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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. I think their attitude is not my problem until they lose a loved one due to gun violence illegal guns corruption all the things that Taylan is so used to nothing will change TIT
  2. I thought the phone use while driving was already in effect a few months ago remember reading about it oh I guess for a few days or make news after that nobody will care TIT
  3. The young time mother had to sell 200 bht For food and medicine should be about I guess the insurance for for Thai people doesn’t apply is government is stealing millions in the poor people of Thailand are starving I can’t afford medicine for They are children TIT
  4. In Belize I just walked into the immigration they give you a list of the paper your next door and pay it and just renew it every month if you leave the country for a day or two and then you come back then you have a 30 day. Free no charge
  5. Yep those tattoos all over him are definitely gang type tattoos TIT
  6. A terrible story I am surprised that nobody ever heard any noise or thought anything and the writing of the story has much to desire T.I. T
  7. I had a leg injury and I got to my departing airport I informed them of it and when I landed in Thailand they had a buggy waiting for me no worries TIT
  8. I just get those bottles of flavoring vanilla or whatever but I just add in coffee TIT
  9. Didn’t they target the Indians a tourist once before same same TIT
  10. There was no surprise Thailand was going to vote The way China and Russia voted Thailand has no balls TIT
  11. Remember way back in the states if they gave you notice there’s gonna be a urine test do you go to a head shop and drink the stuff a few hours for the test and your pee would always come out clean the police department in Thailand is so corrupt from top to bottom he’ll always be the same here TIT
  12. Many countries have legalized pot but this guy has to have a very large financial reason for the things he says TIT
  13. The government long long long ago has forgotten about the people while the government people are making millions and corruption and letting the people they serve starve I think the first solution would be to get rid of the corruption saying that TIT
  14. Good luck with that one the police here are involved in so many illegal things From gambling to drugs the prostitution to extortion of money from legal businesses and other illegal activity who would ever believe that they’re gonna clean themselves from this money making organization they have going on TIT
  15. When is soccer team was caught up in the cave everybody praise CNN reporting the news obviously somebody up there allowed entry of the reporters inside the building and time media pictures are being shown and nobody is outraged I think the real issue is they are afraid of the questions that the reporters might ask it is a total tragedy what happened but I think coming down on the reporters is not the proper thing to do TIT
  16. Those in route safes are worthless you can pop out a piece of plastic on the front and they all have a master keye Or there is a code you can answer to override and open the safe I never use them and to keep large sums of money and those type of safes are very risky at best TIT
  17. It is a total tragedy what happened their words cannot express what occurred the reporters for CNN had permission from somebody there in the health department I don’t believe they intentionally try to disrespect or do any harm other than report the news and facts it is very disturbing but when they report on CNN what’s happening in Ukraine that is also very upsetting to say the world crimes that Russia Has committed would not be known if they didn’t have reporters covering this is always two sides of the corn that’s depressing the reporting was I think it was factual TIT
  18. Jen news is now reporting 34 it’s unbelievable
  19. Thai working girls go to Korea Japan Indonesia Abu Dhabi many other places CIT
  20. I had this great American restaurant this morning in Chiangmai TAT
  21. Amazing Thailand I would think most other countries the teacher be fired on the spot then again this is amazing Thailand TIT
  22. This guy’s gonna make a lot of money now TIT
  23. This Hass to be one of the best corruption stories ever to exist TIT
  24. Take it to the dealership of your motorbike give us a hand to take it to hang the store for Suzuki take it to the Zukey store they do all that stuff
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