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Gsxrnz last won the day on January 4 2022

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  1. Good God! Next he'll install a secret email server in Kai's roommates closet and organize mysterious donations to Haiti, and 51 prominent former intelligence agency officials (who now don't have security clearance) will accuse him of Russian collusion. I'm shocked!
  2. It wouldn't be so bad if Biden was even remotely funny or witty. People can tolerate an amusing old man, where being a sandwich short of a picnic is classified as being eccentric. Reagan is a case in point. I'm sure he wasn't all there towards the end, but by God he was funny. Trump missed his true calling as a comedian, but now he gets to do quality stand-up in the oval office every day. Priceless!
  3. There are two Englands - Londinium being the financial capital of Europe and providing the tax base for all the social welfare recipients, and the Otherlands, being the devastated multi-cultural cities, towns, and villages of the provinces. Without Londinium, the rest of England would be a third world state. Although with all the gold and silver being shipped across the pond from the BOE in recent months and following decades of political mismanagement, third world status may arrive sooner than later.
  4. I just had a look - on my browser platform (Chrome) there's a big orange button "Start New Topic" towards the top of the page of the Pattaya Forum.
  5. Cheap and efficient energy supply is the single most important ingredient to creating or maintaining a wealthy society. You have to wonder why a certain demographic want to make energy more expensive and less available, while ignoring the obvious truth that over time, nuclear energy is by far the cheapest and safest, and should be a carbon zealot's wet-dream come true.
  6. Considering the propensity for Thai doctors to over prescribe medication, this was probably a very lucrative scam. I recently went to a prominent Pattaya hospital to get the wax in my ears cleaned out. After cleaning, the doctor tells me she will prescribe some medication. I asked what she was giving me, and why. Two antibiotics, an antihistamine, and paracetamol. As to the reasons, crickets. I said thanks but no thanks. She was miffed.
  7. Just a thought - are you sure it was an apples for apples comparison? Did the two products have the same memory size, same accessories etc? On Shopee and Lazada, the right-click and Translate to English is a useful function for checking details and making comparisons.
  8. I agree. Generally speaking, the "economy" does historically determine most outcomes. But the economy is now perceived on a multi-level basis by voters - inflation, taxation, price of energy etc. And the 2024 election had the added complications of institutionalized wokery and immigration. These surveys should be very enlightening to anybody with an open mind, left or right leaning.
  9. You are correct, my apologies for the typo. Maybe that was my cognitive bias deceiving my right hemisphere - I'll have to be less subjective.
  10. "...Suspicious of the driver’s behaviour, he and his colleague, Officer Chayanan, pursued the vehicle on their motorcycle..."
  11. In the same Poll, Trump received a 51% job rating approval, Musk received 58% approval, JD Vance 53% approval. Congressional Republicans got a 55% approval, Congressional democrats got a 66% disapproval. Fox News Poll: Trump, Republicans at record-high ratings as Democrats falter | Fox News Cherry picking poll data to match one's cognitive bias (as I arguably have done above to demonstrate cherry picking) rarely leads to an informed opinion. Read all the poll results and form your own opinion on the real world. There are lots of positive, negative, and neutral poll results covering a multitude of topics. And pay attention to the wording of the questions, the margin of error, the sample size, and method of recipient contact, perhaps most importantly which way the particular survey organisation leans, and leans by how many degrees. The same "question" asked using different words by a left or right leaning organisation often elicits different results greater than the supposed margin of error.
  12. The Thais have a major advantage - their embrace of family and communal living. The West had this until the 50's, but post-modernist Marxism has managed to progressively replace the family with the welfare state. The chick at the 7/11 earning circa 10-12k per month either lives with her multi-generational family of nine, or five of her workmates/friends. Her rent and amenities contribution is probably no more than 2K. Food is shared communally and frugally, probably 2-3K per month. The rest is hers to pay off debts, buy the lottery, support the family. She won't be retiring with a thousand rai farm or a Mercedes, but that's how they survive.
  13. If push came to shove, I think I'd prefer a fake bearing made in China, as opposed to made in Pakistan.
  14. It used to be "don't let a crisis go to waste". Now it's "don't let a fake crisis go to waste".
  15. All of Europe better do something to appease the disenfranchised young male population, because in time of need they won't have enough willing bodies to pull the triggers or fly the planes. The real problem might be who will actually build the internment camps to hold all the conscientious objectors.
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