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Jai Yen Yen

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Posts posted by Jai Yen Yen

  1. Cool guy, bitch set him up. surely it was like this. Also, very possible that part of his $$$ was divided between Gf and some local officer.

    Sorry, man.

    Are you taking the piss, drunk or too stupid to make any sensible contribution, like many of the other posts on this topic?

    Had you been one of the security guards on the vans he hijacked I'm sure you would not have been referring to him as a 'cool guy'. But there again you seem stupid enough!

    Slack immigration somewhere along the line unless he found a backdoor entry.

    Oh-oh. Back to bar girls again. :o

  2. Residents had reported him for suspicious behaviour, saying he was flaunting his wealth in the poor rural area.

    or his wife was - more likely


    If you have nothing sensible to say, why waste all of our time ? ? ? ? ? ?

    What a stupid thing to say ! !


    Well, I thought it was funny anyway. :o Oh, and please don't shout.

  3. well my friend that is a scary comment but in my mind, also a very true comment. by the very nature of the beast the muslim religion [not people] does not want to co-exist or tolerate the infidels [any other religion]

    I would have expected some solid references for your views after making such a dangerous comment. From my little knowledge about Islam, I know that Muslims are asked to respect Christians and Jews, and the latter are referred to as "the people of the book" in the Quran. A historical evidence for this is the seven centuries long Islamic reign in Spain (711-1492), where every Muslim, Christian, and Jew, was treated fairly and all lived in harmony (also called the Golden Age). On the other hand, the crusaders killed every Muslim and Jew when they captured Jerusalem in 1099, even the ones who sought refuge in Solomon's temple.


    The above links to an article that addresses the Spanish experience. I as far as I can see the Leopard does not change its spots.

    Interesting article. I agree with some of the points and disagree with others. However I am afraid I won't discuss or post any further in this thread, as its quality has dramatically degraded.

    Pity - just as we were getting somewhere near the truth.

  4. Maybe I just missed this, but why is the leading 0 even necessary? ...

    Think of it this way: the first zero you dial is not part of the telephone number. You dial it just to wake up the telephone exchange. It's like knocking on the door and saying "Oy! I want to make a phone call!". Then you dial the numbers to get through.

    So when you call someone inside the country you're in, you dial a zero, then the area code and then the local number.

    But when you dial from outside the country, you dial the international access code "00" or "011" and then dial the area code and local number. You don't need the zero in front of the area code because the telephone exchange is already awake.

  5. Wouldn't it be easier to just give them your new phone number? :o

    66 (0)8n nnn nnnn

    It's funny how a simple change can cause such consternation.

    It's funny how you glossed over that (0) part so easily. It certainly frustrated me from making my first call to Thailand successfully. I thought gee, I'll just dial the country code, then the number, but no things are not so simple. You need educated on how (0) works. There are other problems with the (0) scheme such as telling someone who is going to fly in "call me at this number if you have any problems in transit". You need to give them 2 numbers--one you explain is to be used if outside the country and another if inside the country. Or you have a go at educating them on how (0) works, but it is real easy for a newbie to mistakingly reverse the (0) usage since it works illogically (the further you are away, the fewer digits you need). Sure after you trip over this enough times it becomes second nature, but why force everyone to trip over it in the first place?

    Currently domestically, we dial 9 digits. If it were implemented properly 9 digits would provide 1 billion unique numbers (yes, 1,000,000,000) which is way more than their proposed 10 digit scheme is going provide! The new 10 digit system just makes a messy and error prone system that much worse. If as you said it was as simple as "Wouldn't it be easier to just give them your new phone number", then I would have rather seen them fix the 9 digit system instead of making a bad system even worse.

    I think you are grossly exaggerating the problem. When you first called Thailand, did you try once - with the zero - fail, ask someone, succeed, then forget what you just learnt, dial again - with the zero - fail, ask someone again, succeed, forget again..... Just how many times did you "trip over this" before it sank in? How many times was "enough" for you? :D

    Here's another big number for you to remember: 28,200,000 That's the number of results Google gives when you search for "initial zero international numbers".

    The phone number on my business card is: +66 (0) 2253-3xxx

    The + means dial your international access code (011 if you're in the USA, 00 for most other countries)

    The 66 is my country code - Thailand

    The (0) in brackets means "dial the zero only if you're in Thailand"

    The rest is my Thai number.

    I'd give you the full number so we could chat about this, but the chances of you getting through are so slim....

  6. Yesterday, on this website I posted 2 news photos of Iraqi child victims of US/British bombs and they were immediately removed by the enlightened action of the fine white men that prevail on this forum. They sure wouldn’t want anyone to see those. ....

    Well, if I had 2,752 (approx.) pictures of dead people from the 9/11 attacks, would you want me to post those?

  7. We cannot always talk about bargirls...um...

    World-news that affects us all DO belong in the forum.

    This thread is entitled "Thai Muslims Protest At Danish Embassy" - so it's "Thai News" and does belong in this forum.

    So do threads about the other subject, but let's pretend we don't want to talk about that.

  8. ...Nothing was mentioned as to WHY the aircraft left the runway - or how it left the runway...

    I thought that the pilot pulled off onto the grass next to the runway simply because he wanted his passengers to land on soft grass rather than hard concrete after they slid down they emergency chutes. Very thoughtful of him.

  9. Hands up if you can spell QANTAS! :D:o:D

    Queensland And Northern Territories Air Services - I saw an old film about them, ages ago. Starring James Stewart, I think.

    Anyway, I'm using the pick-up next trip. Better to arrive 10 or 12 hours late than dead on time.

    On 18th January 1934, the formation of Qantas Empire Airways Limited took place, which combined the interests of Imperial Airways and Qantas (Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited). :D

    Dammit! There's always someone who knows more! :D As I said, it was a long time ago... :D

    OK, so what was the film about the start-up of QANTAS called? (Maybe it wasn't Jimmy Stewart).

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