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Everything posted by Card

  1. The only valid judges that someone is not racist is not yourself. They are those who are the victims of racism because, unless you are subjected to racism, you will hardly notice that it is going on in front of your eyes and ears.
  2. There is no more despotic govt than that of the military terrorists in Naypyidaw.
  3. .......and the answer is .........China
  4. You really are scared out of your wits aren't you? Is your heterosexuality so fragile?
  5. Leave your regressive fears linked to hatred in your home country. Your lord has no mercy.
  6. Sorry but the idea of masks is to protect others not yourself. It disperses droplets from your breath so there is a lower inoculum potential going to others. It does not protect your eyes which is an entry point for the virus.
  7. Must check her shoes before marriage. If they are sparkly then she is on the make.
  8. My usual tip is "Watch yourself when crossing the road" but Thais never quite get it.
  9. The banks auction them off and dealers sell on. You won't be able to buy direct from banks. Look in Bahtsold etc or dealerships.
  10. I wouldn't buy much older than 1 year old. The price drops quickly by that age but less so after. Also most cars esp with low mileage are still in great nick and guarantees are still in force after 1 year. Some great bargains from those who realise after buying that they can't afford the hire purchase payments and just give them back to the banks who just look to sell quickly to get some money back.
  11. Some senior politicians in western countries DO dye their hair if u care to notice. You cannot get more senior than Trump!
  12. Probably because you stated the reason for the transfer. Usually no problem up to 100,000 baht if transferred within Thailand. If more then the BOT needs to know and your bank may phone you to ask. Best to transfer 99900 X 3
  13. Card

    Nan province

    I have a house there. Several boutique hotels have emerged in the last 10 years expecting a deluge of Chinese. Thank God it did not materialise yet. There is a hostel and a main hotel been there for years. The best bet is to chose a hotel from booking.com then search and phone them to see if they are open.
  14. The PCR tests don't necessarily show that you are currently infective. It tests for viral DNA and that DNA may be historic and no longer infective. The lateral flow tests for whole viral particles which are much more likely to be infective.
  15. A Thai friend of mine was successful but I don't have a True account or am eligible for a booster yet so have not tried.
  16. True in a way but you still need to apply for it but only get it after 3-6 months of your second Vax depending on your Vax. You can apply either through True or AIS if you have subscriptions: https://vaccine.trueid.net/ https://vaccineforthais.ais.th/Reserve/Login
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