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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. I suppose it all boils down to how clean your weird clothes are, and whether you hurl abuse at people or not.

    The Soi Diana loony is mentally unstable. Glitterman is merely eccentric.

    I would say that GM looks old enough to be on a retirement extension but I have no idea at all as to his actual means of support.

  2. Actually the point was that the election was very well received by the markets.

    The markets dont like the unknown. They would probably also have gone up by the same amount had another party got a similar majority.

  3. ...... (my Thai stocks increased +6% in one day, biggest ever single day rise :-) .......

    Yes indeed. And that nice rise puts the index back to where it was early last month, or indeed in late 1996, or indeed in 1993 and also in 1990. And it puts it only 40% down on the all time high reached about 20 years ago.

    Always best to clarify what a rise (or fall) follows on from, I think. Otherwise people might assume that the Thai stock market has always been a sure-fire long-term winner.

  4. Those Decaying Housing Estates you speak of are a direct result of the Capitalistic build it/sell it/ and get out with your profits system...not only in Thailand....but worldwide.

    I dont think so. There are plenty of houses/condos in the world that are well-built and well-maintained. It's just that very few of them are in Thailand. Many Thais (and quite a few farangs in Thailand) just dont care about maintaining the property they own. I'm not sure why. I suspect incompetence, lethargy and inertia, with a side-order of money-grabbing.

    I have lost count of the number of quite expensive places for sale or rent in Thailand that I've seen in which I wouldnt even house a dog, due to the general filth and decrepitude.

  5. I dont even know what a "Honey Nut Cheerio" is. But it certainly does sound disgusting, and I suspect that it contains no honey, no nuts and precious little cheer either.

  6. Huh? I'm pretty sure that ARE still 24/4. For awhile they weren't, but last I checked they are back to 24.

    Definitely some sign up there the other day announcing overnight closing. I never go out late so I didnt bother about the details.

  7. I went to a local computer shop, bought the Canon 287 with the ink tanks on the side, excellent printer/scanner and the ink is only 70 baht !!!! per bottle, the whole set-up was 2600baht with full tanks and 1 yr guarantee.

    I would go that route also. Lots of them in Tukcom.

    When the thing breaks down or needs new heads, just bin it and buy another complete printer and tank system.

    Manufacturers' ink cartridges are just too expensive for words.

    The only other option I would consider is a laser printer, but only for someone who does very little printing indeed. The advantage being that the ink doesnt dry up on a laser machine. I owned a Canon laser printer for over 8 years and never emptied the first toner cartridge!

  8. Naam's charts are accurate and pertinent to the OP and your comments. Despite some large moves in the EUR/THB trade at the beginning and end of this month, it's basically flat. but that's meaningless if you're going to pick and choose your start and end dates using hindsight.

    It's flat if you ignore the bit in between the beginning and the end, certainly. But that wasnt what the OP was interested in as he was specifically talking about short-term movements during the month.

    For the period referred to in the original post (and without the benefit of 4 years' hindsight) the EUR dropped during that time. Only in the first two days of this week did it get back what it had lost in the previous 3 weeks, and most of that occurred since we have been talking about it. Who knows where it will go today or by the 2nd when he is paid? I certainly dont.

    Personally I dont bother about small changes that occur over short periods, as nearly all (floating) currencies go up and down like yoyos these days, sometimes for no obvious reason, and what they lose today they often get back next week or next month as indeed we saw here. Long term movements are of more interest to me.

  9. How does the 300 baht Hilton buffet compare to the Apex buffet that I last paid 180 baht for (it may have gone up recently)?

    The sign outside the Apex now says 250B. I woudnt eat there.

  10. My buddha some of you blokes ain't got a pot to piss in if you think 300 baht is expensive. My lunch today was 1,200.

    300 isnt expensive. 400++ seems comparatively expensive for farang food that I dont particularly like, when much tastier cheaper food is available elsewhere locally.

    I used to spend the equivalent of 1000B or more on lunch regularly back in Europe. I never would here though as I would be full before I eat 250B worth. That's the beauty of living here.

    That's what I think anyway. You have your own pot and you can do what you like in it. :rolleyes:

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