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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Is that a website?

    Oh dear, methinks you have much to learn grasshopper!

    I'm a freelance, but not in the sense you mean (nor the beach road meaning).

    I have never had to look for work, it finds me, sometimes rather too much (like buses, nothing for ages then three come at once).

    Funny, that's what it's like on Beach Road. You see no freelancers for ages and then three of them hit you at once. whistling.gif

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  2. As I understand it the vacuum hose only allows the fuel to flow if it has venturi pressure that moves the diaphragm. Your solution will work, and assuming the float levels are OK and your bowl gaskets are sound, then even leaving the fuel turned on should (in theory) not allow the fuel to flow anywhere. However, best to turn off when stationery just in case.

    Rebuild kits are cheap enough on ebay as somebody has suggested. But have a look at the diaphragm when you pull it apart - maybe you can figure out a way to fix it.

    How did you manage to figure out it was the diaphragm allowing air (and/or fuel) into your carby via the hose?

  3. Apart from taking all the usual precautions, there's not a lot can be done. I understand that you can only get dengue if the mozzie has bitten somebody that already has dengue. To me that means stay well clear of anybody that has dengue, or is displaying symptoms of having it.

    Otherwise, wear long pants and long sleeve shirts, apply plenty of repellent, keep the inside of the house clear at all times, sleep under a net. Avoid keeping things outside your house where they can congregate. i.e I once left my golf bag with all zips/pockets open and outside to air after being wet. In the morning I went to move it and 30 million mozzies exited it. I even bring crash helmets and washing in at night to prevent them from congregating there.

    And the fish thing does work if you have any water plants etc. If you have pot plants with water trays under them, adios the trays.

    Apart from moving to Iceland, there's not too many more ways to avoid the sods.

  4. My god you visa experts do a great job of protecting the backsides of the touristically unwashed. Dunno how you maintain your civility at timesbiggrin.png

    Well said - and on a similar note, I wonder about what level of "knowledge" the OP has about Thailand. He can't figure out basic visa/entry details, has a lawyer apply for a visa on his behalf, and apparently screwed it up. Also has another thread going about applying for a B visa without a work permit, and left it too late to apply for the visa before his flight date.

    OP - a bit of friendly advice. If your knowledge about Thailand is as vague as your knowledge of basic visa information......do some research or you'll last about 5 minutes here before we read about you being scammed by somebody.

  5. Before you apply anything to your windows (and I agree rain-X is probably the best), you have to make sure the glass is totally free from contaminants or it won't do the job properly.

    You can use methylated spirits or white spirit to thoroughly clean the glass. Alternatively, cut a spud in half and smear this all over the windows and leave overnight, then polish off.

    Then apply the rain-X as per instructions.

  6. they will fix your flat the same way they always do if not asked for something else, patching an innertube on wave is ok imo i would not do it on a Hayabusa though unless for urgent temp repair. Patching innertubes saves enviroment too if anyone cares.

    About your landladys internet that is simply how many women behave towards technical things all over the world. i put things like that in big bag of acceptans inside my head.

    Inner tubes on a Hayabusha - crikey!!!!

    Yeah - that had me worried too. Even a plugged hole on the tubeless tyre of a performance bike is dangerous if you're pushing the envelope. Sticking a tube inside one would be lethal - do they even make tubes big enough for a 180/190?

    OP - why did you push the bike? I just transfer the weight front or rear and ride the sucker. 30 minutes pushing the bike versus wrecking the tyre, and I'd rather wreck the tyre. Mind you, I've ridden a Click and a PCX for up to 4 klms flat and never wrecked a tyre yet.

  7. The "Darkside" primarily refers to Soi's Khao Talo/Khao Noi/Siam Country Club on the east side of Sukhumvit road which as few as 5 years ago had very little to no street lighting.

    These days more and more Soi's either side of those mentioned are also wearing the "Darkside" moniker.

    It is shit over here, zombies and all sort of rif raf wandering that either want to feast on new blood or put a bullet in your head, best to avoid.

    Trying to keep the two week millionaire riff-raff out are you Spoonman?

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