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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. 16 minutes ago, LarrySR said:

    Just remember to look six ways when crossing a one way street in Thailand. 

    I'd humbly suggest that even a Thai would find it difficult to nail you from above - not too many reports of them chucking a scooter out the second floor window. 


    You might get sconed by a broke and drunk Scandi throwing himself off a balcony, but membership of the Pattaya Feefall Association seems to have diminished substantially in the current world situation.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, PoorSucker said:

    No peg legs, hats, or cutlass?

    For want of a "d" as a final consonant the journalist has errantly transformed what should have been a transitive verb into a noun.  It could have been worse - he could have phrased it as an intransitive verb and then we'd all be wondering where the pirate's ship was and where did he do his pirating.

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 2
  3. I wonder how many world leaders and self-appointed climate czars comprehend the basics of such things as the Milankovitch Cycles, the earth's orbital precession with regard to eccentricity and obliquity, solar maximum and minimum, solar winds, or even the Savanna Hypothesis?


    Why does mankind believe they can beneficially or detrimentally affect the future behavior of the climate on a speck of dust revolving around a small ball of gas in a small galaxy that is 53 thousand light years in size and consists of 100 thousand million stars, in an infinite universe that contains 125 billion observable galaxies and has no theoretical limit to its size?


    For clarity, infinity is a pretty big number.


    Sure, it's our obligation to keep our room clean and tidy (apologies to JDP). But when the vain attempts to out maneuver the overwhelming forces of an infinite universe are all about transfer of wealth and power on the aforesaid speck of dust with no possibility whatsoever of changing the inevitable outcome, it all seems somewhat machiavellian.

  4. While not specifically cogent to the OP, some might find the below legal opinion regarding foreign language and Thai language contracts in Thailand of some value.  Most lease/rental agreements I've seen for casual residential accommodation are either written in Thinglish or are so basic in their terms and conditions that 95% of eventualities are not even covered or are so vague as to be largely unenforecable.


    "A contract in another language in Thailand is legally binding provided that both parties understand the content of the contract and the contract is not in conflict with Thai law. They should at least be able to read, write and speak the language fluently or they could argue in a later stage that they did not understand what they signed and therefore there was no meeting of minds on details and the contract does not meet the requirements under Thai law of a valid contract. When a contract is in Thai and another language the basic principle under Thai law (section 14 of the Civil and Commercial Code) is that the Thai version of a contract shall govern if it is not possible to ascertain which language was intended to govern. Any contract that must be registered with the government must be in Thai language, when it has to go through court is must also be a certified translation when a foreign language has been used in the contract."

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