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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. Don't even try and fool yourself that just because you were born speaking English (if you were) it means you can write well in English and optimize the text yourself.

    I doubt that anyone who was born speaking English would need to be fooling around with ecommerce websites to earn a living. A couple of appearances on TV and in magazines would set them up for life.

  2. Cambodia Inter are far and away the cheapest and best place. Many (most?) of the other places one sees around town just act as agents for Cambodia Inter and pocket the difference. The only exceptions are the "luxury" places which charge a lot more but dont seem to provide anything worth the extra expense to me.

    I used Cambodia Inter twice but thankfully I dont need to do visa runs any more.

  3. When I said "original" I meant as i tried it a year or two ago. That may be after your experience.

    What I remember is a display that looked great and at first tasted Ok but after a while felt like you ate the absolute worst bacon, toast and other stuff out there. Others have felt the same but most don't post about it.

    I went to the Poseidon late last year and it seemed fine then. Hard to imagine how anyone can criticise the bread and pastries which are uniformly excellent. Unless you prefer sweet factory "bread" as sold by 7-11 and used extensively in most breakfast places in town?

    As for others feeling the same but not posting, I dont really see how they can be given any credence if they cant be bothered to say anything about it.

  4. Original was terrible.

    The original Poseidon brunch buffet was almost exactly the same as the current Casa Pascal one. I think it was/is rather good for the price, as indeed do the majority of people who have posted about it.

    The new Poseidon buffet is quite a bit different to the original. I had a quick look earlier today as I was walking nearby. It's on a much smaller table for a start, with much smaller dishes, and there seemed to be fewer dishes also though I didnt count them. I wasnt very tempted. The decor is very modern and red, and I dont find that very relaxing. If the two were next door to each other I think I would rather go to Casa Pascal.

  5. Sophon do a good broadband service through your TV cable into your house.

    If you are in the right part of town this can be a very reasonable service.

    It can be turned on the same day (if you already have Sophon cable TV)

    Yearly cost from about 5,500B for 2Mbps. (Can be paid in advance.)

    No extra cabling.

    I think the other cable suppliers do something similar but I dont know about the details as they dont cover my area.

  6. TOT has a new product called Wi-net you might want to check out if you can't get a phone line. ..... 3,500 baht for 30 MB down 1 MB up.

    Presumably that is a type of WiMAX

    Is that price per month? Seems a bit steep. Is it data-capped with some sort of FUP?

  7. Sitting on the Hilton's outdoor terrace with those amazing views is hardly synthetic?

    No, but not exactly Hilton ambiance either. The view is a result of the location, not the brand name.

    I was thinking more of the inside of the place.

  8. I think it was discussed here a few months ago when Poseidon closed that in theory it was only for renovation and that the brunch buffet would be reopening at some point.

    I suppose that the Casa Pascal version which opened after the Poseidon closed will remain open now. I dare say it will get the same 10B price increase.

  9. The problem is that there isnt a definite yes/no answer here. It all depends on the whim of the immigration official on the day, and how the local office chooses to interpret the law.

    In farangland there would be specific rules that dictate precisely what is and what isnt acceptable, and every official in every regional office would follow exactly the same rules. But not here.

  10. ....sitting next to many others on a plastic chair and eating off a worn out metal table. No ambiance for sure.

    That is ambiance. Not farang ambiance, but ambiance all the same. Some people travel half way round the world just to enjoy that authentic ambiance and to escape from the synthetic laminated farang type that one probably finds in the Hilton.

  11. the food is very mediocre and the prices for what you get are very high.

    Indeed. It is not good value by Thai standards, though one does have to bear in mind the location and relatively fancy decor.

    I often eat at a place about 100 yards from there where a one-plate meal is 20B and the water is free.

  12. I thought Kingfisher Beer was the India equivalent of Chang. blink.gif

    In Britain Stella Artois is marketed (and priced) as a premium brand.

    In mainland Europe it is considered to be a cheap mass-market brand which is hardly surprising, given that it is made by Interbrew.

  13. I would like to suggest that everyone with children take them to the Hilton buffet and that expensive Indian place in BKK every day as that way I will be certain to enjoy a nice, quiet, cheap meal in all the places I go to. :)

  14. I've never had a digital thermostat. It's always been the mechanical dial type (including the new one).

    I realize they are not exact, but can I really expect such a hugh temperature difference?

    I had this problem constantly in Europe, though in the opposite sense with central heating.

    Those wall-mounted mechanical thermostats are hopelessly inaccurate. A spread of 4°C between on and off is good going for them! They are useless. Not helped of course by residual heat in walls etc.

    Get a proper digital thermostat. And look carefully at the instructions/spec to ensure that you buy the most sensitive one that you can. I went through four or five in Europe before finding one that cut in and out within 0.5° variation. Once I installed that one I had no problems at all.

    My modern split room airconditioners there and here all had built-in digital thermostats of course, and those worked correctly except for one which has a problem with the sensor. In the end they changed the main circuit board and it worked fine afterwards. I set my units at 25°, day and night.

  15. I think some are being a little ungracious. The fact is that you should be given the facilities you pay for, simple as that. I am sure Darrel would complain bitterly if the extra facility of aircon in his own condo were turned off.

    I pay for my own usage of aircon where I live. As I pay my bills on time no one will be turning it off.

    It seems obvious to me that the same should apply to common facilities like aircon in building gyms (or indeed the gym itself) which I suspect only a very small proportion of building residents actually use. Those that want it can pay for it, and those that dont want it can spend the money on something else.

    As far as the OP is concerned: as a tenant he doesnt pay the maintenance fee and so has no right to ask the management company anything. He needs to consult with his owner about a possible complaint to the management, or some sort of refund on his rent. A couple of hundred Baht per year sounds about right.

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