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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. Well, I see now the story has been moved down near the bottom another two weeks it won’t even be running. These cars are dirty from the top to the bottom Road Jack’s to everything they’re doing can’t somebody finally stepped in and fire them all start freshTIT
  2. Yeah we get that the big tobacco companies here are making sure that that will never become a thing here in Thailand Facebook be collecting a lot of money for that one but why are they switching the subjects? Why are they talking about the millions are collecting each month from the traffic stop checkpoints when will they clean that up TIT
  3. Why have they switch the subject about the shakedown of the actress in the Singapore man for 27,000 that why haven’t they talked about the millions each month they’re collecting from these checkpoints TIT
  4. I believe all the school directors do something like this or at least they skim off the top at almost everything and that’s just the beginning. What do you think about the governors of all these provinces you don’t think they steal money and last but not least look at the police checkpoints please extorting money something should be done about all this but I really believe nothing will change. TIT
  5. Show all the police stations in Bangkok contribute to this one fun and then some of the other guys split all the money which is millions a man almost sounds like a mafia organization doesn’t it TIT
  6. You gotta be careful if you criticize this thia people here they may end up killing you TIT
  7. From the police to the taxi drivers to the guy that wants to you to take a ride in this boat at the floating market for corruption from the top down. TT.
  8. In any other country, they would be fired here in the Land of smiles they get transferred with pay it’s unbelievable, the penalty for taking money from people just an active post for a little while and then they get put back on duty somewhere else they should be fired, never to be placement again TIT
  9. 27,000 doesn’t seem a lot when you divided by four people or five people but they do this to her three times a day for five times a week and figure out how much they’re getting per year. It comes out to be quite a lot TIT.
  10. Yes, the article is mostly common sense. The problem is the corruption at the checkpoints corruption at the police station, and basically corruption from the top to the bottom TIT
  11. The only way they’re ever possible you can get rid of. The corruption is to get rid of the top hire new people in that position and then explain to them that if any other people blow them, do IThe only way there ever possible you can get rid of. The corruption is to get rid of the top hire new people in that position and then explain to them that if any of the people below them do anything like extort money. They will be fired and maybe thrown in jail. The whole system here from the top to the bottom is corrupt do I think they’re everything get rid of it here know why TIT
  12. When the Prime Minister took over, he promised to end this corruption, seeing how it’s going on still after so many years, he’s in office he should resign all the police involved they should be transferred they should be fired for the whistleblower. I hope he has a lot of bodyguards around him TIT.
  13. Anybody in their right mind knows the police here are just like the mafia. They protect themselves they have all the power they need. Yes, they lie. Corruption runs rampant when they get caught all of a sudden the cameras aren’t working it was too dark, blah blah TIT
  14. Everybody who lives here believes the girl, the cops here are dirty, TIT
  15. Her story sounds very true to me on the other side. The police story is not believable. TIT.
  16. so you can pay for police escorts from the airport to your hotel if you’re from Taiwan and female they can bring you to the police station and shake you down for 20,000 bht when will it stop? When will the corruption in the police department stop is there anybody can clean up the police fire mall hire new people and if they lie, cheat or steal, don’t put them in an active pose send them right to jail TIT
  17. She’s in a strange country. The cops shake her down and scared the hell out of her and she pays that’s what happened. THT.
  18. He looks older due to not wearing sunscreen and being outside a lot at age is your face, but I really believe there is foul play. Like may be poisoned they don’t like foreigners taking away any local business. They should an autopsy, but maybe I don’t wanna tell the truth TIT
  19. They should do an autopsy might’ve been poisoned I just placed on the couch, put a blanket over them, etc. etc. is the reason why they call that island death island the families that control the island do whatever they want for protection TIT
  20. No one ever sees anything here everybody is afraid of the police corruption runs wild here, TIT
  21. I think with the story I meant to say was he had an ID and it mysteriously walked away TIT
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