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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Has he just said trust us and do as we say ?

    Nuh, I think it's closer to the old saying by Sledge Hammer:

    "Trust me, I know what I'm doing". blink.png

    Reminds me of how Sledge came to a disastrous end. His famous last words when it was suggested that he shouldn't try and disarm a nuclear bomb were the immortal "trust me, I know what I'm doing". Immediately followed by a nuclear explosion.

    Yeah, that's a bit like Thailand politics at the moment. coffee1.gif

  2. I have a housekeeper that sleeps extremely lightly. She knows the sound of every bike and foot step in the village.

    120 kgs, face like a pit-bull, and an attitude to match.

    I once walked up the stairs with one shoe on (slightly very drunk) at 3am. She'd heard me get off the mosai taxi 50 mtrs from the house to walk in without waking the missus and getting an earful, but didn't recognise the foot steps. So she's out of the bedroom and caning it down the stairs making a helluva noise with an iron in her hand.

    Scared the bejesus out of me. Missus woke up and I got two earfuls. Very careful to make sure I take off both shoes when I come home drunk now.

    Who needs a gun. I'm pretty sure the local crims know we have a pit-bull housekeeper as both houses on either side of us have been burgled over the last 12 months, as well as a few others in the moo baan.

  3. I've seen Japanese and Koreans throw 5 times as many 20 Baht notes at the gogo bas on walking street in one hit.

    Once a Jap bloke threw a whole wad but the furl of notes didn't unfurl themselves and the whole bunch landed in my lap across the dance floor. Probably 50 notes. I had great fun dispensing them to the girls - Jap bloke looking very inscrutable across the room. blink.png

  4. You have no chance of recovering any money from the land. You have an obligation to pay your debts to HSBC in the UK - as does your Thai wife, but she's not going to worry about that.

    What's the security for the loan to HSBC? It can't be the land, so I'm guessing it's a lien/mortgage on some UK property of yours.

    You don't say if you're married in UK or Thailand. If married in the UK then she can do you for half your UK assets, less joint debt. If this is the case, be careful.

    If married in Thailand you can whistle Dixie for any claim against her assets.

    Best bet as Neversure says, have a beer and count your blessings. You've only half been taken to the cleaners.

    Oh, and next time I suggest you do some due diligence on the woman in question and the laws (such as they are) of the land.

    I wouldn't sign a loan document with anybody if I don't have legal rights to the asset being purchased - it just defies logic. If anybody really wants to give their Thai wife/GF a car/land/house/gold - consider it a gift.

  5. Insults ( from the OP)

    This place is tame compared to others from my observations.

    A diverse range of personalities here and dynamics to go with them, but as with anything, people run in packs. Whether it is patting someone on the back or giving someone a put down people tend to stick together. This is also known as the 'gang bang'. Ganging up on a poster and attacking from different sides. There is a topic on here where a poster is being dissed but said poster laughs at the clowns involved and refuses to engage in such pathetic attempts to 'get a rise'. Nothing annoys these type of attention w***s more than, well, not getting attention.

    To answer the OP, when swimming with sharks best not to bleed, throw cold water or give them a <deleted> yu, generally starving them of oxygen is the better way to deal with pathetic attempts at insults.

    So are you a sensitive soul? Does forum fukkery get to you? Here people don't get down and roll in the mud which is nice. Some friction is healthy and adds spice, vanilla is not the only flavour. Let's face it. one of the favourite past times of the overly sensitive is humiliating themselves. Get in a disagreement over some insignificant little thing, blow it all out of proportion, perceive it as a slight and run off to lick imaginary wounds. The playing field is as even as its ever going to get. Some possess rapier wit, others, a brooding angst. At some point in our lives we learn to live with our shortcomings and engage in endeavours where we are more adept.

    Perhaps we learn to learn to adapt and bend in the wind, perhaps we learn to accept that tilting at windmills is an exercise in futility, as it holding a pi***g contest with the incontinent, perhaps we even learn to enjoy it. Some learn to use their weaknesses to garner attention and an unfair advantage. These are the 'professional victims'. The ones with sad lives, alcoholism, meds, brain conditions and mental issues making up all sorts of imaginary things for the entertainment of the masses. You can't help but fall for it early on even though these people turn around and try to insult you. Notice the use of the word 'try'.

    "Oh that poor thing, life is so sad, go easy on him/her".

    These folks may have their own self pity exposed for what it is, then they try to cover it up saying it is 'only make believe'.

    People can only insult you if you allow them to, that is. if you let them into your head. Personally bullets bounce off me, it would take more than petty name calling or school yard bullying to annoy. Kindergaten stuff.

    Laugh it off, after all it is only a forum. I hope that answers your query Fab.

    Just my thoughts, after reading TVF for many years, anyone who seems to be "ganged up on" has earned it....One thing ol' Trans cannot deal with is someone posting lies on an open forum.

    The guy that did that to me was banned, I traced him to another forum and confronted him with the issue, he denied it, yet many TVF friends read it...cheesy.gif

    Lets be careful out there, the guy is still lurking...smile.png ...

    He means when someone uses their name in the third person when talking about themselves - I highlighted it in the quote above.

    Personally, I don't use the third person, but my good friend Gsxrnz does. thumbsup.gif

  6. In Thailand (with the exception of BKK) I never bother booking. Not worth the hassle and it's murphy's choice as o what you get, despite any promises from the landlord/guesthouse/hotel. We just rock up to the area we want to stay in, park the bags in a bar (after imbibing a few drinks and tipping the staff to guard your bags), go for a wander and see what's on offer.

    I don't think we've ever walked more than 500 metres before we find a suitable place at a suitable price, after maybe inspecting four other rooms on the way. And I'm reasonably fussy about my accommodation - I like a pool, don't like crazy add ons for power or cleaning, and happy to pay a fair price.

    Never had a problem. One of the best places ever was a little beer bar in Samui, can't remember the name. Was walking past with my roller case and got the hansum man routine, stopped for a beer as it was hot and see they have rooms. Ask the price - 500B all in. No pool but can use the hotel across the road - big sister works there, no pompem.

    Room was immaculate, and not far to stagger upstairs after a few beers.

    My advice - just chance it. We see people all the time in Jomtien and Pattaya dragging a bag and checking out the "for rent" signs, even at peak periods and holidays.

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