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  1. On Sheryl’s advice (detailed, try to look it up) I went to Bangkok Christian Hospital, great doctor, after much testing he said I didn’t need a stent, I went home happy. This was just a couple of weeks after being diagnosed by a recommended cardiologist at a big hospital as needing at least 2 stents, all this without proper examination. At least 300,000 vs the 18,000-23,000 I ended up paying.
  2. I contacted my vpn. They said try turning off Block Malicious and Block Trackers. Now okay. I want to block both: your ideas.
  3. Hi Support, I’m trying to read a list of articles that was sent in the last day. Most of the items give me a 403 message Forbidden. Only one of them looks controversial. Others I can open after my connection is checked. I am connecting using a vpn from the States. cheers
  4. We used to really like the old Nicky’s. 2 months ago, on a Friday night, we went for fish ‘n chips (used to be great). It was 8 pm and they were out of fish. We left.
  5. Centigrade32, where would the sim card go?
  6. Sorry Centigrade32. I misunderstood. I want to down load mkvs to an external hd, organize them on a pc, and retain for ages. Not connected to the tv, and on all day.
  7. Centigrade32 - thanks for that. Can you recommend a particular android box (‘llI read up on them). I like that going through a laptop’s browser; I can be downloading from many sources at the same time. Unfortunately, I use a TOT modem but the condo restricts the speed, in that they want TOT to pay a bunch to install the required wiring. I get less than 1 meg.
  8. Hi Centigrade, just to clarify, I’m looking for a laptop, I live in Pattaya, I’m familiar with InvadeIt, Jib, and the few places still open in Tukcom on Pattaya Tai. Thanks for the help. Hi VR333, I’m an experienced jib.com browser and have searched and compared various models. Thanks for that.
  9. Are there any recommendations for specific laptops?
  10. Remembering I just want it to rebuild my movies collection (I had a 4 gig disk with a lotsa the best movies, especially 30’s-40’s). I dropped it a couple of times; when I asked jib if it could be repaired, several staff laughed and laughed.
  11. I posted a review of Valencia 15+/- years ago. Food was excellent, exuberant cook / owner was offensive to his family and customers.
  12. Thinking about foreigners going to southern islands. Total had quite the off shore oil-gas operation years back until they we shamed out 2002+/-. I vaguely remember a Pattaya guy who had a on-off shore contract, but that was a long time ago. I doubt that the powers that be would let those assets rest too long.
  13. But I need 4-5 usb ports. Sorry I wasn’t clear with the specs. 15.6” screen too.
  14. I’d like to get a new laptop (intel, win 11, lots of ports (very important, I want to connect via hdmi, 2/3 usbc for fast connect 2, 2/3 usb sower connect for exterior hd/printer). I live near TukCom’s JIB). It is for a limited purpose - downloading mkvs. Max price-40K. what do you suggest.
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