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  1. Patriot

    Ubon HHH

    Yes, thanks for that. It's actually the night time bash I was interested in. Not to worry; not imortant. I haven't heard from any "Hashers" so I'm probably still a PNG. Funny folk these Hashers; secret handshakes and all that :)
  2. Patriot

    Ubon HHH

    Good evening. Where will the Hashers be meeting on the evening of this Saturday 11th Nov '23. WW or Outside Inn. It's just that my wife hasn't seen FG for a couple of years. I will have to stay at home to feed the dogs and water the plants. Thanks for your help.
  3. Agh "Bert", just picked up on this. I shouldn't really be drinking so this is ultra low in alcohol. Low in carbs ie 60cal/33cl bottle. (A third of Leo .. my favourite tipple) Tastes better, IMO, than other low or free beers. It is refreshing and gives a little buzz after a couple. And last but not least, (in fact probably the most important) is that the Brothers-in-Law hate it so my fridge is not depleted by the freeloaders. (Slightly off Topic, but I saw Oppenheimer today at Central in English. What a movie)
  4. Kao Hom for good authentic Indian (best Samosas I've ever tasted .. bar none!!)
  5. Public Service Information !!!
  6. During my recent hunt for San Mig Zero I came across an absolute gem of a store selling all kinds of expat foods. Branston Pickle, soups, a freezer full of pies, pasties etc. It is run by an affable chap, named Alan (I think) with whom I skulled a few of his craft beers. It's tucked away in ChayangKun 42/2. As a hermit in Warin I'd never discovered it before, however I'll be a regular visitor - and no; I'm not the owner!! PS: I think he's shut on Saturdays Enjoy!!
  7. Patriot

    San Mig ZERO

    Update: Dilligad's suggestion proved fruitful. Makro in town had it, but I took the last two cases and the last San Mig Light. Stocks there are pretty hit and miss. I tried youavinalaff's suggestion of soda water ... worked well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Patriot

    San Mig ZERO

    Thank you
  9. Patriot

    San Mig ZERO

    Tried there Dilli, they'd never heard of it!!
  10. Patriot

    San Mig ZERO

    Morning folks Any ideas where in Ubon I can acquire San Mig ZERO by the case. I can only find outlets in town, ie Lotus's and Big C, with only a few bottles. Many thanks
  11. I clicked expecting to hear “Logs and Thangs” by Millie Jackson
  12. 10% discount at Wrong Way pub in Ubon
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