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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Had an Electrolux that was 5 years old (in the condo when I bought it) and the missus fritzed its brain. I produced the warranty card.  "so solly, wanty only cover motor".  New brain cost me 4K.


    If you buy a front loader make sure the operator understands to only use the correct front loader detergent and understands what concentrated means and how little water this type use.  My missus wasn't happy unless she saw tons of soapy bubbles through the window.  Result, Electrolux with a wet and fritzed brain.

    • Haha 1
  2. I ran Bridgestones on my Revo from new - that's what they came with.  I replaced them at 60K and they probably still had another 1K left on them. Never had a problem.


    Idiotically replaced them with Michelin for no other reason that Michelin was always my brand of choice for race bikes over the years.


    Big Mistake.  Have managed to wreck two tyres on the sidewalls with very unspecial potholes - the kind of pothole that shouldn't do that to a 4WD tyre.


    The shop that replaced them implied the Michelins are known to have inferior sidewalls.


    EDIT:  forgot to add that my insurance paid for 50% of the two wrecked tyres based on their assessment of 50% wear.  Sad news was I had no choice of replacement brand.  So now I have two new Michelin and two 50% worn Michelin.  I put the new ones on the front hoping to prolong the life of the rears and maybe can do a full refit of Bridgestones in about 30K without wasting too much tread.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Bit of a back story.  For years I've been bringing in 35kg of of pies, sausages, and steak in my luggage on my twice annual trips home.  That gradually reduced to sausages and pies, and then only sausages as I found decent sources in Patts.  I'd literally have my luggage stacked full of frozen bangers and a few ice packs.


    Once I got delayed in transit and had to radio ahead for the missus to meet me at Swampy with a chilly bin (eski, cooler box) and some fresh ice to preserve the product. She brought enough ice to sink the Titanic, bless her, but all went well.


    The plandemic has curtailed my foraging trips back home and so I've been severely rationing my few remaining supplies now since March 18 2020.  Luckily I was one of the last planes to arrive a few days before they closed up Swampy. 


    So, having digested my last decent rationed pork sausage about a month ago I have been trying every brand I can find in Pattaya and quite frankly I think my deceased Staffie would have turned his nose up at all of them, including the ones that are served as English breakfast sausages in restaurants. Most of them have gone into the rubbish bin. I won't name the brands in fear of starting a slanging match, but all I've discovered so far are well below par.


    Because I haven't had to go looking for them in Pattaya for years, I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to get a genuine English pork sausage that's not 85% breadcrumbs and preservative.  I've tried probably 8 brands available locally and even the best of them wouldn't match the worst supermarket "no brand" sausage I could buy back home. 


    Any recommendations appreciated.  Somebody must know of a small manufacturer somewhere that is off the radar.  



    • Haha 2
  4. Nobody seems to be advocating that the only person responsible for your safety is yourself. Instead society has passed the buck to government to make rules to "ensure" our safety.  It don't work. 


    In Thailand there is a natural vehicular pecking order that you ignore at your peril. Trucks (especially concrete mixers) have first priority because whatever they do "illegally" will kill you - avoid being in their way, it's your responsibility.  If you are in a position where they are able to nail you, it's your fault for being in that position.


    Next comes busses for the same reasons.  Then the hierarchy trickles down through 4-wheel drives (beware Fortuners) and sedans (be especially aware of newish Merc's and Beamers) and then big bikes and Taxi scooters (by default 99% of taxi riders are hopelessly untalented and the best ones are actually female), sidecar scooters, scooters, E-scooters (the derge of all motorists), general cyclists, but beware those wearing lycra, and then pedestrians.  The bottom of the food chain are anybody on a mobility scooter or similar.


    You are responsible for your life.  Why the hell would somebody think that everybody else cares more about their survival than they do themselves. 



    • Thanks 2
  5. For whatever reason it sounds like the hotel manager is taking the mickey or is just misinterpreting the rules.


    A bit like a certain large restaurant chain some time ago who interpreted "restaurants can only have 25% occupancy" as being "only one person can sit at a table that can seat four". Thais aren't great at nuance.


    Pack your bag and walk out.  Sorted.



    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, Chad3000 said:

    It's often forgotten that along with these bankruptcies and broken businesses there are people becoming fabulously wealthy.


    Biding their time. They will move in and start new businesses on top of the carnage of decent, hard working folk. IMO this is the future.

    Too True.  Rumor has it that you can pick up a sizable gogo bar in Patts WS for the price of a 3rd grade Rolex knockoff. 


    Did a potential cashflow forecast on the back of my ciggy packet and concluded the knockoff Rolex was a better investment.

    • Haha 1
  7. On 11/12/2021 at 8:08 AM, BangkokReady said:

    Yes.  Not wishing to be rude, but she appears to be not particularly attractive.  Older and quite fat.  I wonder how she competes with the twenty something slim and cute girls.  Must have very low prices.


    Good luck to her though.

    Yeah but you need to put on your beer-glasses and check again. 


    It usually takes about eight beers to turn a dog into a fox in every country in the world, except maybe Nepal.

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