when having 20 million baht plus enough for buying a condo, is within reasonable reach in my modest opinion, until you reach 50 years of age. Do you know about Thai stocks? USA, and especially Denmark, are countries with high priced value stocks mainly bought for capital gain rather than dividend - i.e. P/E (price vs. earning) can be extremely high - whilst numerous Thai stock have a reasonable price P/E often in the level recommended by successful investor Warren Buffet, and furthermore pays a relative high dividend, but the capital gains are limited. Furthermore Thai stock have the benefit, as invested value and dividends are in the currency the money is going to be spend, so currency exchange risk is eliminated. If you invest for dividends, then you won't loose anything, if you don't need to sell...
  3. Joint account with two names is possible, which is what some of us use. When one die, a single named account will normally be frozen, and part of the estate.
  4. To my knowledge joint accounts have never been allowed, as it's only you that apply for extension of stay, you wife are supposed to be Thai citizen. However, some immigration offices might accept joined accounts, but then the account need to hold 800k baht instead of 400k baht, as half the money belongs to the other name in the joined account...????
  5. Your daughter can own shares as a minor, but she cannot have a trading portfolie account in a bank in her name, as long as she's minor (under 20 years old) - I talk from experience, it has not been possible for my Thai daughter - and you cannot have shared trading accounts, i.e. in two names on an account in the banks where I checked...???? Perhaps a stock broker can do it, instead of a bank, you can try to ask...???? In my case I just have a dedicated trading account for my daughter's stocks. As there so far is no inheritance tax in Thailand, and dividend tax is settled with the 10 percent withholding tax, and SET stock holding are free from capital gain tax, it doesn't matter much, as mu daughter anyway inherit my stock holdings; you could make a last will stating that a specific account shall go to your daughter. Be ware that foreign income - which I presume include gain from foreign equity held via a Thai trading platform - might result in taxation; furthermore there is a currency exchange risk when investing abroad...????
  6. Your first and major concern would be permission to stay in the country, i.e. visa and eventual extensions of stay. One possibility is to look at the Elite Card-option until you reach 50 years of age, and can stay on retirement extension; for 600k baht you can obtain a 5-year Elite Card-visa. Another possibility is to invest in a company and stay on a business visa and extension based on work. That requires 2 million baht in capital, some Thai partners, and four employees for one work permit. However, your about 20 million baht worth of capital - after buying a small condo - could gain some outcome to you from dividends if invested in stock market, lets say 18 million of them invested, which can give you between 3 percent and 4 percent dividend after withheld dividend tax. That will give you between 540,000 baht to 720,000 baht in annual income after tax, or around 45,000 baht to 60,000 baht per month, which is enough to life a relative Okay life-style, especially when already having a condo - many expat retirees life for that level of monthly income in Thailand - however not enough for an up-end more hi-so life-style. With your skills in programming there might be possibilities for some online work for clients abroad, as eventual supplement to your investor-income, if you don't find a job domestically, and instead stay in Thailand based on a work permit; citizens from neighboring countries have slightly easier access to stay based upon work than other foreigners. If you at some point getting married to a Thai, you can stay on extension based on marriage, and you will also be allowed to work on that type extension of stay. You have a number of possibilities to choose from with a condo and 20 million baht in your hand...????
  7. 26th November Samui +30 new cases Phangan +14 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  8. I would presume that a family with that kind of wealth, as part of the Red Bull-fortune, would probably be able to buy not only one, but several passports from countries giving one such in return for a relative modest investment, making a visa in a Thai passport unnecessary...????
  9. Perhaps one of those clear plastic aprons would be appropriate here...
  10. More likely a relative large number of Thais will stop crossing borders to play in a casino, but that might be as good as tourists money, as it's kind of "money from abroad"... The joker as always is the Chinese tourists, perhaps they will flock to Thailand to play in casinos...????
  11. It's in average 666,666 each month - TAT could have made this estimate - however, only time will show if it's a dream or a real realistic estimate...
  12. Europe seems to be heading same way - nightlife and alcohol restrictions due to a new hard hitting wave of Covid-19 - so unfortunately what khun Anutin says might not be that far out, as many of us expats would wish he is...????
  13. Even we expats might not like it to be like that, then khun Anutin is unfortunately quite right...
  14. Can we be sure that "strict measures" will be kept...???? In Europe new Covid lock downs are on their way, and some experts says - i.e. official experts, unfortunately not us clever experts from Facebook and ASEAN NOW...???? - that reopening of nightlife and like is a major reason for Covid to resurface...
  15. 500 million baht for 50,000 courses, which is 10,000 baht for each course of 40 capsules, i.e. 250 baht a capsule, and 2,000 baht a day for a five day treatment. In the always unbearable bright light of hindsight I should have bought stocks in Merck...
  16. Good they keep the town clean after it's already been cleaned up - however, I still try hard to imagine what post-Covid family friendly Pattaya is going to be like...????
  17. Moderne from a private hospital, there might be enough vaccines in March, but booking as early as possible might be wise.
  18. In my modest view, it would in that case make more sense to compare to Phuket than Pattaya...????
  19. 25th November Samui +28 new cases Phangan +15 new cases Koh Tao, no new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com and Kohmui.com
  20. The saying "don't fall in love with the birds in LOS" sometimes makes sense, really good sense, but too often realized in the unbearable bright light of hindsight...
  21. I didn't notice the cause of death in the article, you can die from multiple other causes, and still test positive for Covid-19 - in Europe even traffic a victims have been counted as "dead with Covid-19" - but that does not mean it was that virus, which killed you...????
  22. The photo looks very familiar, I presume many wire-post originates from the same family...
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