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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. OP - proving your identification may be the least of your worries.  They will also demand evidence of the proof and legitimacy of the source of the funds as well as a list of all/any tax ID numbers and proof of your tax residency and income status in any country/ies.


    They will require continuing proof of your tax residency if you are a non-resident and will be happy to freeze your funds if you fit their profile as a potential money launderer or tax evader.  I know somebody that this happened to - their crime was being a Kiwi with an Aussie tax number working in SE Asia for 10 years as a digital nomad and (arguably) not falling into any category as a tax payer in any country.


    The Aussies decided they wanted their pound of flesh (because the Aussie tax department are as rabid as their immigration department) and froze all his Aussie assets.


    Even if you make the deposit they will tax you as a non-resident at crippling tax rates.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Depends how much you drink i guess, it doesn't give me a headache, what does is red wine and Singh Reserve, maybe Reserve is the cause from other reports

    I found that 285 made me slightly sad along with the headache.  Switched to Sangsom (yeah, supposedly a rum but had a crack at it anyway) and found that made me strangely angry - soon dropped that.  Always enjoyed JD so stuck to that for a while but the sweetness got to me and got sick of it.


    So for a long time I've just been drinking JW Red Label.  Hardly a high end dram but it does the trick and is cheap enough.


    Almost forgot - a buddy introduced me to Hong Thong.  Um........enough said.

  3. I've learned not to be critical of prime ministers or presidents and the like making stupid decisions and illogical recommendations that have no materially detrimental affect on the public at large, or me specifically.


    I conclude that was 30 minutes or maybe 3 days of their time devoted to stupidity that did not cause anybody any harm.  The unfortunate truth is that as soon as they issue their ridiculous proclamations, they are then free to think of new ways to victimize us and bow to the wishes of Aristotle's Mob.


    It's called democracy.

  4. 18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Blend 285 Signature is my fav currently, about 400 baht or less. Probably better more expensive ones

    I used to drink 285 but it gave me a helluva headache.  Looked into it and apparently it's made from imported scotch whiskies and blended in Thailand. 


    Do further research and it is supposedly the dregs from barrels and blended with what the Red Bull company call "quality neutral spirits".


    I concluded that these so-called quality neutral  spirits is either nail polish remover or ethanol, neither of which is good for the soul. 


    On the other hand, I was once desperate for some kerosene to wash some oily car parts but could only find it in 20 ltr drums.  The Blend 285 worked a treat and on a litre for litre basis was cheaper than the kero.

    • Haha 2
  5. 41 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    I am not sure what sort of "ism" label can be applied.


    It is just layer after layer of self important busybodies bossing people around because they are important, and because once they have acquired (paid for) their position in authority their is no effective mechanism or protocols which define or limit what they can or cannot order. The only restriction is the degree to which they can influence the enforcement bodies, and their only criteria is how much cash they can make from it.


    I don't know what sort of "ism" that is, but it is how it works.

    You've described cronyism.  Thailand's system of government is a combination of cronyism and nepotism. 


    But even these two -isms, as distasteful as they may be, have a fundamental ideology behind them that I can almost live with. 


    And at least they are honest in their dishonesty - unlike western politicians who pretend they are more virtuous than Mother Theresa while not even giving you the benefit of a reach around while they are reaming you from behind using vaseline they stole from you.

    • Haha 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Yeah, it was one of the alternative comedy shows on BBC 2 (Not the Nine O'clock News or the like) that did the spoof with Seaman Staines, Mater Bates and Roger the cabin boy.

    Yep, but don't you find it ironic that most of us Brits and a few Aussies and Kiwis can only remember the ribald spoof version? 


    I suspect there's a psychological thesis lurking there just waiting to be written by a potential Nobel Laureate.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    DAMN......forgotten about him.

    Blistering Barnacles!  There was even a Willy in the actual Pugwash series.  All the rest we've mentioned are just urban legend anyway. I think It was actually Master Mates and Tom the Cabin Boy.

    • Haha 2
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