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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. So which one of the top guys gonna be driving that car they keep talking about red notice they seem tacked very quick with them in case it happens to be the big boss he’ll be back soon enough with all charges have expired TIT
  2. I’m surprised there’s no mention of the millions of dollars spent on his Chinese vaccines that Many countries proved was pretty much useless TIT
  3. I think it’s a little difficult to trust this guy evolved to get that journalist one way or another it took a little time but when he went into the embassy in Turkey they basically killed them and that can only happen if this man gave the OK to
  4. For over 25 years it’s been legal in Amsterdam they have a great doctor job there and great hospitals it’s strange to me how the doctors in Thailand are reacting to this maybe they’re in the pockets of the drug companies that push pills on All their patience TIT
  5. I remember when the US government provide Bangkok Bank in New York from sending me money into my account here in Thailand the never ending battle of money laundering TIT
  6. It’s almost ridiculous the two faculty members from the University want to try to understand Thailand’s method of dealing with human trafficking and illegal fishing taking a state in Texas is known as the big brown envelope everything in Thailand runs from corruption from the top to the bottom TIT
  7. The boss has nothing to worry about a few more years and he’ll be back safely living in Thailand TIT
  8. The guy should know he stole billions he left the country and he lives the life he knows everything is to know about corruption in Thailand TIT
  9. Yeah bad idea TIT
  10. It seems like all the people who are vaccinated if they do catch it it’s a very mild thing last thing a few days but yet after millions have received the vaccination there’s still people out there who refuse to get the vaccine TIT
  11. I had to stop reading it about a third of the way through maybe it’s me Tit
  12. Google translate is the worst from English to Thai language And I don’t even understand half Of this article. TIT
  13. I was wondering how he was able to get the hand grenade do you think somebody in the military sold them to him I am not very confident that the police will fully investigate how the foreigner was able to get all these weapons and no surprise the police finally arrested him I’m sure somebody ratted him out and he’s just a foreigner correct TIT
  14. I once went to Massachusetts just to see where the witches live in all the type of witch stuff it was OK and I wouldn’t want to live there in the winter time too cold in the people in Massachusetts they speak a different type of English so it’s hard to understand them anyways I just reread some of the people on this question about weed and hospitalizations I laughed so hard I’m crying I mean I was smoking good weed in the 70s running out of Jamaica and I never heard of anybody being hospitalized for an overdose of marijuana TIT
  15. Thai's are much more uncomfortable with silence than with noise, they get a bit edgy when things get quiet! LOL that’s why I don’t live in a village right live it’s very quiet you don’t hear no buses no car horns no dogs barking usually I just sleep till nine 930 in the morning if I like very quiet I live about 14 minutes from Central Festival shopping center And nice house on a dead-end street life is good here TIT
  16. So his buddy in the military took him the next day to the police wow there goes the level of alcohol in his body at the time of the accident different laws for different people here TIT
  17. Well I guess they’ll get it all sorted out hopefully the guy will get some help or some counseling a lot of the soldiers are not playing with a full deck TIT
  18. I guess I’ve just been very fortunate of always got my deposit back usually with a very small amount deducted for cleaning if the electric bill is in the owners name don’t pay it I’m sure your deposit that you’re losing is a lot more than the electric bill for a month I would also ask the landlord For an itemized bill after saying all that I can say is TIT
  19. It’s really strange that Amsterdam it’s been legal for so many years I can’t even remember and you never hear anything about a hospitalization in the countries of some goofy amount only in Thailand do you hear statistic numbers like this and many states in America is the goal you don’t hear hospitalization is up due to it just doesn’t all add up to me but then again TIT
  20. For sure had a phone call and for sure the police are very happy that they caught all these things because soon they’ll be having them Before the police auction all the top cops inspect everything and they always take the really good stuff and leave the peanuts for the auction TIT
  21. I totally understand your frustrations illogical as it may be just three letters TIT
  22. Somebody’s giving a lot of money corruption everywhere TIT
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