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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Locks and alarms are no obstacle to a professional tealeaf. You could bolt a scooter to the concrete with MF dynabolts and a sea anchor chain from an aircraft carrier and if somebody wants it bad enough, they'll get it.


    It's common practice all over SE Asia (except Thailand) to park your scooter inside the house. Ok, a problem if you live on level 28, but that's what they do in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Philippines. 

    • Like 1
  2. International logistics are currently a mess.  The delay you're experiencing is the new normal. I'd say don't start panicking too much until 14 days have passed.


    However I would have suggested that something as critical as bank cards might have warranted DHL/Fedex or similar to ensure a better chance of eventual receipt.


    While you might consider Her Majesty's Royal Mail to be an impeccable service provider, the same can probably not be said of the Thailand equivalent.


    A good idea when sending cards via mail or courier is to scratch off the 3-digit code number.  Not 100% foolproof but it does limit the potential for fraud if it gets nicked while in transit.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Salerno said:

    Baht or the equivalent in foreign currency - still a requirement, chances of being asked virtually nil.

    The only guy I ever heard tell me he was asked to prove he had money at the border literally looked, smelled and dressed like a skid-row wino. Dunno why he found my local bar so comfortable.


    Actually true story - this guy looked atrocious and claimed he'd been asked to "show me the money", which apparently he did.

    • Haha 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Similarities between Prayut and King Canute?


    Actually the precise opposite. 


    Cnute ordered the sea not to advance as a demonstration of the futility of doing so, and that no matter how much earthly power any mortal soul possessed, the power of the sea and the earth shall obey His (God's) eternal laws regardless of mankind's vanity, and that mans power is empty and worthless.


    Cnute's lesson has of course been misunderstood over the last 1,000 years and the gradual death of God in the last two centuries has rendered his wisdom of little value to the present world's ruling elites.

  5. I remember 2011/12.  The head honchos of each little district in Bangers were knocking down each others flood walls and pumping water all over the place just trying to get it out of their respective areas. It was a string of turf wars.


    End result was the water went around in circles for a few weeks.


    I well remember a bloke riding a scooter (well I think it was a scooter) with both inlet and outlet snorkels.  He was up to his lower chest in water and trucking along quite well where even 4-wheel drive trucks were avoiding.

    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, paul1804 said:

    Countries Tariff Rate Effective Duty and Tax Burden 14th January 2020


    USA, France, Italy, Chile and other countries under WTO agreement 390.46%

    Australia 294.92%

    New Zealand 275.81%


    I don't believe there has been a final decision by the authorities on how much the reduction will be. Maybe the excise which is very high will stay the same and the actual tax which is much lower will be reduced. Can you really see the beer makers in Thailand allowing especially imported wine to be competitively priced against beer? I don't think so!

    Now you know why wine is ridiculously  priced in restaurants in Thailand!

    Can somebody please explain this Thai fanaticism with excessive decimals to the point of 2/3 of Sweet Fanny Adams in virtually every statistic and dataset used.  


    And while I'm at it, most countries have even done away with their former smallest coins that can't even buy you a free kick up the jacksie, but here we have coins worth literally nothing and a wheelbarrow full may almost buy you a small beer.

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