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Everything posted by loong

  1. The owner is incapable of keeping them away from the public while they are puppies. What chances when they are older?
  2. How ridiculous can you get. That could hardly be considered a "hand out"! Just a gift from one person to another.
  3. The article is about pork prices dropping in October, i.e. over a month ago. So, whatever you posted last week cannot have affected the price in October!
  4. Chanadate hit the guy with the shovel first. The guy responded by punching Chanadate, killing him.
  5. Typical Thailand! Forced to apologise for identifying a safety issue! If the descent is considered too dangerous without supervision, it does not suddenly become less dangerous if a tourist is unwell!
  6. The first price they give you is usually just the cost of the frames (plus eye test) I think.
  7. I seriously doubt that it would lower the prices in the bars, just increase profits for the bar owners. Maybe good for those drinking wine at home, but didn't they state that they were going to lower the tax on wine a few years back?
  8. Is it really advisable for a PM to wear a jacket/shirt covered in Dollar symbols?
  9. What are most of these replies?? Are they meant as some sort of joke? Is rape of a 17-year-old a laughing matter!?
  10. Also, with the 7 days after, I am never sure about that because of the weird way the IO can count. For example, if the due date is the 10th, 7 days after would be the 17th. I am never totally sure about that as they may count the due date as the 1st of the 7. So I would always make sure that I report on the 16th at the latest to be on the safe side.
  11. "enforcement of the extension" Does that mean that they are going to force the pubs and bars to stay open until 4 AM? What would the penalties be for closing early I wonder!
  12. If you were walking with the traffic, why were you surprised by a motorbike coming up behind you? When walking down a one-way street without a pavement you should walk against the traffic, not with it.
  13. You actually find people suffering serious injuries funny?! You are one sick individual!
  14. The headline also mentions "new challenges". New challenges facing Thai workers evacuated from Israel So what are these new challenges?
  15. I keep the sound off unless there is something in particular that I want to listen to.
  16. I had already watched the video and as i said, I couldn't tell you which one was the girl.
  17. I don't know if it was a male attacking a girl! It depends on who started throwing punches and I couldn't tell you which one was the girl.
  18. The article is very unclear. I don't know whether he has been released after serving his time or if charges have been dropped and what charges, drug dealing or money laundering.
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