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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. Very sad story she goes to Police for assistance or help and they do absolutely nothing TIT
  2. Sadly did the police department and most of the cities are all the same If they check the police accounts and banks They always have a lot of explaining to do TIT
  3. The chief of police is asking Madame governor shortening me on my cut I’m sure the governor can explain how she has that much money laying around in her bedroom TIT
  4. I never heard of a lady taking a picture in the laundromat of what the white designer shirt look like and then a picture after it was finished I think there’s real estate lady is trying to pull over a scam on the laundromat TIT
  5. Another good example of corruption of the government no surprise T. IT
  6. Next week they’ll probably have a sign out from the Director of the school charging to play golf these directors of the schools in Thailand they just grab money from everywhere from the lunches from the desk from books they’re making money every which way TIT
  7. I Chiang Mai immigration I need two letters from the bank I need the total cost was 300
  8. Leader ship of the government in Thailand inadequate TIT
  9. The Government is always trying to increase what goes into their pockets absolutely no concern for the every day hard-working person in Thailand so disgraceful TIT
  10. Unfortunately I was reading this as drinking my coffee this morning and I almost choked laughing so hard TIT
  11. What will they Plan next how about a taxon Everybody that comes here TIT
  12. A lot of those women neck over there to Dubai or the Middle East they believe everything with a broker here tells them I want some in a girl from the small village that told me she was going to go over there to work at Massage no matter how many times I explain to her that she probably forced into prostitution it has absolutely no effect all they think about is the money they are going to be making TIT
  13. The Prime Minister Siri eight years he’s out there than the guy who second in command and served eight years is that a temporary in TIT
  14. And half of the free house he has on the military base he could see all the retired generals out of their houses I wonder what will happen now if he is out he’s been living free there for many years beautiful house well protected free of charge and chauffeured around in the big Mercedes-Benz that he ordered for himself TIT
  15. Will he get to keep that big Mercedes Benz that he ordered especially for himself to be shown for around in TIT
  16. What gets me is supposed to be a monk a man of God then he wants to change the gender and be a woman and everybody except that like it’s no big deal how can a monk a man of God do such a thing in the time people don’t care a lot of fake things in Thailand including monks TIT
  17. What’s really interesting to me is the boat captain who knows all the rules and regulations on fishing takes a tourist to fish The tourist go fishing catches some fish and now they’re after him why wouldn’t they just arrest the vo captain for lack of knowledge of where he could take a tourist to fish this is just amazing to me TIT
  18. I don’t think his teacher should ever hit a student unless it’s in self-defense TIT
  19. I have used her also in Chiangmai she’s very efficient and will do an excellent job for you I highly recommend her TIT
  20. Well when he left Thailand how many billions of dollars went with him corruption at its best TIT
  21. Well that’s good news to Cambodian’s found them very quickly I’m sure they’ll be many people thinking and the Red Bull kid TIT
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