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Jai Yen Yen

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Posts posted by Jai Yen Yen

  1. If you must know my college background...After moving here in 2002, I was working for a year and I decided to enroll at an accredited international university in bangkok from 2003-2005 for a total of 36 credits...with a final GPA of 3.9...In between being at the bottom of expat food chain as an english teacher barely making tuition on top of rent...

    them days were hectic even as a bacholor...After volunteering at the Tsunami, something hit me carrying, moving, and working with heaps of decaying human flesh...Death didn't descern <snip>

    Does not being able to spell disqualify you from being an "English" teacher?

  2. i find it funny when they pixellate out that guy in king of the hill who always smokes. the clouds of smoke rising from the tiny pixellated area just about sums up the topsy turvey world we live in.

    But on the "news" channels, the pixellation of dead bodies might as well be non-existent. It's more like an out-of-focus camera!

    I think the cinema channels have to cater for other countries - so UBC applies rules to cover them all, not just Thailand.

  3. Last night a male friend told me a distressing tale about his visa run to Ranong last week. The wharf rats at Victoria Point in Myanmar (opposite Ranong) climbed onto his boat -docked at the pier -and offered for sale, apart from the usual Viagra, whisky, etc - "KO" pills or "knock-out" powder - in other words, "Date Rape" drugs. :o

    Apparently it is available in packs of 5 powder satchets for a few hundred baht a pop........ Has anyone else heard of this highly dangerous product for sale at "visa tour" destinations?

    Very disturbing! I wonder why they think visa runners would be interested in this stuff?

  4. Your guess is misfounded and " guesse's " as such are detremental to all reading and following this thread and give rise to speculation and rumor and can even hamper the official investigation.


    In fact , george has already posted an explanation for the 4th man's injuries, which I missed:


    Elevator kills three in 25 floor fall

    BANGKOK: -- An elev..... the only survivor, Thani Khamhom, was inside.

    Ktiendkrai said Thani managed to throw himself out but his right arm was trapped by the falling lift....

    So my guess was wrong, but to think that the "official investigation" would be hampered by what we are saying here is ridiculous.

  5. ...Is my uneducated mind that far off the mark? Ok, please respond to that question on this topic only!
    Who knows for sure?
    Noppadol Meesuk, 28, Somjet Sirisuwan, 49, Kittisak Kittpongpittaya, 29, were killed instantly from the impact of the crash, said police.

    The men were on the top of the elevator car when it suddenly dropped.

    Kiangkrai Meesang, 30, was critically injured with a severed right arm while Thani Thahom, 25, suffered minor injuries.

    My guess is that the survivor had his arm torn off by a cable/rope travelling at high speed and connected to the falling lift. Until we get more information, we cannot be sure. But this and the fire at Pataya's Route 999 make it a bad day for safety in Thailand.

  6. Oh and I bet several guys in the gay forum have just saved that pic to jackoff over.

    My entire office in the UK has just laughed their tits off at your pic. They say you are a brave yet deluded young man.

    You have brightened up a dreary afternoon.

    Well done.


    All The Dude can say to that is:


    great work there Chona: I bequeath to you a brand new shovel for a most diggable comment. LOL

    Hey Dude, perhaps you could lend him one of your shovels?...

    Hey greenthingy, "when you're in a hole, stop digging".

  7. The people who rave about its 'accuracy' are, by and large, people who spend every night in a bar and know no one here other than bar girls and of course other farangs who spend every night in a bar.

    Almost word for word what I was going to say! :o

    Looks like 3 of us posted simultaneously!

  8. Just got home and found my UBC just has a black screen with the message 'E16 service is currently scrambled' at the top.

    Have i been disconected for some reason or is there a fault with UBC at the moment?

    Did you pay your bill? :o

  9. Put it this way: you will meet farangs who will say that they have had the same experiences as those depicted in the book. My own girlfriend says a family in her village don't work because the mother's sister has a farang husband who gives her money, and she then gives money to her sister so that none of them work.

    But the book is a very good read.

  10. Is it true that Tuk Tuks are gone from BKK?

    Absolutely - no tuk-tuks anywhere. And no more massage parlours either. And the police salute every tourist. And back-packers don't...

  11. Just out of curiosity I searched for the topic that has generated more responses in tv but I wasn't able to find anything that beats RAIN..... with 2150,,,,anyone ever had the same curiosity?

    No. :o

    Me too.

  12. Alex what you are doing has made me extremely glad i did log in today, i think you know exactly what and why you are doing what you are and i wish you the best of luck and good fortune with your efforts in trying to be a decent human being, i now don't care that my internet is at half advertised speed, as you have quite simply given me a good slap of reality. With 16 years of experience in Thailand your story does not surprise me at all but your attempts to help are a breath of fresh air to all of us cynical types who are so much more fortunate than the many.

    Wow! If I was a cynical ISP company, I'd write this story down and send it to every customer who complained that I was not providing the service they had paid for. To every complaining customer I would say:

    "Dear customer, sorry your 1,000 mbps service is working at 500 mbps, but just read this story about a poor beggar girl and see how you feel afterwards. Please don't complain any more because we really want to have twice the number of customers paying for this shitty service than it was designed for so that we can make oodles more profit than we should. Have a nice day."

    By all means commend Alex for what he is attempting to do for this poor girl - I certainly do - but don't let it stop you complaining when you are being ripped off! THAT won't change Thailand for the better - and you know it needs changing!

  13. I agree that its a start but surely a better policy would be to get police to pull over offenders where and when they come across them and not just at one checkpoint.

    That's far too sensible - and would turn into yet another money-making scam for the BIB and yet another wallet-emptier for the "big bike" lovers! Eh, DaveT?

  14. OK, scores out of 10 for each item - 10 being "I really won't miss this", 1 being "It doesn't bother me at all":

    I can almost see the thread as "someone" (don't want this to be personal) leaves Phuket

    Things I won't miss about Phuket ...

    The need to travel anywhere to get a decent meal - 2: g/f's a good cook!

    The constant running out of water to shower, bathe, do laundry etc - currently 9, but am getting 4,000 litre+ tanks installed :o

    The Rats! (Sorry Micky) - 0

    Soi Dogs? did someone mention Soi Dogs? - 0, but if next door's cats poo in my garden again....

    Snakes ants lizards geckos etc - 0, 7, 2, 2: frigging ants!!

    Construction noise and dirt - 2 'cause I'm in a "developed" area

    Touts! - 1: only problem at Big C... "Taxi?" My response: "Mii rot leaw krap!" sometimes gets a "Krap phom", which is nice!

    The constant thought that I am a tourist and will pay what they do! - 9.999 :D :D :D

    etc etc

    Welcome to Thailand!

    (Yes I love it here! .. just part of the total package!)

    But probably no thatched roofs! YEAY!

  15. BTW you say that FiFa is "eurocentric", I don't see many African, Asian or even European teams in the US "World" Series of Baseball, does that make MLB xenophobic?

    The World Series in baseball was named after a newspaper.

    Dam.n, I thought I'd learnt something new Sir Burr! But according to http://roadsidephotos.sabr.org/baseball/name.htm , that stuff about the newspaper is a myth! I was hoping you were right, though...

    Origin of the Name "World Series"

    One baseball myth that just won't die is that the "World Series" was named for the New York World newspaper, which supposedly sponsored the earliest contests. It didn't, and it wasn't.

    In fact, the postseason series between the AL and NL champs was originally known as the "Championship of the World" or "World's Championship Series." That was shortened through usage to "World's Series" and finally to "World Series."

    And there's more... :o


    A brief history of the name of the World Series

    From TBIII: The 1884 Series was touted as "for the championship of the United States," but the influential weekly Sporting Life established precedent for future Series hype by naming victorious Providence "Champions of the World."

    From the 1887 Spalding's Official Baseball Guide: In 1886 a series of games "for the world's championship" were arranged...

    From the 1888 Spalding's Official Baseball Guide: Up to 1884 this question of what is now justly termed the "world's championship" in baseball remained an unsettled one;... In 1887 the world's championship series had become an established supplementary series of contests,...

    From the 1887 Reach Guide: "Under the heading `THE GREAT WORLD'S SERIES' After the two championship seasons had closed..[st.Louis and Chicago]... agreed to play... to decide the "championship of the world," as it was termed.

    The 1903 souvenir card referred to the World's Championship Games ....etc, etc, etc. (Where's my Yul Brynner smiley? :D )

  16. I know what you saying.I am really just trying to fight for her- to be able to make her own mind what she wants(she is capable).And yes I would do exacly same for a bloke in that situation.To tell you the truth I was not sure if that was a bloke or girl for while.

    Just keep telling yourself "this is Thailand". It's not the West or any developed country with a working welfare state. And don't get personally involved - it'll cost you more than mere money if you do.

  17. thanks slack. its the quality i am after...

    Hi Donna, sorry you didn't appreciate my heavy sarcasm! It WAS meant to be funny too, but maybe it didn't come across right. We need a "I'm being sarcastic" smiley here!

    As for Slackula's post re. "higher quality" vermin, I think he means the Thai type - you know: the touts, tuk-tuk drivers, rip-off the tourists type. I think I've only seen a real rat once in Patong.

    And as for all this discussion about the asbestos roof... don't panic!! There's all sorts of asbestos and it's the incredibly small fibres that causes health problems. An asbestos cement roof in good condition should not be a problem as it won't be releasing the small fibres, but - as LaoPo says - if it's cracking or moving (eg. people walking on it) then it's possible that it IS releasing fibres. So check it out first before you start sleeping in the yard!

  18. ...i will be moving over to phuket for a new job which looks very exciting.

    anyway, there are some things that i really wont miss about island life. ....

    Er... Donna, Phuket is an island too. :o

    Just thought you'd like to know.

    And there are gekkos, jin-joks, ants, shitty brown water, no water, etc. Make a list of all the things you don't like and get your new landlord to sign the lease stating that there aren't any. Best of luck! :D

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