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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. It seems like everybody’s on the take care the principles of each of the schools must be making a fortune off the lunches TIT
  2. Yep the lifeguards in Thailand are very similar to the police TIT
  3. Some government guy is gonna make a fortune off this new scam they’re doing just do the math of the arriving people to Thailand times 300 and the actual cost really is nowhere near that 380 TIT
  4. All the dual pricing Well really attractors when I realize that they’re being discriminated against foreign holiday TT
  5. You can go a few days early with your wife to immigration have everything done just make sure you have all the pictures address of house map of house the usual stuff they ask for 380
  6. So to enter Thailand if you’ve been vaccinated you do not need medical insurance
  7. Tell her to find a different place my electricity is about 3.5 per unit and the water is just about free TIT
  8. It sounds like they arrest the driver from the article headlight it sounds like they arrested to king pin drug smugglers TIT
  9. I’m just amazed how these people who are in charge of the children get transferred and that she’s fired I guess it’s the same in the police department here I don’t get fired they just got transferred TIT
  10. This is all these cops drive expensive cars even that one cop that everybody likes his Alexis had bullet holes in it outside a massage place in Bangkok there are corrupt here TIT
  11. So big joke has an Lexius car I guess the police here get paid a lot more than they do in America
  12. Some people in the government are making loads of money off this deal with China TIT
  13. i’ve had several Rottweilers got them as pubs raise them and train them they were the best dogs I’ve ever had they would never just attacked a child a matter of fact our friends had little kids The dog would sit by them and play with them and have a stranger came up to the child and the Rottweiler was there he would not attack the stranger right away but he would protect the child that’s their instinct I blame the owner of the dogs Rottweilers always get a bad rap I have many breeds of dogs and the Rottweiler by far was the best they’re loyal they’re calm and yes they’re good protection if somebody tries to break into your house but still they would just not attack for no reason
  14. It’s been legal in the Netherlands for years and distributive in their coffee shops you never never here people going to the hospital in many states in America it is legal now you don’t hear anybody going to the hospital he to marijuana I’m just trying to figure out why all these people that are going to the hospital are blaming marijuana it doesn’t make sense oh wait a minute I’m talking about Thailand TIT
  15. Say “the guy when he was coming back at the airport what about the Red Bull kid do you think he’s come back a few times and then just leaves what happened to the Red Bull kid TIT
  16. I heard 20 years ago somebody told me the sky was falling I think any shortage Weatherby fuel food water whatever they’ll figure it out everything’s gonna be OK be happy don’t worry just my two cents TIT
  17. I was in Amsterdam in the 80s and coffee shops everywhere selling marijuana I’ve never heard of one bad thing that came of it it was taxed the government was happy the people were happy the ex Prime Minister of fled the country from being charged criminally has not one clue of what he’s talking about remind me years ago in America when they had reefer madness now so many years later marijuana is legalized in many states and it’s found to help autistic children these people that are on 100% against it have not one clue of what they are talking about TIT
  18. I think most people here appreciate when somebody loans the money the only problem is it’s very difficult for them to repay you TIT
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