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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. If you enter on a 45 day you have to leave the country and make a borderline wants to get extension or can you just go to immigration and get 30 days
  2. They keep control because they pay the right people money every month TIT
  3. Why do people think that he is not corrupt and all the other people in those positions are TIT
  4. Soon to come will be the winning lottery numbers TIT
  5. I cannot count all the years then when people put retirement visa and everybody really knows it’s an extension on staying they pointed out 1 million times here and gets so boring I wish I had a penny for every time somebody would correct I think he’ll just get over it you know what you’re trying to say TIT
  6. I remember years ago they said riding the back of a pick up was illegal but seeing how the police never enforce anything this will continue to happen TIT
  7. He has a lot of nice cars like that Joe Ferrari cop had I wonder which political and which top cop will be driving them next TIT
  8. I don’t understand the part that said big joke received a big brown envelope all these big cops know all about the guy and nobody’s business is there on the payroll same same TIT
  9. So from the picture it looks like there were five police and one British guy TIT
  10. The deal has already probably been made who will get what what he’ll be able to keep TIT
  11. I’d like to look at a different point obviously the owner of the bar knew these young girls were way under age so that’s the first place the guilt starts now it doesn’t say whether the men were drunk or they were told the girls were 18 or 19 or 20 so you don’t really know for certain if they knew these girls were under age if they were a little drunk and they had some drinks and the lady brought girls to their room I’m gonna do ask excuse me how old are these ladies that you’re bringing to my room and if they did would you tell the truth so I think the blame Hass to start with the person who brought the girls to the men’s room I’m not saying they are completely innocent obviously they knew these girls were young we really don’t know the condition of the man or what they were told but what we do know factual is that the owner brought under age women to have sex with men the right then and there that’s the crime never turns out that these men knew that they were under age the near guilty also it’s a very simple matter TIT
  12. In any other country these guys should be fired here their transfer to an active post and then later they just put them in a different province TIT
  13. Or just as I was thinking that I pretty much heard everything there is after reading this article I’m speechless TIT
  14. What is the article doesn’t say much doesn’t say the man’s age or the wife’s age she’s most more Bebe guns TIT
  15. Yeah I know a guy told me he made the score of the bar she never asked for any money they always had a good time together and I told the guy she’s looking for the big payday not the small change or another day been married a year or two he seems to be spending all his money TIT
  16. I’m surprised they And just put a tree in front of it TIT
  17. So they wanted 15,000 for each unit of the guest house and I’m wondering for how long do these officials collect extra money from all the people who just went ahead and paid this officials are making so much money under the table it’s disgusting corruption runs wild here in Thailand TIT
  18. The outrageous Ness of it all do you think the government would just move in there and tell the guy will take the grill into a nice zoo where I will have at least somewhat of an enjoyable time how cruel she let this happen for so many years shame on Thailand oh I forgot Taylan has no shame TIT
  19. Laughing out loud they rated the guys house but he’s already left the country do you think he had some advance notice by the cop said he probably pays weekly for protection what a joke from the top to the bottom corruption runs wild I remember the monk it’s a fly around and jets the Red Bull kid and nobody knows where he is he’ll be back as soon as all the charges have expired life goes on TIT
  20. All the government parties here including the very top man always save money for favors TIT
  21. Thia Gather data and open up accounts for their Chinese boss but no mention about going after the Chinese boss why do you think that is that he is well connected if he was paying these people for collecting data 20,000 a day can you imagine what he must pay the really big boss and you wonder how all these government officials in top cops and up with these multi million dollar cars loans of dollars and watches not to mention properties they owned the illegal nightclubs they run the prostitution they run he’ll always be the same here TIT
  22. Blah blah blah what he meant to say is everything will stay the same most of these places are run by the police or high government officials nothing will ever change share corruption isn’t even hidden here anymore amazing Thailand TIT
  23. The whole article is written terribly I had to read it to three times to make any sense of it and then I still wasn’t sure so the bag was real the lady boy is fake and that’s the story TIT
  24. Oh one thing for sure the police do not want to go after the owners of the establishment TIT
  25. Interesting the casino new place recalled probably owned by the Chinese and the police TIT
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