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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. Never missed a class in two years. I covered classes for sick or misbehaving Thais who were younger than me.

    Likewise, never missed a class in seven years. Was only late once when my boss held me up to talk to me.

    However, almost every month I have students of Thai teachers come up to me, "Ajarn, what should we do? Out teacher hasn't showed up yet. It's been a half hour. We were supposed to have a test (lecture, project, etc.)."

    While most young Thai teachers in our area "toe the line," many middle-aged to older Thai teachers who skip class don't even bother to notify the students ahead of time, nor explain their absence after the fact. When it comes to questioning their attendance or punctuality, they are the "untouchables." One professor here, for two solid years before his retirement, and for all his classes, met his students once at the beginning of the term, told them to read the textbook, then showed up the last day of the term to give them the final exam. Because he was tenured "senior Thai staff" he was likewise considered untouchable.

    Yup, some teachers get away with "murder" of the educational system and the principle of teachers modeling good habits and ethics. Be glad that some of your schools uphold a standard and students get what they (or the taxpayers) pay for.

    Most of our ajarns were responsible. The one who slapped her ex-husband (a fellow ajarn) was reassigned. The sweet middle-aged lady was too sick. My point was that the very Thai ajarns who dared to compare me - a Texan with a BA degree in Christianity - to them would find me better professionally, if they were honest.
  2. I don't cook. Only eat fresh fruit for breakfast. Boyfriend buys sandwiches for lunch. I don't understand a Thai woman who won't learn to cook for her husband. My partner learned to cook delicious, non-spicy 'Chinese' food for me.

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