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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. k bank just lost a customer i would hope

    On everything else they've have been very good.

    It took years for Bangkok Bank to give me online banking.

    With K-Bank I had it the day I opened the account. And, their online banking is quite good.

    So, I will continue to use them in that way.

    However, large fixed deposits are going elsewhere....

    Are there any options in your online banking to print off some sort of statement for your FD accounts?

  2. I would say that because you have three successive lines in your passbook stating the opening and maturity of each FD (I assume for the same amount), plus a recent letter (less than 7 days old) from K-Bank confirming that your current FD balance is X and is equal to the current balance in your FD passbook.....you should be OK.

    Take a Thai speaker with you and school them up well about ensuring they have to explain the continuity of the funds.

  3. If pattaya... You need a bill of somekind to prove where you live ( in Thailand), then you go to immigration, fill out the form ( just ask the frontdesk, show your passport and 2 photos, pay 300 BTH. and wait... 20 minutes later you have a permit to buy a used bike or car... Easy ! A good idea is to take copys of everything, passport and your bill in case you haven't paid it yet... They keep the bill, not the passport wink.png !

    Good luck

    I got one today in Jomtien. They also require a copy of your passport main page and visa history. I took a copy of the water bin, not the original.

    To be fair I have heard that these copies aren't specifically required as they can just eyeball your passport, but today they took my copies and stapled them all together with the form.

    I always make sure I oversupply copies of everything as I see so many people being told to go copy this, go copy that etc. Once a smart arse at Immigration wanted my TM47 and Passport copied on the same page for lord knows what reason (I handed him separate pages). By sheer fluke I actually had one in my folder of documents - he was NOT impressed.

    • Like 2
  4. As long as it is not a lease all loan contracts are fixed and open so you can pay it off at anytime. You will only be charged the interest for the time you make payments.

    This is not necessarily true - it depends on the structure of the loan and the contract itself - and there will likely be penalties on top of the interest paid to date (in a balloon payment scenario - this may be significant!)

    Wolf, you are spot on. I'd say it's highly likely it's a Rule 78 loan. The OP should google it to understand the financial calculation in determining the cost thus far. Chances are that he's probably paid only a few Baht in the reduction of principle to date, meaning the financial cost of interest is horrific in real terms.

    Generally speaking one should never repay a 78 loan early for this very reason. However, some people choose to ignore the true financial cost of money, and revert to cashflow or other considerations for repaying early.

  5. Try getting a piece of aluminium tube from a metal shop. Used them when we were kids - get them a little oversize in length and highly accurate.

    Haven't seen dried peas but then I haven't been looking for them. Try Tesco etc and you'll probably find them, or maybe an alternative form of ammunition.

    Good idea you have - I've been looking for a spud gun, but maybe a pea shooter is a viable alternative.

  6. Depends entirely on what's in the Loan Agreement. Most agreements would generally allow for earlier repayments, however there's every chance that the interest calculation is based on the Rule of 78 (hire purchase type lending). That means that in addition to a probable penalty fee for early repayment, he'll be totally screwed on the interest thus far.

    Logic would probably dictate that he is better to continue with the loan based on cost of funds calculation. Early cancellations of a Rule 78 loan are HIGHLY detrimental to the borrower.

    By the way, tell him to go into this sort of thing with his eyes wide open - and that's irrespective of the country he's borrowing in.

  7. I had some examples like that from my wife's university. Not quite as bad, but nonetheless it was a page of bad spelling, incorrect word usage and atrocious grammar. I went through it and corrected it all by hand and the missus went apesh*t.

    The reason as explained to me when she came down from the ceiling was that if she goes and shows the corrections to her teacher, big loss of face all round.

    So she then has to call a friend to scan and email a virgin copy of the homework so she could complete it.

    The irony was that the questions (related to marketing) were so badly phrased and spelt that I as a native English speaker had considerable difficulty in understanding the questions and had to really think what the teacher was asking as I completed the corrections.

    Until the Thai education system realises that there will be zero progress in improving the level of English unless they either use native English speakers or Thais that are fluent (by English standards), there is little hope for improvement.

    And that's how sh*t happens. whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  8. If you want to be statistically accurate in your assessment then you need a lot of data to correlate properly. Your statement is a bit like saying that most New Zealanders die in Auckland.

    The reason is obvious, that's where most of them are (not counting Sydney) coffee1.gif

    EDIT: As an afterthought, apparently a disproportionate number of men (world wide) die while playing golf. Reason - generally older men play golf a disproportionate amount of time. Not just in frequency, but they may be at the course for 5 hours, 3 times a week. So the chances of them popping their clogs is more statistically likely.

    • Like 2
  9. Pattaya Daily News: They were staying at Archon Residence Soi Bua Khao , Central Pattaya.

    Pattaya One: The men arrived at the Icon Place Hotel on the Central Pattaya Road and inside their rooms consumed the drinks and fell asleep.

    Pattaya Daily News: After investigating the journalist’s room it was found that his belongings were scattered, Nikon 3D camera, two zoom lens, £4000-£5000, one wrist watch were all missing. As for the friends room 170 Euro cash, and $1000, wristwatch worth more than 100,000 baht a total worth of 600,000 baht were missing.

    Pattaya One: ...items of value totaling around 1 Million Baht had been taken.

    Pattaya Daily News: Two Italian friends were scammed...

    Pattaya One: Two men, one British and the other Italian...


    Pattaya One: Mr. Mancuso Salvatore aged 61 and his Italian friend Mr. Dolcege Svalno aged 51

    It's easy to be journalist in Thailand.


  10. It sounds like the cashier charged extra to your card so he could be ahead with the payments for the petrol dispensed from the pump. In credit if you will.

    Then he could pocket the cash from other customers making a purchase later in the day and still keep the pump in balance.

    That's correct - the bigger deal is that during the course of the day he/she might have done it to 5 or 10 customers, and over the course of a month, 200 customers. At say 400 B a pop, that's 80,000 Baht..

    A nice little earner, and nice of the owner to offer you the refund..........um, makes one wonder if the owner isn't exactly clueless about this. whistling.gif

  11. if i am at the front of the queue waiting to turn, when the red light runners are going through, i just stand on the horn until they finish

    it draws attention to whats happening, lets everyone know whos in the wrong and wakes up the sleeping policeman in his box

    ticks all the boxes for me

    I know a bloke that fitted car horns to his bike for that very purpose. Scares the bejeesus out of everybody.

    If I'm in the front of the queue, I just wait for the "fresh of the boat" Farang that think their rented scooter is a toy and race off as soon as the lights change to green. They act as a pathfinder and make the way safer for me by either encouraging the red light runners to stop, or on one occasion, get T-boned by a red light accelerator. Muppets coffee1.gif

  12. English school dinners - the caustic smell of the shepherd's pie from the school kitchen still gives me nightmares.

    And I was force fed my last dish of sago pudding in 1972 by a sadistic woman teacher who firmly believed in the waste not want not theory.

  13. True, they reckon the new batteries don't require it.......but, it can't hurt.

    I fully charge and then drain as quickly as possible to flat 3 consecutive times. Fully charge again and use normally. On my laptop I use mains the majority of the time, but make sure that I use battery 3 or 4 times a week and drain to within 10% of flat before recharging to full.

    It's 3 years old and the battery is still good for 2 hours on a full charge.

    • Like 1
  14. How can you check into a hotel without a passport? I have never entered a large hotel and gone to registration when they didn't say PASSPORT! before I even had a chance to put down my travel bags.

    No problems - checked into numerous hotels all over the country with a Thai 5Y DL. Also bought a car, a bike, rented bikes, rented houses, obtained a hospital registration card. Yes, they always ask for the passport, but when offered the DL are happy to accept that.

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