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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Yes.

    And we even have lights at Boonkanjana and Chaiyapruk. The road is very busy these days - traffic is 10 times what it was 2 years ago.

    It's been open to Chaiyapruk for 3 years now and the road beyond that links to Sukhumvit is nearly finished as well.

    U can drive new rd to sukumvit. Already..


    Yes, but you can't turn right when you get there

    Yes only left and to u turn which is lights coming.of chayapruk

    So same way. Sometimes good cu no traffic.

    Are they going to do right turn? Be nice...


    I'm sure they will. I drove past there today on the way to golf and they have channelling and islands set up for a right hand turn. Just have to modify the median strip on Suk.

    They were painting white lines on the new road as I drove past but as I glanced down it I got the impression the tar sealing wasn't quite finished at the far (western) end - not sure.

  2. OP - in your post you're calling for tact from others - and I agree that some (many) posts one sees on TV are tactless and I'd even go so far to say some posts and posters are as blunt as a sledgehammer.

    But my good man, philosophically speaking, your original post and subsequent posts thus far are also somewhat lacking in tact don't you think?

    I would have been much more interested in supporting your argument if you'd highlighted your point with some degree of eloquence, but sadly, it was nothing more than a thinly disguised rant. So whilst I'll support your broad observation, I find I cannot endorse the manner in which you've gone about making your point. smile.png

    Merry Christmas. thumbsup.gif

  3. Yes.

    And we even have lights at Boonkanjana and Chaiyapruk. The road is very busy these days - traffic is 10 times what it was 2 years ago.

    It's been open to Chaiyapruk for 3 years now and the road beyond that links to Sukhumvit is nearly finished as well.

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  4. Count your blessings that it's only until 2am and pray that an all night Karaoke Bar doesn't open up next door, or even worse, they move the night market and that huge mother sucker music truck from Beach Road to your neighbourhood. w00t.gif

  5. I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.


    Oh wait......were you an Isaan girl that put herself through university but fell on hard times and had to quit before you got your degree and get a job as a hotel receptionist just so you could send money to your poor hard working parents and three younger siblings, and now you need 20k baht to finish your education so you can get a much better job and help your parents even more? Is your name Mon? You bitch! coffee1.gif

    I was a lesbian school teacher who turned go go dancer. biggrin.png


  6. I could be wrong and maybe the OP can verify, but I'm guessing the velcro sealed pockets were in the "cargo" type shorts/trousers that have 38 pockets and the one with the wallet in it was at the bottom. Velcro and zips on those type of pockets are useless. The pants are normally loose and baggy and you can't feel anybody having a fiddle with the fasteners.

    They're an open invitation for a pick pocket and the feeling of "security" the wearer has because they have sealed pockets makes it that much easier for the thief.

  7. As a parent with a daughter at Kindergarten here's my two bobs worth.

    We've had female and male teachers. Females have been English, Russian, and American. Males have been English and American.

    I always got the impression from the women that they felt as though they were child minders. Interest in the academic side seemed second to behavioural and social aspects of the child's education. They (the teachers) also seemed rather bored and not very animated or interested in the children, nor in giving feedback.

    The males seem much more lively and interested in the academic side while not ignoring the other aspects. Personally I believe the male teachers are doing a better job although initially I had reservations about them as a group - can't really explain why.

    I'm not saying my experience is industry wide, but just my experience at one school.

    Interesting post. My experience has been similar, but it seems that the children learn slightly better from a female teacher (a whole lot of individual barriers to consider, though). In general, the male teachers are a little better at getting the kids focused -- a sort of male, stricter, discipline-type manner perhaps.

    The kids do enjoy making their teachers happy and they are particularly looking from approval from male teachers and there is less misbehavior, from my experience.

    I take care of a number of schools and will try to gather a little more concrete and verifiable information, although it still won't be representative of all male vs. female teachers.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Been thinking more about it since I posted.

    Although the female teachers were in their late 20's to late 30's, it did seem that they were on their OE and the job may have just been for a 6 month stint so they could live in Thailand before continuing on. This is based on several discussions with them - not in detail, but that's the impression I got.

    The males seem to be here for a reason. Two of them have had Thai wives and Thailand is there home. They have been a little older, mid 30's to early 50's. Perhaps the age and living circumstances makes a difference.

    Maybe it's less male v. female, but more about their current place in life, and their aspirations for the short and long term future being quite different.

  8. As a parent with a daughter at Kindergarten here's my two bobs worth.

    We've had female and male teachers. Females have been English, Russian, and American. Males have been English and American.

    I always got the impression from the women that they felt as though they were child minders. Interest in the academic side seemed second to behavioural and social aspects of the child's education. They (the teachers) also seemed rather bored and not very animated or interested in the children, nor in giving feedback.

    The males seem much more lively and interested in the academic side while not ignoring the other aspects. Personally I believe the male teachers are doing a better job although initially I had reservations about them as a group - can't really explain why.

    I'm not saying my experience is industry wide, but just my experience at one school.

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